Quarr Abbey 19th-20th September 2015 Philosophy Seminar JACQUES MARITAIN and ENGLAND In 1914, Jacques Maritain (1882-1973) was the first guest welcomed in their new guest house by the community of Solesmes exiled at Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight. One century on, the seminar will reflect on the links between Jacques Maritain and England, and endeavour […]
Oxi and Nai. What the Greek crisis tells us about financial power and politics, by Paul Tyson. On the referendum of July 5, the Greek polity was asked whether they were prepared to surrender the anti-austerity policy agenda of their Syriza led government in order to get more loans. The Greeks answered this question with […]
Music and Transcendence Edited by Férdia J. Stone-Davis August 2015 272 pages This collection of essays explores the ways in which music relates to transcendence by bringing together the disciplines of musicology, philosophy and theology. Music has the capacity to take one outside of oneself and place one in relation to that which is ‘other’. This ‘other’ can be […]
From Stephen John Wright: Our summer research programme is kicking off here at Nazarene Theological College. If you are in the Manchester area, you might want to consider dropping by one of our research events: 13th of June: One Day Theology Conference Keynote: Paul Avis “Communion and Mission: an agenda for the church” I’ll be […]
Philosophies of Christianity: New Ways in Philosophy of Religion Research Conference Organized by Pázmány Péter Catholic University June 26-27, 2015 Budapest Szentkirályi u. 28. John Paul II Hall Click on the image above or here to download the flyer for this event [PDF].
>> CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT Patents on Life: Through the Lenses of Law, Religious Faith and Social Justice 4-5 September 2015, Hosted by the Von Hügel Institute, St. Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge Sponsored by the Von Hügel Institute and the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law and Public Policy at the University of St. […]
From John Milbank, The Dances of Albion: A Poetic Topography (Shearsman Books; March 2015). [Purchase: Shearsman Books | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com] Publication description: Since I come from all over the island of Britain, it is to me my locality in the world, as much as it is my nation. Of the perplexing variety of this region, I […]
WHAT’S WRONG WITH RIGHTS? A McDonald Centre conference Christ Church, Oxford Thursday 21 May – Friday 22 May 2015 How absolute are rights? Do rights trump other moral considerations? What is the difference between natural rights and legally recognised rights? Do rights do justice to proper claims of the common good? What is the status […]
Powerful Logic: Aquinas’s Unified Theory of Prime Matter as Principle of Individuation and Pure Potency. Tuesday 5th May, 5.00 p.m. at Corpus Christi College. Lecture by Dr. Paul Symington. Reverence and Reflection in Aquinas’ Corpus Christi Liturgy Thursday 28th May, 4.30 p.m. at Blackfriars. Lecture by Prof. Barbara Walters. Followed by optional buffet supper and […]
Mater Dei Institute of Education School of Theology and Philosophy Summer School “God in the Depths of the Mind: Plotinus and Augustine’s Trinitarian Speculation” presented by Dr Joseph S. O’Leary Sophia University, Japan One of the original sources of the ‘theological turn’ in phenomenology, Dr O’Leary is a theologian of international renown who has engaged […]
Call for applications III International Summer School – Beyond Secular Faith “RELIGION AND VIOLENCE” 21–28 June, 2015, Granada (Spain) Organizing Institutions Centre for the Thought of John Paul II, Warsaw Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein, Granada International Center for the Study of the Christian Orient, Granada Institute of Theology Lumen Gentium, Granada We invite graduate […]
Eerdmans’ Interventions series scrutinizes the popular and cultural lenses by which modern theological thought is (often unknowingly) studied. Featuring introductions as critical as they are timely, these pivotal studies analyze theologians and philosophical movements that have had a long-lasting impact on modern theology. Coming from the Centre of Theology and Philosophy at the University of […]
Now available: God, the Flesh, and the Other: From Irenaeus to Duns Scotus, by Emmanuel Falque, translated by William Christian Hackett (Northwestern University Press; published December 30, 2014; 376pp+). [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Description: In God, the Flesh, and the Other, the philosopher Emmanuel Falque joins the ongoing debate about the role of theology in […]
Newly available this month: Apology of Culture: Religion and Culture in Russian Thought, edited by Artur Mrowczynski-Van Allen, Teresa Obolevitch, and Pawel Rojek (Pickwick Publications / Wipf & Stock; March 2, 2015; 252pp+). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com] Description: Contemporary philosophy and theology are ever more conscious of the fact that the model of […]
BBC ACTIVE: Video for Learning: Bringing Education and Training to Life Can Darwin and religion exist side by side? Did Darwin Kill God? is a thought-provoking programme where Anglican Christian, philosopher and theologian Conor Cunningham explains why these two beliefs are not in conflict. Richard Dawkins, famous for his book The God Delusion, believes there is […]
Now available through Editorial Nuevoinicio: the Spanish translation of Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get it Wrong, translated by Sebastián Montiel as La piadosa idea de Darwin: ¿Por qué se equivocan igualmente ultradarwinistas y creacionistas? [Purchase: Editorial Nuevoinicio] Publication description: Conor Cunningham, joven teólogo británico, es director adjunto del Centro de Teología y Filosofía de […]
Re-reading Derrida’s Faith and Knowledge June 1-2nd 2015 University of Nottingham A Northern Theory School and Department of Theology and Religious Studies Workshop at the University of Nottingham In his enigmatic 1994 essay ‘Faith and Knowledge: The Two Sources of “Religion” within the Limits of Reason Alone’, Jacques Derrida explores the troubled place of religion […]
Now available: Blue Labour: Forging a New Politics, edited by Ian Geary and Adrian Pabst (I.B.Tauris; published 28 Feb. 2015; 288pp+). [Purchase: Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com] Description: In the aftermath of the global economic crisis, and the worst recession for over seventy years, Britain has witnessed one of the most turbulent eras in politics since the Second […]
The Theology Network Nottingham is hosting an event next week with a talk given by Anthony Thiselton on the subject of the transforming power of the Bible. Professor Thiselton is a world renowned expert in the field of hermeneutics and it would be a great opportunity to hear him give a lecture. If you are interested […]
The Centre for Bible, Ethics, and Theology (CBET) will be holding the University of Nottingham’s Department of Theology & Religious Studies’ 2nd workshop day on Saturday (7th March) on “The Post-mortem Treatment of the Body as an Ethical, Theological and Biblical Task.” See the programme below, and further details can be found at: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/bible-ethics-theology/research-activities/dignity-human-body.aspx Workshop 2: 7 […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)