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This category contains 3 posts

Russian translation of Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea now available

Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong, by Conor Cunningham, has now been translated into Russian, which also now includes a new 40-page afterword by the author. See the full description here, which also includes a link to the table of contents and the book’s introduction. Purchase the Russian translation […]

Spanish translation of Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea now available: La piadosa idea de Darwin

Now available through Editorial Nuevoinicio: the Spanish translation of Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get it Wrong, translated by Sebastián Montiel as La piadosa idea de Darwin: ¿Por qué se equivocan igualmente ultradarwinistas y creacionistas? [Purchase: Editorial Nuevoinicio] Publication description: Conor Cunningham, joven teólogo británico, es director adjunto del Centro de Teología y Filosofía de […]

Korean Translation of Darwin’s Pious Idea

Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong has recently been translated into Korean as 다윈의 경건한 생각 : 다윈은 정말 신을 죽였는가? Below are two reviews (in Korean) of Cunningham’s book: The Kyunghyang Newspaper Gospel and Situation (a Christian magazine) Various places for purchase: Aladin.co.kr Gangbuk Culture Information […]

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