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Notable Books

This category contains 100 posts

Finitude’s Wounded Praise: Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien

Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books, Finitude’s Wounded Praise: Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien, edited by Philip John Paul Gonzales and Joseph Micah McMeans. The late Jean-Louis Chrétien’s responsorial and polyphonic style of thinking is nothing less than a performance of gratitude, which manifests the many ways and manners that our wounded finitude is graced and […]

Dr. Alexei Bodrov Festschrift: Theology of Freedom: Religious and Anthropological Foundations of Freedom in a Global Context

Now available, a Festschrift Honouring the 60th Birthday of Dr. Alexei BodrovIrina Yazykova: Theology of Freedom. Religious and Anthropological Foundations of Freedom in a Global Context, edited by Irina Yazykova. The problem of freedom has been a central theme of Christian theology from the very beginning. The interrelation of internal (e.g. freedom from sin, Jn […]

Theological Anthropology in Interreligious Perspective

What defines ‘humanity’ is a seemingly innocuous question and yet one which continues to attract controversy. Directed by this inquiry and bringing together theological insight in conversation with academic interreligious discourse, the present edited volume offers a unique contribution towards articulating the complex and myriad ways in which human life has been conceived and related […]

Now available: The Great Divide and the Salvation Paradox, by David P. Griffith

Now available from Pickwick Publications (Wipf & Stock): The Great Divide and the Salvation Paradox, by David P. Griffith (April 2022; 350pp+). [Purchase: Pickwick Publications | Amazon] Description: The church in its first centuries split on whether Christ saved everyone or a few, Universalism versus Exclusivism. In the sixth century, the church settled the issue […]

Dr. Alexei Bodrov Festschrift: Theology of Freedom: Religious and Anthropological Foundations of Freedom in a Global Context

Now available, a Festschrift Honouring the 60th Birthday of Dr. Alexei BodrovIrina Yazykova: Theology of Freedom. Religious and Anthropological Foundations of Freedom in a Global Context, edited by Irina Yazykova. The problem of freedom has been a central theme of Christian theology from the very beginning. The interrelation of internal (e.g. freedom from sin, Jn […]

New from Angelico Press: The Meaning of Idealism, by Pavel Florensky

Newly available from Angelico Press, The Meaning of Idealism: The Metaphysics of Genus and Countenance, by Pavel Florensky, translated by Boris Jakim (September 18, 2020; 108 pp+). Purchase: Angelico Press Book description: Pavel Florensky’s treatment of Platonism in the present work is one of the most important studies on this subject ever written. The great […]

Books by Professor Tom McLeish

By Professor Tom McLeish: The Poetry and Music of Science: Comparing Creativity in Science and Art (Oxford University Press; May 2019; 384pp). Purchase: OUP | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com Book description: What human qualities are needed to make scientific discoveries, and which to make great art? Many would point to ‘imagination’ and ‘creativity’ in the second […]

Now available: Can We Believe in People? by Stephen R. L. Clark

Now available from Angelico Press: Can We Believe in People? Human Significance in an Interconnected Cosmos by Stephen R. L. Clark, with a foreword by Catherine Pickstock. [Purchase: Paperback | Cloth] Description: The view that humanity is “in the image and likeness of God” has influenced the past two millennia of European history, and retains […]

New from William C. Hackett: Philosophy in Word & Name

Now available from Angelico Press: Philosophy in Word & Name: Myth, Wisdom, Apocalypse, by William C. Hackett. [Purchase: Paperback | Cloth] Description: MYTH. WISDOM. APOCALYPSE. Three words of ancient pedigree offering the seeker a promise: to unlock the door of understanding to the highest and best things—the divine things. Three keys, then, for a “Philosophy in […]

New edited volume from Cambridge University Press: Patents on Life

Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property New from Cambridge University Press Edited by: Thomas C. Berg (University of St Thomas, Minnesota) Roman Cholij (St Edmund’s College, Cambridge) Simon Ravenscroft (Magdalene College, Cambridge) This volume brings together a unique collection of legal, religious, ethical, and political perspectives to […]

Notable: Kierkegaard’s Theological Sociology, by Paul Tyson

Now available from Cascade Books, Kierkegaard’s Theological Sociology: Prophetic Fire for the Present Age, by Paul Tyson. Purchase: Cascade | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Kierkegaard developed a distinctive type of sociology in the 1840s—a theological sociology. Looking at society through the lens of analysis categories such as worship, sin, and faith, Kierkegaard developed a profoundly insightful […]

Signs in the Dust by Nathan Lyons

Signs in the Dust A Theory of Natural Culture and Cultural Nature Nathan Lyons Argues that the meaningful exchange of signs is not unique to humans and is present through all of nature Counters the common understanding of nature and culture as completely separate Draws from medieval philosophy, semiotics, biology, and modern evolutionary theory Purchase:  […]

Alison Milbank, God & the Gothic, available for pre-order

God & the Gothic Religion, Romance and Reality in the English Literary Tradition Alison Milbank   Offers an original reworking of Gothic fiction, which is usually read as a secularizing genre, as instead doing creative theological work Takes the story right back to the Reformation, and locates tropes such as the usurper, fleeing heroine who […]

Now available: The Flame Imperishable: Tolkien, St. Thomas, and the Metaphysics of Faerie

Now available from Angelico Press: The Flame Imperishable: Tolkien, St. Thomas, and the Metaphysics of Faerie, by Jonathan S. McIntosh. [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] J. R. R. Tolkien was a profoundly metaphysical thinker, and one of the most formative influences on his imagination, according to this new study of his works, was the great thirteenth-century theologian, St. […]

Available for pre-order: Myth and Solidarity in the Modern World, by Timothy Stacey

Available for pre-order from Routledge: Myth and Solidarity in the Modern World: Beyond Religious and Political Division, by Timothy Stacey. In the context of the rise of reactionary politics across the globe, this book seeks new ways of developing solidarity across religious, political and economic differences. Drawing on an increasingly influential Christian theological movement, postliberalism, it […]

Now available: An Economics of Justice and Charity, by Thomas Storck

Now available from Angelico Press: An Economics of Justice and Charity: Catholic Social Teaching, Its Development and Contemporary Relevance, by Thomas Storck, with a foreword by Peter Kwasniewski. [Purchase: Amazon | Amazon.co.uk] Since Pope Leo XIII’s landmark encyclical Rerum Novarum of 1891, a significant part of Catholic social doctrine has focused on man’s economic life and the challenge of building […]

Now available: The Architectonics of Hope, by Kyle Gingerich Hiebert

Now available from Cascade Books: The Architectonics of Hope: Violence, Apocalyptic, and the Transformation of Political Theology, by Kyle Gingerich Hiebert, with a foreword by Cyril O’Regan. [Purchase: Wipf and Stock | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com] The Architectonics of Hope provides a critical excavation and reconstruction of the Schmittian seductions that continue to bedevil contemporary political theology. Despite a veritable explosion […]

Now available: De-fragmenting Modernity

Does Modern Lifestyle Affect Your Health? The world never stops from evolving. Currently, Millennials are the largest active generation, with most young adults being between 19 and 36. In truth, the demographic definition of Millennials doesn’t only rely on a date of birth, but on their behavioral patterns too. In other words, there are older […]

Now available: Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness, by Peter Kwasniewski

Now available from Angelico press: Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness: Why the Modern Age Needs the Mass of Ages, by Peter Kwasniewski, with a foreword by Martin Mosebach. [Purchase: Amazon] The traditional liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church is a highly formal ritual unfolding in layers of elaborate gesture, rich symbolism, whispered Latin, and ancient plainchants. […]

New from Angelico Press: The Dream-Child’s Progress and Other Essays, by David Bentley Hart

Just out from Angelico Press: The Dream-Child’s Progress and Other Essays, by David Bentley Hart (February 10, 2017; 358pp+). [Purchase: Angelico Press] By turns champion of the Christian difference and voice of dissent; friend to Moley and Water Rat and scourge to those of scientistic bent—these are but a few of the many guises of David […]

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