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This category contains 65 posts

CFP: Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association 2012 Conference

2012 Conference of the Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association (APRA) Keynote speakers: Richard Kearney (Boston College) Marilyn McCord Adams (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Kevin Hart (University of Virginia & Australian Catholic University) Constant Mews (Monash University) Dates: Friday June 22 – Sunday June 24, 2012 Venue: Australian Catholic University, Melbourne campus (Victoria Parade, Fitzroy) […]

TELOS in Europe: The L’Aquila Conference

TELOS IN EUROPE: THE L’AQUILA CONFERENCE The West: Its Legacy and Future September 7–10, 2012 L’Aquila, Italy DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS: MARCH 15, 2012 (see details below) Conference Theme Recent developments appear to end the “end of history” and foreshadow instead the end of the West. After 1989, many expected a gradual convergence toward Western […]

Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse

Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse (18-20 July 2012) A conference organised by the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen, Norway; funded by the Bergen Research Foundation through the ‘Modernism and Christianity’ research project. The modernist imperative ‘Make it new!’ posits a break with traditional artistic forms, but also with the entire mould of […]

CFP: The Practical Philosophy of Michel Henry

The Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy (www.jffp.org) invites submissions for a special issue on the practical philosophy of Michel Henry. Increasing attention is being paid to Michel Henry’s work, especially with regard to its impact in the areas of phenomenology and theology. This special issue hopes to build on that momentum by examining his important […]

CFP: Biblical Philosophy? Exploratory Essays

Call for Papers for a proposed volume: Biblical Philosophy?  Exploratory Essays  Editors, Mark Cauchi and Avron Kulak We invite essay submissions for a proposed volume entitled Biblical Philosophy? Exploratory Essays to be reviewed by Continuum Books. The purpose of the volume is to explore the relationship between the Bible and philosophy. According to the traditional […]

CFP: Divine & Human Action: A Conference on Agency & Action in Philosophy & Theology

CALL FOR PAPERS Houston Baptist University SECOND ANNUAL PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE DIVINE AND HUMAN ACTION: AGENCY AND ACTION IN PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY MARCH 30-31, 2012 Keynote Speaker: William Abraham (Southern Methodist University) The Philosophy Department at HBU invites papers addressing the topics of agency and action in philosophy and theology.  We welcome papers on divine agency, […]

CFP: Sovereignty, Representation & Authority: Current Interpretations of Political Theology

Second Call for Papers Revista Pléyade nº8 Year iv, 2nd Semester 2011 “Sovereignty, representation And authority: Current Interpretations of Political Theology” Carl Schmitt’s claim that “all significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts,” written in 1922, has proven to be influential in contemporary political thought. On the one hand, […]

CFP: Varieties of Continental Thought and Religion

Varieties of Continental Thought and Religion June 15-16, 2012 Ryerson University Toronto, Canada We invite submissions from scholars and graduate students based in Canada and abroad on the topic of Continental Thought and Religion. The general theme of the conference is meant to reflect the variety of articulations of religion that have emerged in contemporary […]

CFP: Vatican II: 50 Years On

Leeds Trinity University College, in conjunction with the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, calls for papers for presentation at the conference Vatican II 50 Years On: The New Evangelization on 26-29 June 2012. The Second Vatican Council was a seminal event which had a profound impact on the life of the Catholic Church and […]

CFP & Conference: Religion and (In)Equalities

Sociology of Religion Study Group (SOCREL) Annual Conference: Religion and (In)Equalities University of Chester, UK 28 – 30 March 2012 Plenary Speakers: Professor Tariq Modood (University of Bristol) Professor Elaine Graham (University of Chester) Professor Sean McCloud (University of North Carolina) Also featuring, a roundtable discussion with… Professor Linda Woodhead and Dr Rebecca Catto (Lancaster University) Professor […]

CFP: Spinoza, the Infinite, and the Eternal

British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference In association with the University of Dundee and the Spinoza Research Network Spinoza, the Infinite, and the Eternal 11-12 May 2012 — University of Dundee, Scotland Keynote speakers: Clare Carlisle (Kings College London) Alan Nelson (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Conference organizers: Beth Lord (University […]

CFP: Kierkegaard and Human Nature

Extended Deadline: 1st of December 2011 Call for papers: Kierkegaard and Human Nature (Acta Kierkegaardiana, Volume VI) One of the key charges Kierkegaard makes against “Hegel”, “Hegelians”, “objectivists”, and “speculative thinkers” is that their views are deficient with respect to our natures as human beings. Specifically, the above views are said to leave us wanting with […]

CFP: Creation, Creatureliness, and Creativity: The Human Place in the Natural World

Just a reminder about the paper deadline for our upcoming conference: January 15, 2012. SCPT SOCIETY FOR CONTINENTAL  PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY SCPT’s 2012 Conference Creation, Creatureliness, and Creativity: The Human Place in the Natural World April 20-22, 2012 Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles Keynote Speakers: Bruce Foltz (Eckerd College) Janet Martin Soskice (Cambridge University) Norman […]

CFP: Rethinking Humanism

Abstract paper proposals to the relevant convener (check on website) by 15 December 2011; response will be given by 15 February 2012 Theme: Rethinking Humanism Type: International Conference Institution: Institute of European Cultural Identity Studies and Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies, University of St Andrews Location: St Andrews, Scotland (United Kingdom) Date: 28.6.–1.7.2012 Deadline: 15.12.2011 The […]

SST Postgraduate Conference: Theologians and the Church

THEOLOGIANS AND THE CHURCH SST Postgraduate Conference New College Edinburgh 5 & 6 December 2011 CALL FOR PAPERS, BURSARIES AND BOOKINGS I am writing to call for papers, bursaries and bookings for the inaugural SST Postgraduate Conference. The conference will take place at New College Edinburgh on Monday 5 December (12 noon to 5 p.m.) […]

2012 Rosenzweig Congress in Toronto: “Gebet, Gesetz, Gebot : Love, Law, Life”

Gebet, Gesetz, Gebot : Love, Law, Life Where does thought look for insight in our world exposed to war as systematic violence? Will political order open meaning beyond the rule of force? Will theology provide us a view of social relations that transcend the market? Does performative language orient thought? A new way of thinking, […]

Conference: Music and Transcendence

Note: Deadline for Call for Papers Extended to September 16, 2011.  Music and Transcendence November 29th 2011 Cambridge, U.K. About the conference: This interdisciplinary conference will explore the ways in which music relates to transcendence. Papers will consider the ways in which music relates to infinite and ‘ultimate’ meaning as well as the ways in […]

CFP: Teaching & Studying Religion: Choices and Challenges

Call for Papers: Teaching and Studying Religion: choices and challenges Contributions are invited for a forthcoming symposium organised by Socrel, the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, with funding from the Higher Education Academy, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Subject Centre. Keynote speaker: Dr Adam Dinham, Director of Goldsmiths Faith and Civil Society Unit and Programme […]

Deadline Extended: RO:TPP “What is Life?” Issue

The deadline for the inaugural special “What is Life?” issue of the Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, and Politics journal has been extended to the 16th of September 2011. — Call for Papers: What is Life? Radical Orthodoxy: A Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Politics is an internationally peer reviewed journal dedicated to the exploration of academic […]

CFP: Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse

CALL FOR PAPERS: Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse (18-20 July 2012) A conference organised by the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen, Norway; funded by the Bergen Research Foundation through the ‘Modernism and Christianity’ research project. Conference organisers: Dr Erik Tonning Dr Matthew Feldman KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Professor Paul S. Fiddes (University of Oxford) […]

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