Essays in Honor of Rémi Brague “[…] Since I am a philosopher by trade, I belong to that race of people who are a bit obtuse, and for whom one must really ‘just spell out’ even the clearest things – Being, the Good, the City, Man, and some other supposedly self-evident notions. I will begin, […]
The Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Conference (PMR) at Villanova University invites you to participate in its 44th International PMR Conference October 18-20, 2019 As always, the PMR makes an OPEN CALL to scholars, institutions, and societies to propose Papers, Panels, or Sponsored Sessions in all areas and topics in LATE ANTIQUITY/PATRISTICS, BYZANTINE STUDIES, MEDIEVAL […]
Call for Applications and Call for Papers 7th International Summer School and Conference – Beyond Secular Faith “The Whole in the Fragment: Sacramental versus Contractual Logic” 23– 30 June, 2019 – Granada (Spain) For more information and to register, click here. Organizing Institutions Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein, Granada Faculty of Philosophy – The Pontifical […]
Living Freedom 2018 – APPLY NOW We are encouraging applications for Living Freedom, the residential school for 18-25 year olds organised by the Academy of Ideas. The school takes place at the CIEE Global Institute in central London on 5 – 7 April 2018. See Living Freedom provides a stimulating forum for around 40 […]
Friday, August 31, to Sunday, September 2, 2018 Ragusa, Sicily The Endurance of Empire Conference Description The end of the two world wars saw the fall of mighty empires—from the Tsarist Empire, the Kaiserreich and the Ottoman Empire to the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. This was followed by the dissolution of the French and British […]
International conference: POLIS, ONTOLOGY, ECCLESIAL EVENT Engaging with Christos Yannaras’ Thought A Conference on Modern Orthodox Theology 27-28 March 2017, Eastwood Room (Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, University of Cambridge, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RX) More information: CALL FOR PAPERS We welcome paper proposals (20mins) on Christos Yannaras’ thought, work and relevance to areas […]
Call for Applications and Call for Papers 5th International Summer School and Conference – Beyond Secular Faith “Politics as Theology” 25th June–1st July, 2017, Granada (Spain) Organizing Institutions Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein, Granada Faculty of Philosophy – The Pontifical University of John Paul II , Krakow International Center for the Study of the Christian […]
Call for Papers for the edited volume “Slavoj Žižek and Christianity” Editors: Dr Sotiris Mitralexis & Dr Dionysios Skliris We would like to invite scholars interested in the Žižekian work’s relationship to Christianity or Christian theology to submit a scholarly article/book chapter for inclusion in the upcoming academic volume entitled Slavoj Žižek and Christianity. While […]
Social Media and Human Flourishing: Call for Papers Interdisciplinary Colloquium: September 16-18, 2016, Montreal, Canada Keynote by Dr. Eric McLuhan Author of The Sensus Communis, Synesthesia, and the Soul: An Odyssey (2015) and with Marshal McLuhan Media and Formal Cause (2011) It has now been nearly twenty years since the internet became a defining part of […]
Call for Papers Political Demonology: The Logic of Evil in Contemporary Literature and Theology Day Conference – Friday, 20 May 2016 Worcester College, Oxford This conference is intended to bring theologians, philosophers of religion, and literary scholars together to frame approaches to the problem of political evil—a project one might call ‘political demonology’—for our contemporary […]
This is an updated and expanded CFP from the previous post here. — Chapter proposals are invited for two new book projects, Ecofeminist Intersections and New Voices in Ecofeminist Activism, due by March 1, 2015. Both books explore the manifold ways that ecofeminism has been used across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social […]
When d’Eaubonne coined the word “ecofeminism” in 1974, related ideas were already being discussed in a range of social sciences and humanities. Within anthropology Ortner (1974) argued that the universal devaluation of women relative to men could be explained by assuming that women are seen as being closer to nature than men, while men are […] International Conference at the European Cultural Centre of Delphi 29-31 May 2015 in Delphi, Greece Ontology and History: A Challenging and Auspicious Dialogue for Philosophy and Theology This conference will attempt to explore the relationship between ontology and history in the context of both philosophical enquiry and Christian theology. Ontology is the study of […]
THINKING THE CHURCH TODAY 13 TO 15 APRIL 2015 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM CALL FOR PAPERS AND BURSARIES I am writing to call for paper proposals and bursary applications for the Society for the Study of Theology’s sixty-fourth annual conference. This year’s theme is ‘Thinking the Church today’ and the questions we shall be addressing […]
THE ETHICS OF NATURE – THE NATURE OF ETHICS Saturday, 16th May 2015 The question of ethics has been central to philosophical and theological traditions throughout history, and as time moves forward, investigations into ethics in the context of the relationship between humanity and nature have become more complex, taking account of advancements in the […]
Gillian Rose: A Retrospective 9th January 2015 Speakers Irene Lancaster Andrew Brower Latz John Milbank Peter Osborne Marcus Pound Andrew Shanks Rowan Williams Further speakers TBC Gillian Rose’s work spans Adorno, Hegel, sociology, philosophy, jurisprudence, post-structuralism, the Frankfurt School, Marxism, anthropology, literature, Jewish and Christian theology, death, Auschwitz, Feminism, and more. This conference brings together […]
Call for Papers Logos 2015: Religious Experience May 7–9, 2015 at the University of Notre Dame Religious experience is central to religious faith and practice. It often serves as evidence for belief; it contributes to the development of doctrine; and it, or the desire for it, is often a major motivator for church attendance, meditation, […]
The Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, is hosting two Study Days: The Theology and Practice of Prayer in the Catholic Tradition A Study Day for Clergy, Laity and Students of Theology Saturday 15 March, 2014 Postgraduate Study Day: Catholicism and Critical Theory Monday 28 April, 2014 All are welcome to attend. Details of both […]
Paul Tillich: Theology and Legacy A conference in Oxford engaging with Tillich’s work. 14th-15th July 2014 – Paul Tillich features on anyone’s list of most significant and influential 20th Century theologians. In an age where it is tempting to retreat into intra-theological discussion or dismiss the secular world, Tillich’s vision for a theology which […]
Call for Papers: The Futures of Capitalism Conference 8th-9th April 2014 The University of Winchester This conference is the culmination of a year-long series events, sponsored by Winchester Cathedral, Winchester Business Improvement District and the University of Winchester, in collaboration with the McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life, University of Oxford. The Futures […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)