Essays in Honor of Rémi Brague – DEADLINE JANUARY 1ST

Essays in Honor of Rémi Brague

“[…] Since I am a philosopher by trade, I belong to that race of people who are a bit obtuse, and for whom one must really ‘just spell out’ even the clearest things – Being, the Good, the City, Man, and some other supposedly self-evident notions. I will begin, therefore, by asking myself that thick-witted question, the Socratic question – “just what is this we are talking about” – when we speak of Europe”.

In this way the eminent French philosopher Rémi Brague wrote at the beginning of his famous work Europe. La voie romaine about thirty years ago, a book destined to become a classic and to be translated into over fifteen languages. And Europe is still a debated topic today. With the occasion of this Festschrift we have precisely chosen to place Europe at the centre of the reflection, what it means today, with its positive aspects and its criticisms. Although this remains the main theme, we also accept reflections on different aspects of his thinking. This is because the production of Brague originates itself always from a living reality, which questions the man today. The French philosopher poses himself as a calm interlocutor to whom all details are dear.

In this issue we are therefore committed to collecting writings of scholars who have encountered the thought of Brague. Therefore, we accept essays either proposing an analysis of his thought or of a single aspect starting from his production, or a re- elaboration or a criticism.

The essay can be written in Italian, English, French or Spanish, it must contain a short abstract in English, and have a minimum length of 4,000 maximum 8,000. words.

Deadline: January 1st, 2021.

Please send your paper in .odt or .doc to:

To have a look to the whole production please visit the official website:



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