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Book Series

This category contains 75 posts

Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books: A Heart of Flesh: William Desmond and the Bible, ed. by Steven E. Knepper

Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books: A Heart of Flesh: William Desmond and the Bible, edited by Steven E. Knepper Purchase: Cascade / Amazon   Description:   The Irish philosopher William Desmond is one of the most compelling and adventurous Christian thinkers of our time. The essays gathered here undertake a journey through the Bible with Desmond […]

Finitude’s Wounded Praise: Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien

Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books, Finitude’s Wounded Praise: Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien, edited by Philip John Paul Gonzales and Joseph Micah McMeans. The late Jean-Louis Chrétien’s responsorial and polyphonic style of thinking is nothing less than a performance of gratitude, which manifests the many ways and manners that our wounded finitude is graced and […]

Now available in Veritas: The End of the Law?, by David W. Opderbeck

Now available in the Veritas series: The End of the Law?: Law, Theology, and Neuroscience, by David W. Opderbeck. Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon Book description: Does neuroscience show that all our ideas about law and ethics are false? David Opderbeck answers this question with a broad and deep survey of the relationship between […]

KALOS: Anchorhold: Corresponding with Revelations of Divine Love, by Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer

Newly available in the KALOS series: Anchorhold: Corresponding with Revelations of Divine Love, by Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer (Cascade Books; January 2021; 208pp+). Purchase: Wipf & Stock Book description: This is a book of letters, letters to Julian of Norwich concerning her Revelations of Divine Love. It is an attempt to search for my life by giving […]

Now available: The Foundations of Nature by Michael Dominic Taylor

Now available in the Veritas series: The Foundations of Nature: Metaphysics of Gift for an Integral Ecological Ethic, by Michael Dominic Taylor, with a foreword by Larry Chapp (Cascade/Wipf & Stock; 282 pp+; December 2020). Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Book description: Will the ecological crises of our time be resolved using the […]

New in the Veritas series by Caitlin Smith Gilson: Subordinated Ethics

Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books (Wipf & Stock): Subordinated Ethics: Natural Law and Moral Miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky, by Caitlin Smith Gilson, with a foreword by Eric Austin Lee. Purchase: Cascade Books | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Book description: With Dostoyevsky’s Idiot and Aquinas’ Dumb Ox as guides, this book seeks to […]

Now available in Veritas: Hide and Seek: The Sacred Art of Indirect Communication, by Benson P. Fraser

Now available in the Veritas series: Hide and Seek: The Sacred Art of Indirect Communication, by Benson P. Fraser. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Book description: As bearers of the divine image, all of us are storytellers and artists. However, few people today believe in truth that is not empirically knowable or verifiable, the sort of […]

Now available in Veritas: Exorcising Philosophical Modernity, ed. Philip John Paul Gonzales

Now available in the Veritas series: Exorcising Philosophical Modernity: Cyril O’Regan and Christian Discourse after Modernity, edited by Philip John Paul Gonzales. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk ] What should Christian discourse look like after philosophical modernity? In one manner or another the essays in this volume seek to confront and intellectually exorcise […]

New in the Veritas series: Cosmology without God?, by David Alcalde

Now available in the Veritas series: Cosmology without God?: The Problematic Theology Inherent in Modern Cosmology, by Fr. David Alcalde, with a foreword by Michael Hanby. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Is God a superfluous hypothesis for modern cosmology? According to the normal understanding of modern science, the answer should be affirmative because modern science is supposed […]

New in Veritas: by Charles Péguy: Notes on Bergson and Descartes

Now out in the Veritas series: Notes on Bergson and Descartes: Philosophy, Christianity, and Modernity in Contestation by Charles Péguy translated by Bruce K. Ward with a foreword by John Milbank Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Charles Péguy (1873–1914) was a French religious poet, philosophical essayist, publisher, social activist, Dreyfusard, and Catholic […]

New and forthcoming in the INTERVENTIONS series

New from Philipp W. Rosemann in the Interventions series, with a foreword from John Milbank: Charred root of Meaning: Continuity, Transgression, and the Other in Christian Tradition Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: Ecologists tell us that periodic wildfires, though devastating, are necessary to the rhythm of nature. The death of the old allows something new to […]

Veritas Series: Love, Friendship, Beauty, and the Good

Highlighting publications in the Veritas series from the last year: Love, Friendship, Beauty, and the Good Plato, Aristotle, and the Later Tradition By Kevin Corrigan Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: This book tells a compelling story about love, friendship, and the Divine that took over a thousand years to unfold. It […]

Veritas Series: The Gift of Beauty and the Passion of Being

Highlighting publications in the Veritas series from the last year: The Gift of Beauty and the Passion of Being On the Threshold between the Aesthetic and the Religious By William Desmond Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: This book gathers a set of reflections on the gift of beauty and the passion […]

Veritas Series: Embracing Our Finitude

Highlighting publications in the Veritas series from the last year: Embracing Our Finitude: Exercises in a Christian Anthropology between Dependence and Gratitude By Stephan Kampowski Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: Memento mori—remember death—this is how the medieval monks exhort us. Our life, given in birth and taken by death, is radically […]

Veritas Series: Love and the Postmodern Predicament:

Highlighting publications in the Veritas series from the last year: Love and the Postmodern Predicament: Rediscovering the Real in Beauty, Goodness, and Truth By D. C. Schindler Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: The computer has increasingly become the principal model for the mind, which means our most basic experience of “reality” […]

Veritas Series: The Social Philosophy of Gillian Rose

Highlighting publications in the Veritas series from the last year: The Social Philosophy of Gillian Rose By Andrew Brower Latz Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: Gillian Rose was one of the most important social philosophers of the twentieth century. This is the first book to present her social philosophy as a […]

Veritas Series: Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher

Highlighting publications in the Veritas series from the last year: Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher EDITED BY Sotiris Mitralexis, Georgios Steiris, Marcin Podbielski, Sebastian Lalla Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: The study of Maximus the Confessor’s thought has flourished in recent years: international conferences, publications and articles, new critical […]

New in the Veritas series: Human and Divine Being: A Study on the Theological Anthropology of Edith Stein

New in the Veritas series: Human and Divine Being: A Study on the Theological Anthropology of Edith Stein, by Donald Wallenfang, with a foreword by John C. Cavadini. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Nothing is more dangerous to be misunderstood than the question, “What is the human being?” In an era when this question is not only […]

New in Veritas: Ever-Moving Repose A Contemporary Reading of Maximus the Confessor’s Theory of Time

New in the Veritas series: Ever-Moving Repose: A Contemporary Reading of Maximus the Confessor’s Theory of Time, by Sotiris Mitralexis, with a foreword by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Sotiris Mitralexis offers a contemporary look at Maximus the Confessor’s (580-662 CE) understanding of temporality, logoi, and deification, through the perspective of contemporary philosopher and theologian Christos […]

Available in the Veritas series: Wealth of Persons: Economics with a Human Face

Available in the Veritas series: Wealth of Persons: Economics with a Human Face, by John McNerney, with a foreword by David Walsh. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century initiated a great debate not just about inequality but also regarding the failures found in the economic models used by theoreticians and practitioners alike. […]

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