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ericaustinlee has written 14 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books: A Heart of Flesh: William Desmond and the Bible, ed. by Steven E. Knepper

Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books: A Heart of Flesh: William Desmond and the Bible, edited by Steven E. Knepper Purchase: Cascade / Amazon   Description:   The Irish philosopher William Desmond is one of the most compelling and adventurous Christian thinkers of our time. The essays gathered here undertake a journey through the Bible with Desmond […]

Conference: Pavel Florensky for the 21st Century

Pavel Florensky for the 21st Century 14 – 16 September 2022, Cambridge An on-site event taking place in Cambridge at Wesley House (14 and 16 September 2022) and Westcott House (15 September). Confirmed speakers include: Prof John Milbank (University of Nottingham) Prof Andrew Louth (Durham University) Prof Bruce Foltz (Eckerd College, FL) Dr Avril Pyman […]

Available now: Outside the Gates, by W. C. Hackett

Now available: Outside the Gates, by W. C. Hackett. Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble Description: The gates of Drancy Internment Camp in the northeast suburbs of Paris served as a holding pen for thousands of Jews during the German occupation of France in World War II. Jean Wahl, philosophy professor, poet, bachelor at the […]

Essays in Honor of Rémi Brague – DEADLINE JANUARY 1ST

Essays in Honor of Rémi Brague “[…] Since I am a philosopher by trade, I belong to that race of people who are a bit obtuse, and for whom one must really ‘just spell out’ even the clearest things – Being, the Good, the City, Man, and some other supposedly self-evident notions. I will begin, […]

New edited volume from Cambridge University Press: Patents on Life

Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property New from Cambridge University Press Edited by: Thomas C. Berg (University of St Thomas, Minnesota) Roman Cholij (St Edmund’s College, Cambridge) Simon Ravenscroft (Magdalene College, Cambridge) This volume brings together a unique collection of legal, religious, ethical, and political perspectives to […]

Veritas Series: Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher

Highlighting publications in the Veritas series from the last year: Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher EDITED BY Sotiris Mitralexis, Georgios Steiris, Marcin Podbielski, Sebastian Lalla Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk Description: The study of Maximus the Confessor’s thought has flourished in recent years: international conferences, publications and articles, new critical […]

Forthcoming Events at the Blackfriars Aquinas Institute 2017

Aquinas Lecture, 2 March Our annual Aquinas Lecture will be delivered at 5.00pm on Thursday 2 March, by Prof Candace Vogler of Chicago. She has announced the title, which is: “The Intellectual Animal”. There will be the usual short wine reception afterwards. You are all most welcome; if you plan to come it would be […]

The End of Religious Freedom and the Return of Religious Influence

The End of Religious Freedom and the Return of Religious Influence Tuesday 07 February 2017 6:30PM to 8:00PM HONG KONG THEATRE, CLEMENT HOUSE Speaker: John Milbank Chair: Matthew Engelke Hosted by the LSE Religion and the Public Sphere Lecture Series After the collapse of modern quasi-religions, religions themselves have been ideologised, while at the same […]

International Workshop on the Political-Theological Dimension in World Politics

[UPDATE: see the link below to download the full workshop programme] POLITICAL THEOLOGY OF THE INTERNATIONAL: International Relations as a Theo-Political Discourse? INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE POLITICAL-THEOLOGICAL DIMENSION IN WORLD POLITICS hosted by The School of International Relations, University of St Andrews Convenors: Dr. Vassilios Paipais and Professor Nicholas Rengger Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd May, 2015 […]

Creating Common Good: A Practical Conference on Economic Equality

The COVID-19 epidemic is now growing exponentially. Its economic impact is already more severe than SARS or MERS. The political consequences are harder to predict, but could be significant and long-lasting. What started as an outbreak in China near the end of 2019 has now developed globally. Last week, for the first time since the […]

Keble Theology Workshop, 2 December 2014

Dear Colleagues, Below and attached, please see the poster for our next Keble Theology Workshop, scheduled for 5pm on Tuesday 2 December. I would be grateful if you could circulate and/or display this to any interested students. Our speaker on this occasion is Dr. Edward Kessler MBE, Founder and Executive Director of the Woolf Institute in Cambridge. He is one of […]

Archbishop of Canterbury’s address to the Synod of Bishops in Rome

Archbishop’s address to the Synod of Bishops in Rome Wednesday 10th October 2012 In the first address by an Archbishop of Canterbury to the Synod of Bishops in Rome, Archbishop Rowan Williams spoke about the profound connection between contemplation and the task of evangelisation, saying it “must be rooted in a profound confidence that we […]

ZENO Lecture: EJ Lowe on ‘Substance Causation, Powers, & Human Agency’

The first ZENO lecture of the academic year 2011-12 will be given by Jonathan Lowe (Durham) The topic of his lecture will be Substance Causation, Powers, and Human Agency. Thursday, 24 November 2011, 16:00 – 18:00 Aula, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht. For details see here: http://zenolectures.phil.uu.nl/?p=271 Attendance is free and no registration is required. Abstract: […]

Course List Updated

The 2011-2012 Course List for the Department of Theology and Religious studies has been updated. Please click here to see the updated list.

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