Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics Vol. 4, Number 1. June 2017 Editorial “On Mixed vs Pure Politics” Dritëro Demjaha Virtue Politics “Theology and International Relations Beyond Liberalism: The Question of Europe” John Milbank, Adrian Pabst, et al. “Society and the Church Beyond Liberalism: The Question of Europe” John Milbank, Adrian Pabst Review: John Milbank and Adrian […]
CRASSH, University of Cambridge 10 July 2017 – 11 July 2017 A two-day international conference in July 2017, bringing together scholars of different disciplines to challenge conventional narratives about the interrelationship between religion and politics in early nineteenth-century Germany (and German-speaking buy viagra montreal central Europe). Speakers include Frederick Beiser, Gareth Stedman-Jones, and Marion Heinz. Registration […]
Agamben and Decadence A symposium featuring: Agata Bielik-Robson (University of Nottingham) Arthur Bradley (Lancaster University) John Milbank (University of Nottingham) Piotr Sawczyński (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) 2pm, Thursday 25 May 2017 The Machicado Suite, Willoughby Hall University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD Free; no registration needed.
Seminar Series 2017 Reformation 500: Towards a New Perspective on Luther Tuesday 16 May 2.00pm – 4.00pm: Seminar I. Dante, Church, and the Reformation Robin Kirkpatrick (Robinson College, University of Cambridge) Respondent: Giles Waller (Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge) Wednesday 17 May 2.00pm – 4.00pm: Seminar II. Paul, Gift, and Luther John Barclay (Lightfoot Professor of […]
By invitation of Bishop Patrick Mckinney, Ian Boxall will be speaking on “Jesus the Teacher: Christ in Matthew’s Gospel” at the University of Nottingham on Wednesday, 14th June 2017. Ian Boxall is Associate Professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. He previously taught at Chichester Theological College (1992-1994), and in […]
Click here to view the full-sized event flier.
Dr Conor Cunningham from the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham gives a brief history on the relationship between (psuedo) science and religion in this 6-part YouTube series. “I thought I knew what science was and I thought I knew what religion was. I presume you do too. But is […]
Now available from Brill: Maurice Blondel on the Supernatural in Human Action: Sacrament and Superstition, by Cathal Doherty SJ (University of San Francisco). [Purchase: Brill] How do sacraments differ from superstition? For Enlightenment philosophers such as Kant, both are merely natural actions claiming a supernatural effect, an accusation that has long been ignored in Catholic theology. In […]
New in the Veritas series: Human and Divine Being: A Study on the Theological Anthropology of Edith Stein, by Donald Wallenfang, with a foreword by John C. Cavadini. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Nothing is more dangerous to be misunderstood than the question, “What is the human being?” In an era when this question is not only […]
New in the Veritas series: Ever-Moving Repose: A Contemporary Reading of Maximus the Confessor’s Theory of Time, by Sotiris Mitralexis, with a foreword by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Sotiris Mitralexis offers a contemporary look at Maximus the Confessor’s (580-662 CE) understanding of temporality, logoi, and deification, through the perspective of contemporary philosopher and theologian Christos […]
BETWEEN METAPHYSICS, AESTHETICS AND RELIGION International Symposium in honour of William Desmond April 19-20, 2017 KU Leuven (University of Leuven) Metaphysics has gotten a bad rep throughout the last decades. This ancient practice is thought to be not simply archaic as the systematic interrelationship of concepts that fails to understand the twists and turns of […]
Just out from Angelico Press: The Dream-Child’s Progress and Other Essays, by David Bentley Hart (February 10, 2017; 358pp+). [Purchase: Angelico Press] By turns champion of the Christian difference and voice of dissent; friend to Moley and Water Rat and scourge to those of scientistic bent—these are but a few of the many guises of David […]
Available in the Veritas series: Wealth of Persons: Economics with a Human Face, by John McNerney, with a foreword by David Walsh. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century initiated a great debate not just about inequality but also regarding the failures found in the economic models used by theoreticians and practitioners alike. […]
Why Study Life Before Death Why Study Transcendentals Why Study Phenomenology See more videos in the ‘Why Study’ series here.
Remove “weight loss” as an actual goal! Chris McGrath said that while this tip may seem crazy, “weight loss is too abstract and subjective to be stated as a legitimate goal.” Weight loss is an outcome that cannot happen without action, so your goals need to include specific actions that will lead to weight loss. Jonathan Ross also said that […]
Now available: Immediacy and Meaning: J. K. Huysmans and the Immemorial Origin of Metaphysics, by Caitlin Smith Gilson (Bloomsbury Academic; 9 Feb. 2017; 323pp+); [Purchase: Bloomsbury | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Immediacy and Meaning seeks to approach the odd uneasiness at root in all metaphysical meaning; that the human knower attempts to mediate what cannot be […]
International conference: POLIS, ONTOLOGY, ECCLESIAL EVENT Engaging with Christos Yannaras’ Thought A Conference on Modern Orthodox Theology 27-28 March 2017, Eastwood Room (Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs, University of Cambridge, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RX) More information: tinyurl.com/yann17 CALL FOR PAPERS We welcome paper proposals (20mins) on Christos Yannaras’ thought, work and relevance to areas […]
Just released in the KALOS book series: Socrates and Other Saints: Early Christian Understandings of Reason and Philosophy, by Darius Karłowicz, translated by Artur Sebastian Rosman and with a foreword by Rémi Brague. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Many contemporary writers misunderstand early Christian views on philosophy because they identify the critical stances of the ante-Nicene fathers […]
Available in the Veritas series: Being the Body of Christ in the Age of Management, by Lyndon Shakespeare. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] “The church needs effective leaders.” “We must be more missional.” “Better organization is required.” Such sentiments are commonplace among Christians concerned with the health and sustainability of their local […]
Available in the Veritas series: Seeing Things as They Are: G. K. Chesterton and the Drama of Meaning, by Duncan Bruce Reyburn. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] The jovial journalist, philosopher, and theologian G. K. Chesterton felt that the world was almost always in permanent danger of being misjudged or even overlooked, and so […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)