Conor Cunningham:
- Trying My Very Best to Believe Darwin, or, The Supernaturalistic Fallacy: From is to Nought
(posted 17 November 2009, also published in Belief and Metaphysics)
[PDF version (off-site)
- Natura Pura, the Invention of the Anti-Christ: A Week with No Sabbath
[PDF version (off-site)
- Bibliography to Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong
[PDF version
Michael Hanby:
- Saving the Appearances: Creation’s Gift to the Sciences (posted 17 November 2009)
[PDF version
Archbishop Javier Martínez:
- Beyond Secular Reason: Some Contemporary Challenges for the Life and the Thought of the Church, as Seen from the West.
[Word version
] [PDF version
John Milbank:
- Dignity Rather than Right (posted 31 January 2013)
[PDF version
- The Politics of the Soul (posted 9 November 2012)
[PDF version
- Blue Labour, One-Nation Labour and Postliberalism: A Christian Socialist Reading (posted 9 November 2012)
[PDF version
Stanton Lectures 2011: ‘Philosophy: A Theological Critique’
- Lecture 1 (19 Jan): The Return of Metaphysics in the 21st Century [PDF version
- Lecture 2 (26 Jan): Immanence and Life [PDF version
- Lecture 3 (02 Feb): Immanence and Number [PDF version
- Lecture 4 (09 Feb): Transcendence without Participation [PDF version
- Lecture 5 (16 Feb): Participated Transcendence Reconceived [PDF version
- Lecture 6 (23 Feb): The Habit of Reason [PDF version
- Lecture 7 (02 Mar): The Objectivity of Feeling [PDF version
- Lecture 8 (09 Mar): The Surprise of the Imagined [PDF version
- Poverty, Justice, Virtue (posted 14 November 2010)
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- Fry’s Unsexing of Sex (posted: 14 November 2010)
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- Against Human Rights – Now published in Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 2012.
- The Ethics of Honour and the Possibility of Promise (posted: 11 August 2009, updated 30 August 2009)
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- Three Questions on Modern Atheism: An Interview with John Milbank, by Ben Suriano (posted: 2 May 2009)
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- Programmatic Address: Faith, Reason and Imagination: the Study of Theology and Philosophy in the 21st Century (posted: 8 January 2007)
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- Paul Against Biopolitics (updated: 8 January 2007)
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- The Shares of Being or Gift, Relation and Participation: an Essay on the Metaphysics of Emmanuel Levinas and Alain Badiou (posted: 9 October 2006)
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] [PDF version
- Sophiology and Theurgy: the New Theological Horizon (updated: 15 May 2007)
[Word version
] [PDF version

(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)

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