University of Nottingham
Centre of Theology and Philosophy

MA in Systematic and Philosophical Theology by distance learning

The field of systematic and philosophical theology deals with the meaning and implications of Christian doctrina or teaching. This includes claims relating to God, creation, salvation, the nature of the Church, human identity and ethics.  Consequently this course is concerned with a field at the heart of Christian theology, and therefore at the heart of human intellectual endeavour.

Course Director: Dr Michael Burdett, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology

Course Team: Conor Cunningham, Alison Milbank, and Adam Morton

What will you learn?

Students may pursue an interest in theologies of many kinds, although always critically and rigorously. The course is particularly concerned with the Christian theological tradition from the early church to the present, its engagement with philosophy, the relationship between faith and reason, and the task of theology in the 21st century.

In addition to the current modules, two new modules will be available soon: Reformation Theology and Theology of the Holy Spirit.

  • Systematic and Philosophical theology for Newcomers
  • Research Methods and Resources
  • Christology
  • Aquinas and Thomisms
  • La Nouvelle Théologie
  • The Virgin Mary in Christian Tradition
  • Earliest Christian writings to the mid-second century
  • Dante, Religion, and Culture
  • Faith and Reason
  • Reading Medieval Theologians from Anselm and Ockham

Further information:

  • Main page for this programme can be found here.
  • The course takes 1-4 years, with start dates in October and February. | |