A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion, Edited by Charles Taliaferro and Elsa J. Marty. [Purchase UK | Purchase US] A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion is an indispensable source for students and scholars. Covering historical and contemporary fi gures, arguments, and terms, it offers an overview of the vital themes that make philosophy of religion […]
A new publication has come across our desk: Naturalism and Our Knowledge of Reality: Testing Religious Truth-claims, by R. Scott Smith (Ashgate, 2012). [Purchase UK | Purchase US | Available now through Ashgate.com] Publication Description: Philosophical naturalism is taken to be the preferred and reigning epistemology and metaphysics that underwrites many ideas and knowledge claims. But […]
From Telos Press comes the following publication announcement: Telos Press is pleased to announce the upcoming publication of The Democratic Contradictions of Multiculturalism by Jens-Martin Eriksen and Frederik Stjernfelt. This title will be available on March 1, 2012. Pre-order your copy now, and we will ship it to you as soon as it is available. Save 20% when you […]
The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Pope Benedict XVI’s Social Encyclical and the Future of Political Economy, edited by Adrian Pabst (Wipf & Stock, 2011). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon US | Amazon UK] Publication description: This collection of essays outlines a new political economy. Twenty years after the demise of Soviet communism, the global recession into which free-market […]
A new book by Stratford Caldecott has been published entitled All Things Made New: The Mysteries of the World in Christ (Angelico Press, 2011). [Purchase: UK | US] Publication Description: All Things Made New explores the Christian mysteries in the tradition of St. John the Evangelist, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, by studying the symbolism, cosmology, and meaning […]
The following volume has just been released: Turning Images in Philosophy, Science, and Religion: A New Book of Nature, eds. Charles Taliaferro and Jil Evans (Oxford Univerity Press, 2011). [UK | US] Publication description: Turning Images in Philosophy, Science, and Religion: A New Book of Nature brings together new essays addressing the role of images […]
Oltre l’idea moderna di lavoro: Suggestioni filosofiche e teologiche dal pensiero anglosassone, by Alessandra Gerolin, with an introduction by Evandro Botto Book Description: All’interno del panorama socio-economico contemporaneo, soprattutto in seguito alla recente crisi economica, si avverte sempre di più il bisogno di sviluppare un’educazione al lavoro che si collochi nella prospettiva di un’educazione completa della persona. […]
Reading Karl Barth: A Companion to Karl Barth’s Epistle to the Romans, by Kenneth Oakes (Wipf & Stock, 2011) Book Description: Karl Barth’s 1922 The Epistle to the Romans is one of the most famous, notorious, and influential works in twentieth-century theology and biblical studies. It is also a famously and notoriously difficult and enigmatic work, especially […]
Going to the Gym Without Eating First? Here’s a new incentive: Eat protein before you go and you can peel off 15 pounds a year. A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport showed that women who ate a high-protein meal an hour before their workout burned more calories per minute than […]
The Trinity: An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Triune God, by Gilles Emery OP, translated by Matthew Levering [UK | US] Product Description: Representing the highest quality of scholarship, Gilles Emery offers a much-anticipated introduction to Catholic doctrine on the Trinity. His extensive research combined with lucid prose provides readers a resource to better […]
On Determining What There Is: The Identity of Ontological Categories in Aquinas, Scotus, and Lowe, by Paul Symington (Ontos Verlag, 2010). Book Description: Generally, categories are understood to express the most general features of reality. Yet, since categories have this special status, obtaining a correct list of them is difficult. This question is addressed by […]
First Thing’s “Notable Books of 2010” by Christopher Benson ABC Religion and Ethics “2010 Was a Fine Year for Books” by Scott Stephens
Recently out from Cascade books is Musical Beauty: Negotiating the Boundary between Subject and Object, by Ferdia J. Stone-Davis. From the publisher: This book offers an important new perspective on the Western tradition of musical aesthetics through an examination of Anicius Boethius and Immanuel Kant. Within the trajectory illuminated by these two thinkers, musical meaning […]
Balthasar: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Rodney Howsare. From the publisher: Balthasar’s thought, if it is anything, is perplexing, and it is perplexing for a number of reasons. In this Guide for the Perplexed, Rodney Howsare gives the reader a handle on these perplexing aspects of Balthasar’s thought. In the first chapter he introduces […]
Just released is Crisis and Recovery: Ethics, Economics, and Justice, by Rowan Williams and Larry Elliott (Palgrave Macmillan [30 Sep 2010]). [Purchase UK | Purchase US]. From the book description: ‘During the ongoing global financial crisis, a lack of moral and ethical leadership in society has been exposed. The Most Reverend Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury […]
The Gift of Difference: Radical Orthodoxy, Radical Reformation Chris K. Huebner and Tripp York, Editors Foreword by John Milbank The Gift of Difference: Radical Orthodoxy, Radical Reformation is a collection of essays in which leading theologians consider the strengths and weaknesses of Radical Orthodoxy in dialogue with the Radical Reformation tradition. Writers in this volume […]
Below are books of note that may be of interest to affiliates of the Centre. Also below are books written, edited, or translated by members and staff of the Centre. All book descriptions come from the publisher. The Metaphysical Presuppositions of Being-in-the-world: A Confrontation Between St. Thomas Aquinas and Martin Heidegger by Caitlin Smith Gilson […]
Christianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness, by Luke Bretherton (to be published 19 January 2010) Book description: Relations between religious and political spheres continue to stir passionate debates on both sides of the Atlantic. Through a combination of theological reflection and empirical case studies, Bretherton succeeds in offering timely and […]
SCM Press is having a sale on CoTP-associated books, which lasts until 30 September 2009 : The Theology of Money (paperback), by Philip Goodchild (special sale price £13.50) Transcendence and Phenomenology (paperback), eds. Peter M. Candler, Jr. and Conor buy cheap levitra online Cunningham (special sale price: £28.00) Belief and Metaphysics (paperback), eds. Peter M. […]
The Pure Society: From Darwin to Hitler, by André Pichot, translated by David Fernbach From the Verso website: As genetic manipulation comes to dominate medical science, a timely and trenchant history of eugenics How did the notions of “race” and “ethnic group,” under the cover of scientific legitimacy, get used for political ends? This work […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)