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Notable Books

This category contains 100 posts

Notable: René Girard and Secular Modernity

René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis, by Scott Cowdell Download this flyer to see how you can get this book for the sale price of $23.00: René Girard and Secular Modernity Sale Price Flyer [PDF] Book description: In René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis, Scott Cowdell provides the first systematic interpretation of René […]

Notable: Ethics at the Beginning of Life: A Phenomenological Critique

Ethics at the Beginning of Life: A Phenomenological Critique, by James Mumford (Oxford University Press) [Purchase Amazon.co.uk | Pre-order Amazon.com] Book description: Many of the most controversial moral decisions we face hinge upon competing descriptions of life, and never is this truer than at the beginning of life. James Mumford draws upon phenomenology (a branch of continental philosophy) […]

Forthcoming from David Bentley Hart: The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss

Forthcoming in September/October 2013: The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, by David Bentley Hart (376 pages; Yale University Press). [Pre-order Amazon.com | Pre-order Amazon.co.uk] Book description: Despite the recent ferocious public debate about belief, the concept most central to the discussion—God—frequently remains vaguely and obscurely described. Are those engaged in these arguments even talking about the […]

Notable: The Tumbler of God: Chesterton as Mystic

New from Angelico Press: The Tumbler of God: Chesterton as Mystic, by Fr Robert Wild [Purchase Amazon.co.uk | Purchase Amazon.com] Book description: “WE NEED A NEW KIND of mystic,” writes Fr. Robert Wild; and in The Tumbler of God, he presents a spiritual portrait of G.K. Chesterton that convincingly shows why he is precisely the new […]

UPDATE: Michael Hanby’s No God, No Science? is now available

The following publication (originally advertised below) is now available: —————————— No God, No Science?: Theology, Cosmology, Biology, by Michael Hanby, the latest addition to the Illuminations series [Order UK | Order US] Book description: Are creation and evolution mutually exclusive terms? Or is there instead a deep relationship between science, metaphysics, and theology that can help […]

The Radiance of Being, by Stratford Caldecott

The Radiance of Being: Dimensions of Cosmic Christianity, by Stratford Caldecott, with a Foreword by Adrian Walker (Angelico Press, 2013. [Purchase UK | Purchase US] Book description: The Radiance of Being offers nothing less than a portrayal of the full glory of Catholic tradition. From an initial engagement with the insights of the natural sciences emerges […]

Now available: The Unknown God: Sermons Responding to the New Atheists

Now available from Wipf & Stock: The Unknown God: Sermons Responding to the New Atheism, edited by John Hughes and with a foreword by the Rt Rev & Rt Hon Richard Chartres. [Order directly from Wipf & Stock here] Contributors to this volume: Terry Eagleton David Fergusson Timothy Jenkins Conor Cunningham Alister McGrath John Hughes […]

Now Available: Christopher Ben Simpson’s Deleuze and Theology

Now available: Deleuze and Theology (Philosophy and Theology series), by Christopher Ben Simpson (T & T Clark, September 2012) [Order UK | Order US] Book description: What can a theologian do with Deleuze? While using philosophy as a resource for theology is nothing new, Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) presents a kind of limit-case for such a […]

Notable Publication

Is modern life a blessing or a curse? The advance of technology has made our life easier, yet more complicated.  Patients visit us at Eversharp every day complaining of sore joints and back pain. What most have in common? They usually work harder and longer hours to afford all modern gadgets and facilities.  Cell phones have […]

Radical Orthodoxy: Annual Review

The Radical Orthodoxy: Annual Review (ed. Neil Turnbull) is now available for purchase from Cascade Books /Wipf & Stock. [Purchase US | Purchase UK | Purchase from Cascade Books] Review description: The Radical Orthodoxy Annual Review examines emerging agendas in contemporary theology and philosophy. Today, in an era of biotechnology and a growing ecological consciousness, it is […]

Publications: Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction and Analogia Entis: Metaphysics: Original Structure and Universal Rhythm

Recently released: Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Karen Kilby (Interventions series, Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2012). [Purchase US | Purchase UK | Purchase at Eerdmans] Publication Description: The enormously prolific Swiss Roman Catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988) was marginalized during much of his life, but his reputation over time has only continued […]

Notable: Liberty: the God that Failed

Liberty: the God That Failed BY CHRISTOPHER A. FERRARA [Purchase US | Purchase UK/Europe] Book description: What has gone wrong with the grand American experiment in “ordered liberty”? In Liberty, the God That Failed, Christopher A. Ferrara unmasks the order promised as a sham; the liberty guaranteed, a chimera. We think you will agree that to read […]

New Publication: The William Desmond Reader

Released last week: The William Desmond Reader, edited by Christopher Ben Simpson, with a foreword by John D. Caputo [Purchase US | Purchase UK]. Book description: Known especially for his original system of metaphysics in a trilogy of books published between 1995 and 2008, and for his scholarship on Hegel, William Desmond has left his […]

Notable: Beauty in the Word, by Stratford Caldecott

A new book by Stratford Caldecott has been released, entitled Beauty in the Word: Rethinking the Foundations of Education, with a foreword by Anthony Esolen. [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] About the book: BEAUTY IN THE WORD, published by Angelico Press, offers a new Catholic philosophy of education, completing the retrieval of the seven liberal arts […]

Notable: Modern Theology: A Critical Introduction

This book offers a fresh and up-to-date introduction to modern Christian theology. The ‘long nineteenth century’ saw enormous transformations of theology, and of thought about religion, that shaped the way both Christianity and ‘religion’ are understood today. Muers and Higton provide a lucid guide to the development of theology since 1789, giving students a critical […]

New from INTERVENTIONS: Metaphysics, by Adrian Pabst

Out today from Eerdmans published with the Centre of Theology and Philosophy as a part of the INTERVENTIONS series: Metaphysics: The Creation of Hierarchy by Adrian Pabst [Purchase US | Pre-order UK | Pre-order through Alban Books, Eerdman’s UK distributor] “This book does nothing less than to set new standards in combining philosophical with political […]

New & Notable: The Intimate Strangeness of Being by W. Desmond

The Intimate Strangeness of Being: Metaphysics after Dialectic by William Desmond [Purchase UK | Purchase US | Purchase from the CUA Press website] This book explores the contested place of metaphysics since Kant and Hegel, arguing for a renewed metaphysical thinking about the intimate strangeness of being. There is a mysterious strangeness to being at […]

Notable: The Non-Philosophy Project: Essays by François Laruelle

The Non-Philosophy Project: Essays by François Laruelle by François Laruelle. Edited and introduced by Gabriel Alkon and Boris Gunjevic Available May 1, 2012. Save 20% when you purchase at the Telos Press website, www.telospress.com. Are the things of this world given to thought? Are things really meant to be known, to be taken as the objective manifestations […]

Notable Publications: Simpson, J. W. Wright, Myers, Collins, Betz

Deleuze and Theology, by Christopher Ben Simpson (T & T Clark, forthcoming September 2012) [Pre-order UK | Pre-order US] What can a theologian do with Deleuze? While using philosophy as a resource for theology is nothing new, Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) presents a kind of limit-case for such a theological appropriation of philosophy: a thoroughly “modern” […]

Notable Publication: Being Reconfigured

Being Reconfigured, by Ian Leask (Cambridge Scholars, 2011) Isbn: 1-4438-2551-4 [Purchase UK | Purchase US] Publication description: Being Reconfigured presents some of the most brilliant and audacious theses in recent phenomenological research. Challenging so much post-Heideggerian doxa, it argues against contemporary phenomenology’s denegation of Being, but suggests, as well, that phenomenology itself can provide a […]

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