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This category contains 16 posts

Macrina Magazine: Fresh Philosophical Engagements with an Ancient Faith

New online publication: Macrina Magazine: Fresh Philosophical Engagements with an Ancient Faith Macrina Magazine is an online Christian philosophical journal that offers readers a platform to explore faith, politics, and culture critically and creatively. We seek to offer a respite for overstimulated yet undernourished minds that are hungry for more substantial reflection than the twenty-four-hour […]

A Revisionist Account of Natural Law and Natural Right (CLJ)

I will attempt, in this essay, to sketch in short compass an account of the historical development of natural right in relation to the older notion of natural law. My contention will be that the latter notion has, until recently, always been more dominant than the former, and that for a long time natural right […]

Now available: Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics (Vol. 4, no. 1)

Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics Vol. 4, Number 1. June 2017 Editorial “On Mixed vs Pure Politics” Dritëro Demjaha Virtue Politics “Theology and International Relations Beyond Liberalism: The Question of Europe” John Milbank, Adrian Pabst, et al. “Society and the Church Beyond Liberalism: The Question of Europe” John Milbank, Adrian Pabst Review: John Milbank and Adrian […]

Now available: Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics (Vol. 3, no. 1)

Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics Vol. 3, Number 1. September 2015 Articles “God, Creation, and Evil: The Moral Meaning of creatio ex nihilo” David Bentley Hart “Laughter and the Between: G. K. Chesterton and the Reconciliation of Theology and Hilarity” Duncan Bruce Reyburn “A Supernatural Nowhere: How Radical Orthodoxy and Lonergan Studies have Failed to Get […]

Now available: RO:TPP Journal Vol. 2, no. 3

The latest issue of the Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics journal, Volume 2, Number 3 is now available for reading on the open-access website. Table of contents: Articles Kierkegaard’s Virtue Epistemology Michael D. Stark Joseph Ratzinger’s Understanding of Freedom Peter John McGregor The Martyr as the Vanishing Point for a New Political Philosophy Dotan Leshem Reviews […]

Issue of Journal of Scriptural Reasoning on Phenomenology and Scripture

Just published is a special issue of the Journal of Scriptural Reasoning (13, no. 1 [June 2014]) on Phenomenology and Scripture. Amongst other contributors, there are two essays by CoTP member W. Chris Hackett (Australian Catholic University) entitled “Some Phenomenological Crumbs” and “Phenomenology of God: Two Ways“. Additionally, Hackett in the same issue has a review […]

Available now: RO:TPP Journal Vol. 2, no. 2

The latest issue of the Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics journal, Volume 2, Number 2 is now available for reading on the open-access website. Table of contents: Articles Awakening to Life: Augustine’s Admonition to (would-be) Philosophers Ian Clausen ‘Become Transfigured Forever’:?Political Transcendence in Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s V for Vendetta Mika Tapio Luoma-aho Immortality […]

Journal Article: “The Problem with NeuroLaw”

“The Problem with NeuroLaw,” by David W. Opderbeck, who is Professor of Law, Seton Hall University Law School, and Director, Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology; Prof Opderbeck is also currently a PhD student in the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham. This Article describes and critiques the increasingly popular program […]

Just published: Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics (Vol. 2, No. 1)

Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics Vol. 2, Number 1. January 2014 Articles Cynthia Nielsen “Foucault’s Polyphonic Genealogies and Rethinking Episteme Change via Musical Metaphors” Peter John McGregor “The ‘Spiritual Christology’ of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI: An Exposition and Analysis of its Principles” Nathan Jennings “Divine Economy, Divine Liturgy: Liturgical Theology as a Retrieval of Figural Interpretation” Paul Tyson […]

Interviews with Milbank, Oliver, Cunningham, and Riches in the latest issue of the Edification journal

Two interviews of note are available in the latest issue of Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian Psychology Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2012. The following interviews with John Milbank, Simon Oliver, Conor Cunningham, and Aaron Riches were conducted by Peter Hampson, with Zoë Lehmann Imfeld providing assistance with question planning, transcription, and editing of the interviews. ‘Interview […]

First issue of new journal now available: Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics

The first issue of Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics (RO:TPP) is now available as an open-access online journal (articles are in PDF format), and can be read here. The inaugural issue is a double special issue containing a special section on ‘What is Life?’ Below is the table of contents for the first issue of RO:TPP: […]

Forthcoming Journal: Synesis

Synesis: Beyond Secular Faith. International Journal of the Studium Granatensis et Sacromontanum. Follow the journal on Facebook here. Editors: S. E. R. FRANCISCO JAVIER MARTÍNEZ, Archbishop of Granada, Spain AARON RICHES, Instituto de Teología ‘Lumen Gentium’ / Instituto de Filosofía ‘Edith Stein’, Granada, Spain Associate Editors: PETER M. CANDLER JR., Baylor University, Waco, USA CONOR […]

New Journal: Humanum

Tips for Starting a Small Business: Advice from Entrepreneurs There’s a saying in several cultures that it is smart to learn from your own mistakes, and wise to learn from someone else’s. So we’ve rounded up advice from the best entrepreneurship and small business sites, with tips by and for entrepreneurs. (Share yours in the […]

CFP: RO:TPP – “What is Life?” special issue

Call for Papers: What is Life? Radical Orthodoxy: A Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Politics is an internationally peer reviewed journal dedicated to the exploration of academic and policy debates that interface between theology, philosophy and the social sciences.  The editorial policy of the journal is radically non-partisan and the journal welcomes submissions from scholars and […]

From the 2011 Telos Conference: Interview with Peter Candler

From the Telos Press website: In this video from the 2011 Telos Conference, held on January 15–16 in New York City, Adrian Pabst interviews Peter Candler from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Peter gave a controversial and provocative paper entitled “Outside the Church There is No Death.” The starting point of the paper is the […]

Issue of Communio on the Nature of Experience

The latest issue of Commnio: International Catholic Review is a special issue on the ‘Nature of Experience’, containing articles by: David L. Schindler, Reinhard Hütter, Antonio Lopez, Conor Cunningham, D. C. Schindler, David S. Crawford, Steven A. Long, José Granados, Joseph Atkinson, Margaret Harper McCarthy, Michael Maria Waldstein, and Martin Rhonheimer. From the Introduction: The Summer, […]

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