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In the News

This category contains 47 posts

Adrian Pabst in the Guardian

Adrian Pabst, a Leverhulme research fellow at the University of Nottingham in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and a research fellow at the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, has published a piece in The Guardian entitled “Pope Benedict’s call for a civil economy: Instead of defending civil society in its current […]

Alex Andrews in the Guardian

Alex Andrews, a PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, has published a piece in The Guardian entitled “Praying for a revolution in economics: Greenspan’s crisis of faith exposes the scientific veneer of economics for what it is, revealing what amounts to a religion.”

The Centre in Modern Theology

The latest issue of Modern Theology has two articles of note in regard to the work of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy. First is an essay by Todd S. Mei entitled “Economy of the Gift: Rethinking the Role of Land Enclosure in Political Economy” which interacts with the work of both Philip Goodchild and […]

Interview with John Betz

In the latest issue (vol. 96) of the Mars Hill Audio Journal, there is an interview with John Betz, author of After Englightenment: The Post-Secular Vision of J. G. Hamann (Illuminations). Ken Myers talks with Betz about his recent book regarding the life and thought of J. G. Hamann. Click here for the interview with […]

Times Higher Education

Lazarus-style comeback: A revival of interest in theology is evident in academic and political debate, and John Milbank and the radical orthodoxy movement are spreading the news, writes Melanie Newman

Review of the Grandeur of Reason conference

A Contemporary Platonic-Christianity?- On Radical Orthodoxy: An Extended Review of the ‘The Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition and Universalism’ conference, Rome, Italy, September 1-4, 2008 by Jones Irwin. (HTML link, PDF link) Published in Minerva – An Internet Journal of Philosophy Vol. 12 2008.

CoTP and RO in the News

Ruth Gledhill has written an article in the Times Online which mentions the Centre and Radical Orthodoxy.

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