The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams reviews Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong in the latest edition of the Times Literary Supplement, saying that it is “the most interesting and invigorating book on the science–religion frontier that I have encountered”. Link to the website is here, and can […]
Mark Vernon has written a piece in the ‘Comment is Free’ section of The Guardian entitled ‘Ultra-Darwinists and the Pious Gene’ with a lede of ‘Richard Dawkins won’t like it, but he and creationists are singing from similar hymn sheets, according to a new book’, which provides an overview of Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: […]
Conor Cunningham has appeared on the Culture Shocks show with Barry Lynn on 28 January: According to British scholar Conor Cunningham, the debate today between religion and evolution has been hijacked by extremists: on one side stand fundamentalist believers who reject evolution outright, and opposing them are fundamentalist atheists who claim that Darwin’s theory rules out […]
Alex Andrews, a PhD candidate in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham and member of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy has published a piece in the New Left Project entitled ‘Making Democratic Socialism Meaningful.’ The lede reads, ‘In the third piece in our discussion about the Labour Party […]
Professor John Milbank has published an article on ABC Religion and Ethics entitled ‘The Big Society Depends on the Big Parish’. The piece begins: Last week, a motley and anachronistic crew of liberal Anglican theologians and dissenting ministers, in collaboration with the think tank Ecclesia, launched the Common Wealth: Christians for Economic and Social Justiceinitiative, whose purpose […]
John Milbank has two new pieces published, one each in the Guardian and ABC Religion websites. Below are extended and corrected versions of them, which may also be found on the ‘Working Papers’ page. ‘Poverty, Justice, and Virtue’ [PDF] Fry’s Unsexing of Sex [PDF]
Professor John Milbank has published an article on ABC Religion and Ethics entitled ‘Power is Necessary for Peace: In Defence of Constantine’. The lede reads: ‘In her great travelogue about the former Yugoslavia, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, as well as in her novel The Birds Fall Down, the British writer Rebecca West grappled with […]
Just released is Crisis and Recovery: Ethics, Economics, and Justice, by Rowan Williams and Larry Elliott (Palgrave Macmillan [30 Sep 2010]). [Purchase UK | Purchase US]. From the book description: ‘During the ongoing global financial crisis, a lack of moral and ethical leadership in society has been exposed. The Most Reverend Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury […]
Professor John Milbank has published an article on ABC Religion and Ethics entitled ‘The Left and the Politics of Atheism’. The lede reads: ‘Just months after the Australian Labor Party appointed its first openly atheist leader, the Labour Party in Britain has followed suit. The elevation of Ed Miliband – who, despite being rather evasive […]
This morning at 7.50am (GMT) and 8am on Sunday morning, Simon Oliver will be speaking about Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the UK for the beatification of John Henry Newman. He will be on the BBC’s Radio Nottingham.
On the ABC Religion and Ethics website, Professor John Milbank has published a response article that is entitled “Christianity, the Enlightenment, and Islam” (24 August 2010) wherein he responds to an article written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s remarks were made on here on 30 July 2010, and while they appear to be offline […]
This week the administration at Middlesex University has made a decision to cut the entirety of their highest-rated department: their philosophy department including all undergrad and graduate (MA/MPhil/PhD) programmes. The following is an announcement letter from Peter Hallward, Peter Osborne, and Stella Sandford: Dear colleagues, Late on Monday 26 April, the Dean of the School of Arts […]
Adrian Pabst has written a piece in the ‘Comment is Free’ section of The Guardian entitled ‘This pope is Romantic, not reactionary’ with a lede of ‘Catholics like Küng fail to understand the long intellectual tradition which the pope seeks to preserve and extend’. Adrian Pabst is a lecturer in politics in the University of […]
John Milbank has written a brief follow-up piece to his co-authored piece with Phillip Blond in The Guardian (linked here) on the ResPublica blog The Disraelia Room entitled “Opportunity Beyond Equality, Part One”.
Phillip Blond, director of ResPublica, appeared on BBC’s Newsnight this past Monday night ‘to discuss Conservative leader David Cameron’s radical new proposals to give public sector employees ownership of the services they deliver’ (link). Click here to view.
John Milbank and Phillip Blond have co-authored a piece in the Guardian entitled “No equality in opportunity” with the lede of ‘By synthesising old Tory and traditional left ideas a genuinely egalitarian society can be achieved’.
John Milbank has an editorial piece up at the Guardian website entitled “For feminism and family” with the lede of “We need a radical feminism that ends women’s enslavement and allows them to be neither subordinate nor men writ large,” drawing upon both Marxism and Christianity in his analysis.
In a similar vein to the University of Nottingham’s Period Table of Videos, Brady Haran, in conjunction with our Department of Theology and Religious Studies, is now producing a series on the Bible dubbed Bibledex. There will be books on all 66 books of the Bible, and as the website states, they “are by no […]
Adrian Pabst’s latest piece in the Guardian: “Pakistan must confront Wahhabism: As the Saudi-financed Wahhabi Islam supplants the tolerant indigenous Sufi Islam, its violent creed is inspiring terrorism.”
Adrian Pabst, a Leverhulme research fellow at the University of Nottingham in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and a research fellow at the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, has published another piece in The Guardian entitled “Kirill is not the Kremlin’s man: Patriarch Kirill isn’t doing Russia’s bidding in Ukraine. What […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)