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This category contains 47 posts

Macrina Magazine: Fresh Philosophical Engagements with an Ancient Faith

New online publication: Macrina Magazine: Fresh Philosophical Engagements with an Ancient Faith Macrina Magazine is an online Christian philosophical journal that offers readers a platform to explore faith, politics, and culture critically and creatively. We seek to offer a respite for overstimulated yet undernourished minds that are hungry for more substantial reflection than the twenty-four-hour […]

Head to Head, pts. 3 & 4: Stephen Law and John Milbank

Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, pt. 3: Stephen Law: “Are arguments in defence of religion nothing but pseudo-profundity?” Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, pt. 4: John Milbank: “In comparing the finite and the infinite, paradox is a powerful tool.” Previous posts in this series: Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, […]

Head to Head: Stephen Law and John Milbank

Law vs Milbank: order modafinil online india Belief and the Gods, pt. 1: “Philosophy should side with science in the fight against religion.” Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, pt. 2: “There is more to reality than can be seen from the lab and armchair.”

Paul Tyson on the financial power and politics of Greek economic crisis

Oxi and Nai. What the Greek crisis tells us about financial power and politics, by Paul Tyson. On the referendum of July 5, the Greek polity was asked whether they were prepared to surrender the anti-austerity policy agenda of their Syriza led government in order to get more loans. The Greeks answered this question with […]

Jon Hoover: “How to read the medieval scholar the Islamic State used to justify al-Kasasbeh murder”

Jon Hoover, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham has written the following analysis of Islamic State’s use of Ibn Taymiyya in the Moaz al-Kasasbeh video: How to read the medieval scholar the Islamic State used to justify al-Kasasbeh murder

Academic News & Links

We’ve had a few items sent our way recently, and wanted to highlight them here. Philosophy Infographics: History of Philosphy & History of Eastern Philososphy. Video of faculty panel on war with Dean Hays, Professors Amy Laura Hall and Stanley Hauerwas. There’s currently an opening for Lecturer in the Study of Religion at Durham University. Closing […]

University of Nottingham: Dept of Theology & Religious Studies Newsletter 2013-14

Theology and Religious Studies@Nottingham Department of Theology and Religious Studies Newsletter 2013-14   Click here to read the TRS’s Newsletter 2013-14 [PDF].  

“Rethinking Modernity with Nicholas of Cusa”, blog from Johannes Hoff

Read a blog post from Johannes Hoff on the Eerdmans EerdWord blog: “Rethinking Modernity with Nicholas of Cusa”. “Globalized, modern societies are characterized by their inability to reconcile the seemingly black and white univocity of scientific rationality with the ambiguous equivocity of post-modern pop-culture. This is not, however, despite its modern dimensions, a new development. It […]

Celebrating Theology & Religious Studies Faculty from the University of Nottingham

Over at his ‘Letters from Nottingham’ blog, University of Nottingham PhD candidate David Russell Mosley has been creating a series of posts entitled ‘Celebrating Theology and Religious Studies Faculty from the University of Nottingham’. In each post, he has been highlighting the work and contributions of each of our faculty buy soma muscle relaxer members, […]

Research Grants from the Varieties of Religious Understanding project

Psychology Request for Proposals (RFP) Psychology RFP Director: Tania Lombrozo, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley This $1.2 million dollar RFP is intended to support empirical work in psychology on the nature and varieties of human understanding. We anticipate applicants from cognitive, social, and developmental psychology, but will consider additional subfields as well. […]

Articles on Benedict XVI’s decision to renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome

The following articles come in light of Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to step down as pope this past week: The future of love: The erotic politics of Benedict XVI, by John Milbank Pope Benedict XVI: God’s Rottweiler or the Church’s German shepherd?, by Tracey Rowland Analysis: What is the role of a modern pope?, by […]

Archbishop of Canterbury’s address to the Synod of Bishops in Rome

Archbishop’s address to the Synod of Bishops in Rome Wednesday 10th October 2012 In the first address by an Archbishop of Canterbury to the Synod of Bishops in Rome, Archbishop Rowan Williams spoke about the profound connection between contemplation and the task of evangelisation, saying it “must be rooted in a profound confidence that we […]

Did Darwin Kill God? airs on Australian ABC

Conor Cunningham’s Did Darwin Kill God? airs on the Australian ABC network on ABC1 at 2pm on Saturday 30 June 2012. [Link]

ABC Religion: “The problem of religious diversity and the dead-end of reason”

Chris Hackett has written the following article for the ABC Religion and Ethics website entitled “The problem of religious diversity and the dead-end of reason.” It begins: This week, the Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association convenes its annual conference, hosted by the Australian Catholic University, on the topic “Religious Diversity and Its Philosophical Significance.” Thinkers from both Continental and […]

ABC Religion: “Theology Must Save Science From Naturalism”

Conor Cunningham has written the following article for the ABC Religion and Ethics website entitled “Theology Must Save Science From Naturalism.” It begins: Let me lay my cards on the table. The conversation between science and theology has been hijacked by a restrictive naturalism, which rests on an impoverished understanding of science, one that is […]

ABC Religion: “Nostalgia, Novelty, and our Modern Bordeom”

John Milbank has written the following article for the ABC Religion & Ethics website entitled “Nostalgia, Novelty, and our Modern Boredom”. It begins: It is one of the most basic tenets of liberal belief that most people were bored out of their minds for most of human history. Before there were cinemas, art exhibitions, concerts, […]

Adrian Pabst in ABC Religion & Ethics

Adrian Pabst has written an article in ABC Religion and Ethics entitled “What is to be Done? Overcoming the Capitalist Heresy“. It begins: As the leaders of the G20 met in the luxury resort of Cannes on the French Riviera, popular outrage and protest movements were spreading across the globe. From Occupy Wall Street to […]

Adrian Pabst in The Guardian

Adrian Pabst, lecturer in politics in the University of Kent at Canterbury, has published a piece in The Guardian entitled “Blue Ed, Red Dave and the new politics of preaching.”

Symposium on Darwin’s Pious Idea

Maintaining a healthy diet is important for your body’s overall health, reducing risk from many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. These are the best weight loss pills. In honor of National Nutrition Awareness Month, Amy Warriner, M.D., director of UAB Weight Loss Medicine and professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Division of […]

2011 Michael Ramsey Prize goes to David Bentley Hart

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, today awarded the 2011 Michael Ramsey prize to ‘Atheist Delusions’ by David Bentley Hart at a gala lunch at the Telegraph Hay festival. Speaking about the winning entry, Dr Williams said it “takes no prisoners in its response to fashionable criticisms of Christianity”. On receiving the prize David […]

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