Philip Goodchild has been interviewed here at the ROROTOKO website about his book Theology of Money, which is available this year in the US in the New Slant series (previously available through SCM for UK and worldwide).
Just released by Duke University Press in the New Slant series (eds. Philip Goodchild, Kenneth Surin, and Creston Davis) is Kenneth Surin’s Freedom Not Yet: Liberation and the Next World Order. Here is the book description: The neoliberal project in the West has created an increasingly polarized and impoverished world, to the point that the […]
Off the presses this week: The Pope and Jesus of Nazareth: Christ, Scripture and the Church, a collection of essays from the conference of the same name held at the University of Nottingham in the summer of 2008. Published by SCM Press in conjunction with the Centre of Theology and Philosophy in the Veritas series, […]
SCM Press is having a sale on CoTP-associated books, which lasts until 30 September 2009 : The Theology of Money (paperback), by Philip Goodchild (special sale price £13.50) Transcendence and Phenomenology (paperback), eds. Peter M. Candler, Jr. and Conor buy cheap levitra online Cunningham (special sale price: £28.00) Belief and Metaphysics (paperback), eds. Peter M. […]
Due out at the end of September is the edited conference volume entitled The Pope and Jesus of Nazareth (eds. Adrian Pabst and Angus Paddison) based on the conference proceedings of the same name held at the University of Nottingham in the summer of 2008. Click here to pre-order from SCM Press. Details: The publication […]
The Veritas series page has been updated to reflect the addition of three new works. The first is for a volume just-released: J. P. Moreland’s The Recalcitrant Imago Dei: Human Persons and the Failure of Naturalism. [Order UK] [Order US] Endorsements: “J. P. Moreland’s new book is a tour de force. In six clear, concise […]
Fantasy that lights up the real world, a review of Alison Milbank’s Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: The fantasy of the real, by Andrew Davison The Catholic Fantastic of Chesterton and Tolkien, a review of Alison Milbank’s Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: The fantasy of the real, by Ralph C. Wood Money and Credit, Theologically […]
The Centre of Theology and Philosophy, along with Eerdmans Press is happy to announce two forthcoming volumes in the Interventions series: Naturalism, co-authored by Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro, Heidegger: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Sean J. McGrath, and Žižek: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Marcus Pound. Click on the names below to read blurbs […]
Blurbs from Graham Ward, Nicholas Healy, and Stanley Hauerwas have arrived for Nathan Kerr’s Christ, History and Apocalyptic: The Politics of Christian Mission: “This is a timely book that traverses twentieth century theology to develop a distinctive understanding of church engagement with the world. Finely executed and acutely discerning it opens up an ecclesiology that […]
At this year’s AAR in Chicago, a panel is being held on the recently-released Belief and Metaphysics volume in the Veritas series entitled “The Return of Metaphysics: A dialogue on the occasion of the publication of Belief and Metaphysics.” The panel is graciously sponsored by SCM Press‘ Veritas Series and The Centre of Theology and […]
The Centre of Theology and Philosophy, along with Eerdmans Press is happy to announce two forthcoming volumes in the Interventions series: Heidegger: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Sean J. McGrath (forthcoming: 29 September,2008), and Žižek: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Marcus Pound (forthcoming: 29 October, 2008). Listed below are the blurbs that have arrived for […]
The Centre of Theology and Philosophy, along with Eerdmans Press, is proud to announce the release of the first title in the Interventions series entitled Naturalism. Written by Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro, the authors “examine naturalism philosophically, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses. Whereas most other books on naturalism are written for professional philosophers alone, […]
The first book in the Interventions series entitled Naturalism, co-authored by Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro, is now complete! Expect this to be out through Eerdmans by the end of 2007. Click on the cover to the right to see the full cover spread which includes a couple of blurbs. In other related series news, […]
‘…the truth will set you free’ (John, 8, vs. 31) [Click Here to Read the Full Series Description and See the Announced Books] Update: A fifth book has been added to the series!
It is not a question of whether one believes in God or not. Rather, it’s a question of if, in the absence of God, we can have belief, any belief…….. [Click Here to Read the Full Description]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)