Note: Please see this post for the finalized information on this event, including full conference programme, and details on registration. François Laruelle’s Non-Philosophy: Theology,Gnosticism, and Theory A One-day Workshop ‘Principles of a Generic Ethics’ – François Laruelle (Université de Paris X, Nanterre) An Introduction to Non-Philosophy — Anthony Paul Smith (translator of Laruelle’s Future Christ: […]
Just released by Duke University Press in the New Slant series (eds. Philip Goodchild, Kenneth Surin, and Creston Davis) is Kenneth Surin’s Freedom Not Yet: Liberation and the Next World Order. Here is the book description: The neoliberal project in the West has created an increasingly polarized and impoverished world, to the point that the […]
As you can see, the Centre of Theology and Philosophy’s website has gone through a design overhaul. We are now happily on WordPress, so please update your RSS news feeds to this link. Amongst the updates for the site include: A revamped and much more comprehensive publications page. There are now nearly 200 publications added […]
At the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America, there is a forthcoming conference entitled The Nature of Experience: Issues in Culture, Science, and Theology, which will be held December 3-5, 2009. For information about the Symposium, please call 202-526-3799 or contact Registration ends Friday, […]
Conor Cunningham’s BBC2 documentary “Did Darwin Kill God?” gets syndication on ABC Compass, and will air on 22 November 2009 at 22:10. For details click here.
Off the presses this week: The Pope and Jesus of Nazareth: Christ, Scripture and the Church, a collection of essays from the conference of the same name held at the University of Nottingham in the summer of 2008. Published by SCM Press in conjunction with the Centre of Theology and Philosophy in the Veritas series, […]
University of Nottingham Centre of Theology and Philosophy New Programme launching in January 2010 MA in Systematic and Philosophical Theology by distance learning Course Director: Simon Oliver, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology Course Team: John Milbank, Conor Cunningham, Karen Kilby, Philip Goodchild, Aaron Riches, Jeff Wardle, and Tom O’Loughlin This new programme will enable students […]
I’ve just received word from Chris Simpson that his new book has arrived today. It is entitled Religion, Metaphysics, and the Postmodern: William Desmond and John D. Caputo, published by Indiana University Press (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion). The publisher’s description: William Desmond’s original and creative work in metaphysics is attracting more and […]
Due out at the end of September is the edited conference volume entitled The Pope and Jesus of Nazareth (eds. Adrian Pabst and Angus Paddison) based on the conference proceedings of the same name held at the University of Nottingham in the summer of 2008. Click here to pre-order from SCM Press. Details: The publication […]
The Veritas series page has been updated to reflect the addition of three new works. The first is for a volume just-released: J. P. Moreland’s The Recalcitrant Imago Dei: Human Persons and the Failure of Naturalism. [Order UK] [Order US] Endorsements: “J. P. Moreland’s new book is a tour de force. In six clear, concise […]
Did Darwin Kill God? Whilst this programme aired on 31 March 2009, this 1-hour documentary can now be watched here using the BBC iPlayer. A new trailer for the documentary can be accessed here (2 min 16 sec). The BBC’s Darwin Season: marking the life and work of Charles Darwin – highlights: BBC Two As […]
SCM Press and The Centre of Theology and Philosophy invite you to a Book Launch and Seminar Monday, 16 March 2009 4 pm – 7 pm University of Nottingham Staff Club Lounge The Future of Love: Essays in Political Theology John Milbank, Professor in Religion, Politics and Ethics and Director of the Centre of Theology […]
The Future of Love: Essays in Political Theology: “With a newly written preface relating his theology to the current global situation, The Future of Love contains revised versions of eighteen of John Milbank’s essays on theology, politics, religion, and culture—ranging from the onset of neoliberalism to its current crisis, and from the British to the […]
The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic? is a conversation between John Milbank and Slavoj Žižek (edited by Creston Davis) that “concerns the future of religion, secularity, and political hope in light of a monsterful event—God becoming human. For the first time since Žižek’s turn toward theology, we have a true debate between an atheist […]
À quoi servent les images ? Peuvent-elles nous faire accé der à l’essentiel ? Olivier Boulnois, Au-delà de l’image, Une archéologie du visuel au Moyen Age, Ve-XVIe siè cle, Des Travaux/ Seuil, Paris, 2008, 496 p., + 8p. d’illustrations. Cliquez ici pour voir la couverture du livre.
[Click each book for more info]
Phenomenology and Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion) Publication date: 1 Nov 2007 Click here for a larger image of the cover.
Department of Theology and Religious Studies Seminar Programme: Semester 2, 2006-07 Please see the Seminar Schedule for this term. All are welcome!
Eerdmans Publishing and the Centre of Theology and Philosophy (Nottingham) are pleased to announce the formation of a new series entitled INTERVENTIONS, edited by Dr. Conor Cunningham and Dr. Peter Candler. The Advisory Board is represented by Rowan Williams, Charles Taylor, William Desmond, Mark D. Jordan, Peter van Inwagen, Remi Brague, Sarah Coakley, and Jean-Yves […]
Belief and Metaphysics – Final Programme
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)