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This category contains 81 posts

Conference: Habit and Second Nature

The British Society for Phenomenology HABIT AND SECOND NATURE 15th – 17th April 2011 St Hilda’s College, Cowley Place, Oxford Habit is undeniably an important and pervasive aspect of human life; indeed, it is so familiar to us that often we do not pause to reflect on it.  Similarly, the concept of habit has played a […]

Aquinas Lecture 2011

‘If Love It Is…’: Thomistic Reflections on the Psychology of Love Michael Sherwin, OP (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) Wednesday 26 January 2011 5.00pm The Aquinas Institute Blackfriars Oxford Further Information from vivian.boland@english.op.org Download the event poster here.

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s ‘Faith in the World’ Competition

“If we want to nurture a really articulate public argument about the great issues of our times, we have to make sure that younger citizens have the confidence to make themselves heard.  One of the most depressing things that can happen to young people is a climate, whether in school or out of it, that […]

‘Psychology and the Other’ Conference

It is deep autumn. My neighbor, How does he live, I wonder. ~ Haiku by Matsuo Basho Psychology and the Other Conference 2011 October 1st – 3rd Cambridge, MA Plenary Addresses Jeffrey Bloechl, Ph.D., Boston College Mark Freeman, Ph.D., College of the Holy Cross Lynne Layton, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School Stuart A. Pizer, Ph.D., ABPP, […]

“Dimensions of Goodness” International Conference

The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) will host “Dimensions of Goodness,” a major international and interdisciplinary conference April 4-6, 2011 in McKenna Hall at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN. The conference will feature some of the most noted scholars in the arts, engineering, humanities, law, natural and physical sciences, […]

Special Lecture at The Aquinas Institute

THE AQUINAS INSTITUTE at BLACKFRIARS, OXFORD SPECIAL LECTURE ‘God did not make the world: Aquinas on the difference between art and creation’ DR GABRIELA KURYLEWICZ Fundacja Forma, and Institute of Philosophy, Warsaw University Monday 29 November 2010 5.00pm Blackfriars, 64 St Giles’ [Map] Further information from Vivian Boland OP aquinas@bfriars.ox.ac.uk / 01865 278407 [Please download poster […]

New book from Milbank, Žižek, and Davis: Paul’s New Moment

Now out in the States from Brazos Press comes Paul’s New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of Christian Theology, by John Milbank, Slavoj Žižek, and Creston Davis (pre-order in the UK). Are there moments in Christian history when non-Christians in some ways understand Christianity better than Christians? The church fathers and mothers often did […]

Religion and Liberation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Religion and Liberation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives 17 December 2010 St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Church Chaplaincy, Durham £5 registration ‘The Future of Liberation,’ Philip Goodchild (University of Nottingham) ‘Kairos and Akairós,’ Roland Boer (University of Newcastle, Australia) Current debates about religion and politics tend towards two positions: 1) concern over the danger of religious extremism; 2) criticism of […]

Book Launch: For the Parish

Please note that the time below has been corrected to 6.00pm SCM Press cordially invite you to an event to celebrate the publication of: For the Parish: A Critique of Fresh Expressions BY ANDREW DAVISON AND ALISON MILBANK 25 October 2010 at 6.00 pm St Mary-le-Bow Cheapside London EC2V 6AU This is a free event […]

Dates for the 4th CoTP Conference: What is Life?

In 2011, the Centre of Theology and Philosophy, in partership with JPII University and the Copernicus Foundaton, will be having its fourth international conference entitled “What is Life?: Theology, Science, and Philosophy” to be hosted in Kraków, Poland. For your diaries, the dates for the conference are 24-28 June 2011. Call for papers forthcoming.

Darwin’s Pious Idea announced by Eerdmans

Eerdmans Publishing Company has announced Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong (forthcoming in the Interventions series Fall 2010). Below is a sampling of endorsements. (Remaining blurbs can be found here.) “This work of stunning scientific erudition and critical insight differs from the common polemics with Dawkins’ and […]

Did Darwin Kill God? receives Merit Award

RELIGIOUS TELEVISION AWARDS 2010 ‘On 25th May 2010 the Rt Revd Nick Baines presented 4 awards at Lambeth Palace. Roger Bolton, chair of the judging panel, announced the winners.’ [source] From the speech by Roger Bolton: We decided to give the second of our TV merit awards to a very different sort of programme. For BBC […]

Official Statement from the Centre on the Closure of the Middlesex Philosophy Department

From the director of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy, Professor John Milbank: The Middlesex Philosophy Department has the full and unqualified support of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy at the University of Nottingham on account of the excellence of its work which arguably sets the highest standards within contemporary British philosophical reflection. We […]

Middlesex University Shamefully Cuts Philosophy Department

This week the administration at Middlesex University has made a decision to cut the entirety of their highest-rated department: their philosophy department including all undergrad and graduate (MA/MPhil/PhD) programmes. The following is an announcement letter from Peter Hallward, Peter Osborne,  and Stella Sandford: Dear colleagues, Late on Monday 26 April, the Dean of the School of Arts […]

Grandeur of Reason now available

Now available for purchase from the Veritas series is the volume: The Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition and Universalism, edited by Peter M. Candler, Jr. and Conor Cunningham, with a foreword by Angelo Cardinal Scola. The essays contained in this collection arose out of the conference of the same name which took place in Rome, […]

Call for Papers: Theology of Creation Conference

Green as a Leaf: Renewing a Theology of Creation Southwell Minster, Nottinghamshire, 16-19 September 2010 Keynote speakers: Simon Conway Morris, Michael Northcott, John Rodwell, John Milbank, Simon Oliver, Alison Milbank, Margaret Barker Call for Papers Often today debates about our policy towards the environment are purely reactive to events or to the current perceived risk […]

Howard V. Hong dies at age 97

Howard V. Hong, Professor Emeritus at St. Olaf College and translator of Kierkegaard’s corpus (along with his late wife Edna H. Hong), died this week. He was 97. A memorial service will be held at St. Olaf Saturday, March 27, at 11 a.m. in Boe Memorial Chapel. Link to news story Link to official announcement […]

Edward Schillebeeckx Essay Prize

Tijdschrift voor Theologie organizes, in cooperation with the Edward Schillebeeckx Foundation, a biennial essay contest for young theologians and religious studies scholars (maximum age of contestants: 35). This prize has been named after the recently deceased theologian Edward Schillebeeckx (1914-2009), founder of the Tijdschrift voor Theologie in 1961. 2010 will be the first time this […]

Forthcoming in the Veritas series

Five new books are forthcoming in the Veritas series in 2010, to be published by SCM Press in association with the Centre of Theology and Philosophy: The Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition and Universalism, edited by Peter M. Candler Jr. and Conor Cunningham Phenomenology and the Holy: Religious Experience after Husserl, by Espen Dahl Diagonal […]

Prabhu Lecture time change

Today’s CoTP lecture by Joseph Prabhu on “Gandhi’s Economic Philosophy and Its Debt to Ruskin” (previously announced here) has been moved from 4pm to 5pm today.

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