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This category contains 81 posts

Funding Opportunities in Philosophical Theology (St Andrews)

Interactions between Christian thinkers and continental philosophy often have a critical focus, whether on the intellectual debt continental philosophers owe to the Christian tradition, or on the ways secular philosophers critique classical theological accounts of ultimate reality. The newly-funded Widening Horizons in Philosophical Theology project at the University of St Andrews focuses on the joint potential of theology […]

Macrina Magazine: Fresh Philosophical Engagements with an Ancient Faith

New online publication: Macrina Magazine: Fresh Philosophical Engagements with an Ancient Faith Macrina Magazine is an online Christian philosophical journal that offers readers a platform to explore faith, politics, and culture critically and creatively. We seek to offer a respite for overstimulated yet undernourished minds that are hungry for more substantial reflection than the twenty-four-hour […]

Announcing New Trinitarian Ontologies Conference (Sep 2019)

ANNOUNCING New Trinitarian Ontologies Conference University of Cambridge Faculty of Divinity 13-15 September 2019 Follow and find out more on Twitter and Facebook.

The Beacon Project

See below for information on The Beacon Project: From Angela Knobel: The “Beacon Project” is an interdisciplinary project funded by a 3.9 million dollar grant from the Templeton World Charity foundation.  Our project hypothesizes that that a full understanding of morality and virtue can be achieved only by examining the morally excellent.  As part of […]

Research Funding at Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion

Research Funding Opportunities through Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion Hope, Optimism, and God (Residential Fellowships) Hope & Optimism: Conceptual and Empirical Investigations invites applications for residential fellowships as part of our “Hope, Optimism, and God” funding initiative for projects beginning Fall 2015. Winning applicants will spend AY2015-2016 in residence at Notre Dame’s Center […]

Philosophical Theology Reading Group at the University of Nottingham

Philosophical Theology Reading Group The theme of the Philosophical Theology Reading Group this semester (Autumn 2014) will be ‘Derrida and Malabou; Messianicity and Plasticity’. The first four sessions and readings are as follows: Session 1: Jacques Derrida, ‘The Ends of Man,’ in Margins of Philosophy, 109-136. Session 2: Jacques Derrida, ‘Faith and Knowledge,’ in Acts […]

Update on the availability of Tyson’s Returning to Reality

Paul Tyson’s Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for Our Times, is now available with the Book Depository. The advantage of this is that international orders are mailed out to on-line buyers where to buy soma medicine without the buyer paying for postage. http://www.bookdepository.com/Returning-Reality-Paul-Tyson/9781610979245 For more information on Returning to Reality, see our previous post on […]

New Book Series: Theology and Philosophy

Theology and Philosophy www.pickeringchatto.com/theophil Series Editors: Craig Bartholomew, Alan Mittleman, and Meena Sharify-Funk The aim of this new monograph series is to promote work at the interface of theology and philosophy. It attempts to both foreground and explore their inter-relationship, showcasing examples of constructive engagement between the two. The series publishes work that engages sacred […]

John Templeton Foundation Funding Inqueries open

As part of its fall open submission cycle, the John Templeton Foundation welcomes online funding inquiries in the areas of philosophy and theology.  The submission window is August 1 to October 1, 2014.  Proposed philosophical projects need not have religion or theology as a focus.  To submit an online funding inquiry, please visit http://www.templeton.org/what-we-fund/our-grantmaking-process. Please note […]

BioLogos: Seeking a Content Editor

From Deborah B. Haarsma, President of BioLogos: I’m writing to ask your help. BioLogos is seeking someone to join our team as a content editor at our offices in Grand buy isotretinoin in canada Rapids, Michigan. Here’s the position description: We are searching within the Editorial Freelancers Association for a qualified candidate to serve as […]

[UPDATE] Forthcoming Journal: Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences

UPDATE: The first issue of this journal will soon be released in April 2014. Forthcoming from Mohr Siebeck: Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences (PTSc) Edited by Celia Deane-Drummond (Notre Dame), Dirk Evers (Halle-Wittenberg), Niels H. Gregersen(Copenhagen), Gregory R. Peterson (Brookings) Managing Editor: Dirk Evers Associate Editors: Conor Cunningham (Nottingham), David Fergusson (Edinburgh), Agustín Fuentes (Notre Dame), Peter Harrison (Queensland), Kristian Köchy (Kassel), Nancey Murphy (Pasadena), Robert J. Russell (Berkeley), Mikael Stenmark (Uppsala), Günter Thomas (Bochum), Wesley Wildman (Boston),Gayle E. Woloschak (Chicago) Philosophy, Theology and […]

Institute of Ideas: Academy Scholarship Programme 2014

Dear All, ACADEMY SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION 2014 For the third year, the Institute of Ideas will be running the Academy Scholarship Programme for full time students of ANY academic discipline. Successful applicants will be eligible to attend the annual Academy weekend for only £60. Read on for details of how to apply. WHAT IS THE ACADEMY? […]

Announcing the death of a great philosopher, friend of the Centre, and friend to many: E J Lowe (Update)

A message from Dr Conor Cunningham: The COTP is sad to announce the death of E J Lowe, Professor of Metaphysics at the University of Durham.  We here, at Nottingham, had a very fruitful relationship with his unbelievable analytical skills; indeed his generosity and patience, especially with our ignorance, was nearly unsurpassed. Speaking personally, for […]

Institute of Ideas Academy: Student Scholarship Programme 2013

A letter from Claire Fox, the Director at the Institute of Ideas: Dear All, Do you have a passion for the greatest works in the classical, literary, historical and philosophical canon? Does the idea of grappling with the complexities of human nature through the works of Cicero and Plato, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Franz […]

Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study: Call for Fellows

From the NDIAS: The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) is dedicated to fostering and supporting integrative scholarship addressing major issues and questions of value in ways that transcend disciplinary boundaries. The institute is currently calling for fellows for the 2013-2014 academic year. The deadline for 2013-2014 fellowship applications is November 1, 2012. For […]

The Theology of Food now out in Paperback

The Theology of Food: Eating and the Eucharist, by Angel F. Méndez Montoya, published in the Illuminations series, is now available in paperback. [Purchase US | Purchase UK] The links between religion and food have been known for centuries, and yet we rarely examine or understand the nature of the relationship between food and spirituality, […]

Institute of Ideas Academy Scholarship Programme

Does the idea of grappling with the great existential questions of free will and determinism through the works of Homer and Sophocles, Thomas Paine and Herbert Spencer, Jane Austen and Dostoevsky, Martin Luther and Jean-Paul Sartre, appeal to you? Do you have a passion for the greatest works in the historical, philosophical, classical, and literary […]

Alban Books Offer for UK/European Readers

The following offer has been sent our way from Alban Books, the UK distributor of Eerdmans: Alban Books is the exclusive UK/European distributor for Eerdmans Publishing Company in the USA. Preorder your copies of the two new titles in the Interventions series – Metaphysics: The Creation of Hierarchy by Adrian Pabst and Words of Christby Michel Henry  – […]

Keble Theology Workshop 7th February 2012

Dear Colleagues, Please see the attached poster for the next Keble Theology Workshop, scheduled for Tuesday 7th February. This will feature a discussion and debate on the subject, ‘Can the West Live With Islam?’ Our two high-profile speakers are Prof. Nigel Biggar, Oxford University’s Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology, and Dr Tim Winter, Cambridge University’s Sheikh Zayed Lecturer in Islamic […]

Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse

Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse (18-20 July 2012) A conference organised by the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen, Norway; funded by the Bergen Research Foundation through the ‘Modernism and Christianity’ research project. The modernist imperative ‘Make it new!’ posits a break with traditional artistic forms, but also with the entire mould of […]

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