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Adam Morton

Adam Morton has written 615 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

New from Thomas John Hastings: Seeing All Things Whole: The Scientific Mysticism and Art of Kagawa Toyohiko (1888-1960)

New from Thomas John Hastings: Seeing All Things Whole: The Scientific Mysticism and Art of Kagawa Toyohiko (1888-1960), with a foreword by J. Wentzel van Huyssteen (Wipf & Stock; 272pp+). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Publication description: KAGAWA TOYOHIKO was one of the best-known evangelists and social reformers of the twentieth century. Founder of several […]

New from Ric Machuga: Three Theological Mistakes: How to Correct Enlightenment Assumptions about God, Miracles, and Free Will

New Title from Ric Machuga: Three Theological Mistakes: How to Correct Enlightenment Assumptions about God, Miracles, and Free Will (Cascade Books / Wipf & Stock; published January 5, 2015; 294pp+). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Publication description: Though the Enlightenment was responsible for much that is fine, just, and good, it also promoted three bad […]

Expanded CFP: Ecofeminist Intersections and New Voices in Ecofeminist Activism

This is an updated and expanded CFP from the previous post here. — Chapter proposals are invited for two new book projects, Ecofeminist Intersections and New Voices in Ecofeminist Activism, due by March 1, 2015. Both books explore the manifold ways that ecofeminism has been used across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social […]

Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology conference: The Letter and the Spirit: On the Forgotten Documents of Vatican II

From October 26 – 29, 2015, The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven will convene the 10th biennial meeting of the Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology (LEST X) conference, titled: The Letter and the Spirit: On the Forgotten Documents of Vatican II The conference will explore the reception of the Second […]

Now available: The Submerged Reality: Sophiology and the Turn to a Poetic Metaphysics, by Michael Martin

Now available from Angelico Press: The Submerged Reality: Sophiology and the Turn to a Poetic Metaphysics, by Michael Martin, with a foreword by Adrian Pabst (Angelico Press; Published 10 February 2015; 246pp+). In The Submerged Reality, Michael Martin challenges us to reimagine theology, philosophy, and poetics through the lens of sophiology. Sophiology, as this book shows, […]

Jon Hoover: “How to read the medieval scholar the Islamic State used to justify al-Kasasbeh murder”

Jon Hoover, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham has written the following analysis of Islamic State’s use of Ibn Taymiyya in the Moaz al-Kasasbeh video: How to read the medieval scholar the Islamic State used to justify al-Kasasbeh murder

Darwin’s Pious Idea On Sale at Amazon

Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong is currently on sale at Amazon.com for $7.98. Click here to purchase. Earlier praise for Darwin’s Pious Idea: “Despite its length, Darwin’s Pious Idea is a very readable book, engaging and often acerbically witty. It has some serious and original things to say […]

New book in the Veritas series: Sacramental Presence after Heidegger: Onto-Theology, Sacraments, and the Mother’s Smile

Newly available from the Centre of Theology and Philosophy’s Veritas series: Sacramental Presence after Heidegger: Onto-theology, Sacraments, and the Mother’s Smile, by Conor Sweeney. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book description: Theology after Heidegger must take into account history and language as constitutive elements in the pursuit of meaning. Quite often, this prompts a […]

Lumen Christi Institute: 2015 Summer Seminars in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition

The Lumen Christi Institute is pleased to announce the 2015 Summer Seminars in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Now in its seventh year, these seminars are open to Ph.D. students in the humanities, social sciences, and other relevant areas of study. Room, board, and a travel stipend will be included for those whose applications are accepted. Each […]

Nihilism and Metaphysics: The Third Voyage, by Vittorio Possenti

Nihilism and Metaphysics: The Third Voyage, by Vittorio Possenti, translated by Daniel B. Gallagher, with a foreword by Brian Schroeder (SUNY; Published: January 2, 2015; 424+ pp). [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book description: Challenging the idea that nihilism has supplanted metaphysics, Vittorio Possenti finds in this philosophical turn the grounds for a mature renewal of […]

Now available: The Suspended Middle, 2nd Edition, by John Milbank

The Suspended Middle: Henri de Lubac and the Renewed Split in Modern Catholic Theology, 2nd Edition, by John Milbank (Eerdmans; Published: 12/29/2014; 134+pp). [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Eerdmans.com] Book description: French Jesuit Henri de Lubac (1896-1991) was arguably the most revolutionary yet under-acknowledged theologian of the twentieth century. He proposed that Western theology since […]

Call for Book Chapters: Ecofeminist Intersections

When d’Eaubonne coined the word “ecofeminism” in 1974, related ideas were already being discussed in a range of social sciences and humanities. Within anthropology Ortner (1974) argued that the universal devaluation of women relative to men could be explained by assuming that women are seen as being closer to nature than men, while men are […]

CFP: Ontology and History: A Challenging & Auspicious Dialogue for Philosophy & Theology

http://ontologyandhistory.wix.com/delphi International Conference at the European Cultural Centre of Delphi 29-31 May 2015 in Delphi, Greece Ontology and History: A Challenging and Auspicious Dialogue for Philosophy and Theology This conference will attempt to explore the relationship between ontology and history in the context of both philosophical enquiry and Christian theology. Ontology is the study of […]

ICP: International Program « Étudier à paris »

From the Institut Catholique de Paris: Please find attached [PDF] a presentation of the new “Etudier à Paris” (Study in Paris) Study Abroad Program delivered at ICP, designed for international students from partner Universities who are not French-speaking, but wish to study in Paris at ICP. The enclosed leaflet and online brochure provide detailed information. […]

CFP: SST 64th Annual Conference – Thinking the Church Today

THINKING THE CHURCH TODAY 13 TO 15 APRIL 2015 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM www.theologysociety.org.uk CALL FOR PAPERS AND BURSARIES I am writing to call for paper proposals and bursary applications for the Society for the Study of Theology’s sixty-fourth annual conference. This year’s theme is ‘Thinking the Church today’ and the questions we shall be addressing […]

Now available: RO:TPP Journal Vol. 2, no. 3

The latest issue of the Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics journal, Volume 2, Number 3 is now available for reading on the open-access website. Table of contents: Articles Kierkegaard’s Virtue Epistemology Michael D. Stark Joseph Ratzinger’s Understanding of Freedom Peter John McGregor The Martyr as the Vanishing Point for a New Political Philosophy Dotan Leshem Reviews […]

Research Funding at Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion

Research Funding Opportunities through Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion Hope, Optimism, and God (Residential Fellowships) Hope & Optimism: Conceptual and Empirical Investigations invites applications for residential fellowships as part of our “Hope, Optimism, and God” funding initiative for projects beginning Fall 2015. Winning applicants will spend AY2015-2016 in residence at Notre Dame’s Center […]

Academic News & Links

We’ve had a few items sent our way recently, and wanted to highlight them here. Philosophy Infographics: History of Philosphy & History of Eastern Philososphy. Video of faculty panel on war with Dean Hays, Professors Amy Laura Hall and Stanley Hauerwas. There’s currently an opening for Lecturer in the Study of Religion at Durham University. Closing […]

CFP: The Ethics of Nature – The Nature of Ethics

THE ETHICS OF NATURE – THE NATURE OF ETHICS Saturday, 16th May 2015 The question of ethics has been central to philosophical and theological traditions throughout history, and as time moves forward, investigations into ethics in the context of the relationship between humanity and nature have become more complex, taking account of advancements in the […]

New 2nd Edition of Gregory Shaw’s Theurgy and the Soul: The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus

The 2nd edition of Gregory Shaw’s Theurgy and the Soul: The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus is now available (Angelico Press/Sophia Perennis; September 9, 2014). This 2nd edition contains a new preface from the author, as well as a foreword by John Milbank and Aaron Riches. [Purchase: Amazon.uk | Amazon.com] Description: Theurgy and the Soul is a study […]

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