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Adam Morton

Adam Morton has written 615 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

Theology in the Pub – Grill a Theologian: Conor Cunningham

Tuesday 23 February – 8pm Grill a theologian – Your chance to ask a Theologian about absolutely anything! Dr Conor Cunningham is an Associate Professor of Theology and Philiosophy at the University of Nottingham, and the Co-Director of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy. He’s the Author of Genealogy of Nihilism: Philosophies of Nothing and […]

Social Media and Human Flourishing: Call for Papers

Social Media and Human Flourishing: Call for Papers Interdisciplinary Colloquium: September 16-18, 2016, Montreal, Canada Keynote by Dr. Eric McLuhan Author of The Sensus Communis, Synesthesia, and the Soul: An Odyssey (2015) and with Marshal McLuhan Media and Formal Cause (2011) It has now been nearly twenty years since the internet became a defining part of […]

CFP: At Oxford: “Political Demonology: The Logic of Evil in Contemporary Literature and Theology”

Call for Papers Political Demonology: The Logic of Evil in Contemporary Literature and Theology Day Conference – Friday, 20 May 2016 Worcester College, Oxford This conference is intended to bring theologians, philosophers of religion, and literary scholars together to frame approaches to the problem of political evil—a project one might call ‘political demonology’—for our contemporary […]

Head to Head, pts. 3 & 4: Stephen Law and John Milbank

Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, pt. 3: Stephen Law: “Are arguments in defence of religion nothing but pseudo-profundity?” Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, pt. 4: John Milbank: “In comparing the finite and the infinite, paradox is a powerful tool.” Previous posts in this series: Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, […]

Lecture: Muslims in Europe – Opportunities and Challenges, by Professor Akbar Ahmed

Lecture: Muslims in Europe – Opportunities and Challenges Location: Keighton Auditorium, University Park Campus Date: Tuesday 24th May 2016 (19:00-20:30) Contact: Jon Hoover Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Nottingham Karimia Institute t: 0115 841 5806 or 07519 535 802 Public lecture at the UoN, Tuesday, 24 May 2016: “Muslims in Europe: Opportunities and Challenges” […]

New: The Heart has its Reasons: Towards a Theological Anthropology of the Heart, by Beáta Tóth

Newly available from Cascade: The Heart has its Reasons: Towards a Theological Anthropology of the Heart, by Beáta Tóth (Wipf & Stock/Cascade; January 2016; 268pp). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book description: This book explores a hitherto neglected area of theological anthropology: the unity of human emotionality and rationality embodied in the biblical concept of the heart. […]

New from Dominic Johnson: God is Watching You: How the Fear of God Makes Us Human

Out this month from Dominic Johnson: God is Watching You: How the Fear of God Makes Us Human (Oxford University Press; January 2016; 304pp). [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book description: “And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under […]

Head to Head: Stephen Law and John Milbank

Law vs Milbank: order modafinil online india Belief and the Gods, pt. 1: “Philosophy should side with science in the fight against religion.” Law vs Milbank: Belief and the Gods, pt. 2: “There is more to reality than can be seen from the lab and armchair.”

The Institut Saint-Serge: Celebrating 90 Years of Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue

To mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Saint Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paris, and the publication of the first Agreed Statement of the International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: ‘In the Image and Likeness of God: A Hope-Filled Anthropology’, a special conference has been organised: ‘The Institut Saint-Serge: Celebrating 90 Years of Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue’ This conference will take […]

Updates to event: Radical Orthodoxy and Protestantism

Please see the updated details for this event below: Although The Cambridge Movement, or Radical Orthodoxy (RO), emerged from a group of Anglo-Catholics and Catholics, it has developed as a uniquely ecumenical theology, attracting the interest of both Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Christians. Despite criticising the Reformation for its lack of a ‘theology of participation’, […]

Improved Cardiovascular Health

The benefits of quitting smoking can usually be felt within days. Health continues to improve as key structures of the lungs and heart start to repair themselves.1 Although the results can vary from person to person, many of these changes will occur on a fairly standard timeline. After you quit smoking, you can expect to experience a number of […]

Incarnation – Quiting smoking

The benefits of quitting smoking can usually be felt within days. Health continues to improve as key structures of the lungs and heart start to repair themselves.1 Although the results can vary from person to person, many of these changes will occur on a fairly standard timeline. After you quit smoking, you can expect to experience a number […]

Yoga for Weight Loss: Easy Asanas for Losing Weight

Yoga is one of the oldest practices in the world. Its origins date back to 1000 years. Regularly Practicing yoga has both mental and physical benefits. Additionally, it makes for a great workout! Do you want to shed those pesky kilos? Then you’re at the right place! Let’s talk about the best yoga asanas for […]

Now available: Interstitial Soundings: Philosophical Reflections on Improvisation, Practice, and Self-Making, by Cynthia Nielsen

Now out from Cascade Books is Cynthia R. Nielsen’s Interstitial Soundings: Philosophical Reflections on Improvisation, Practice, and Self-Making. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] In Interstitial Soundings, Cynthia R. Nielsen brings music and philosophy into a fruitful and mutually illuminating dialogue. Topics discussed include the following: music’s dynamic ontology, performers and improvisers as co-composers, the communal character of […]

Now available: Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics (Vol. 3, no. 1)

Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics Vol. 3, Number 1. September 2015 Articles “God, Creation, and Evil: The Moral Meaning of creatio ex nihilo” David Bentley Hart “Laughter and the Between: G. K. Chesterton and the Reconciliation of Theology and Hilarity” Duncan Bruce Reyburn “A Supernatural Nowhere: How Radical Orthodoxy and Lonergan Studies have Failed to Get […]

A Theological Symposium: Thomism and Predestination

Dear Friends of the Thomistic Institute, We are pleased to announce an upcoming theological symposium co-sponsored by the Aquinas Center (Ave Maria University) and the Thomistic Institute, titled “Thomism and Predestination” on January 25-27, 2016 at Ave Maria University. Please see the attached poster for the list of speakers. For registration and general inquiries, please […]

The Beacon Project

See below for information on The Beacon Project: From Angela Knobel: The “Beacon Project” is an interdisciplinary project funded by a 3.9 million dollar grant from the Templeton World Charity foundation.  Our project hypothesizes that that a full understanding of morality and virtue can be achieved only by examining the morally excellent.  As part of […]

New and forthcoming in the Veritas series

We have three books to announce in the Veritas series: one just published, and two forthcoming edited collections. The first is: Facing the Other: John Paul II, Levinas, and the Body, by Nigel Zimmermann, with a foreword by Brice de Malherbe. Download a promotional flyer for this book here [PDF]. [Purchase from: Wipf & Stock | […]

Now available: The Great Grace: Receiving Vatican II Today

Now available: The Great Grace: Receiving Vatican II Today, edited by Nigel Zimmermann (Bloomsbury Publishing; 160pp+). [Purchase: Bloomsbury | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Publication description: Nigel Zimmermann presents critical reflections from leading Catholic prelates and scholars on the significance of the Second Vatican Council fifty years after it began. These include two senior Cardinals, one of whom is […]

Day Colloquium: Radical Orthodoxy and Protestantism

Centre of Theology and Philosophy Radical Orthodoxy and Protestantism Day Colloquium Highfield House, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD 21st November 2015 10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. www.nottingham.ac.uk/theology Speakers Nathan Barczi: RO and Barth Silvianne Bürki: Peter Martyr and Metaphysics of Causality in the Reformation Sven Grosse: Critique of RO Readings of Luther Boris Gunjevic: RO and […]

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