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Adam Morton

Adam Morton has written 615 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

‘Excellent Women’ Lecture Series at Westminster Abbey

Jane Austen’s Afterlife: Art, Culture and Religion The Reverend Dr Alison Grant Milbank 5th June 2018, 6.30 – 7.45 pm, in the Lady Chapel, Westminster Abbey In this first lecture, the Reverend Dr Alison Grant Milbank, Associate Professor of Literature and Theology, University of Nottingham, discusses the work of Jane Austen (1775 – 1817). To […]

theForum@LSE: Death

Death 29 May | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm All welcome | Free to attend | First come, first served at the door ‘To philosophize is to learn to die’, writes Michel de Montaigne, in a lineage of death-preoccupied thinkers reaching back to Plato’s Socrates. Can philosophers fulfil such a lofty injunction? How might learning […]

Call for Applications: Living Freedom 2018

Living Freedom 2018 – APPLY NOW We are encouraging applications for Living Freedom, the residential school for 18-25 year olds organised by the Academy of Ideas. The school takes place at the CIEE Global Institute in central London on 5 – 7 April 2018. See http://www.academyofideas.org.uk/events/living_freedom_2018 Living Freedom provides a stimulating forum for around 40 […]

CFA & CFP: 6th International Summer School & Conference – Beyond Secular Faith: ”Economy of Desire”

Call for Applications and Call for Papers 6th International Summer School and Conference – Beyond Secular Faith “Economy of Desire” 17th – 25th June, 2018 – Granada (Spain) Download: Poster | Programme | Call for Papers and Applications Organizing Institutions Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein, Granada Faculty of Philosophy – The Pontifical University of John […]

‘All there is today is a lack of the All.’

  John Milbank’s essay, ‘The All: A philosophico-political polemic‘ is now available to read online at The Immanent Frame, as part of their special project ‘Is this all there is‘.  

Overcoming the Fear: A Tale of Muslim Britain, a talk by Baroness Sayeeda Warsi

  The Trust Building Forum invites you to: Overcoming the fear: a tale of Muslim Britain Baroness Sayeeda Warsi Former Senior Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth and author of The Enemy Within: A Tale of Muslim Britain. Thursday 15 March, 6.45-8pm B52, Business School South, Jubilee Campus Presented by the Department of Theology and […]

Call for papers: Borders and Boundaries in Ancient Israel

Borders and Boundaries in Ancient Israel University of Nottingham 5th-6th June 2018 Abstracts are invited for a two-day interdisciplinary conference on the theme “Borders and Boundaries in Ancient Israel” to be held at the University of Nottingham, 5th-6th of June, 2018. Keynote addresses will be delivered by Prof. Christopher B. Hays (Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, […]

Russian translation of Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea now available

Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong, by Conor Cunningham, has now been translated into Russian, which also now includes a new 40-page afterword by the author. See the full description here, which also includes a link to the table of contents and the book’s introduction. Purchase the Russian translation […]

Now available: The Flame Imperishable: Tolkien, St. Thomas, and the Metaphysics of Faerie

Now available from Angelico Press: The Flame Imperishable: Tolkien, St. Thomas, and the Metaphysics of Faerie, by Jonathan S. McIntosh. [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] J. R. R. Tolkien was a profoundly metaphysical thinker, and one of the most formative influences on his imagination, according to this new study of his works, was the great thirteenth-century theologian, St. […]

Job: Assistant Professor in Religious Ethics

The Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham is seeking to enhance and complement its existing strengths in teaching and research with the appointment of a new Assistant Professor in Religious Ethics. The successful candidate will be well grounded in the methods and theory of the study of religion, design and deliver […]

CALL FOR PAPERS: The 2018 Telos Europe Conference

Friday, August 31, to Sunday, September 2, 2018 Ragusa, Sicily The Endurance of Empire  Conference Description The end of the two world wars saw the fall of mighty empires—from the Tsarist Empire, the Kaiserreich and the Ottoman Empire to the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. This was followed by the dissolution of the French and British […]

Available for pre-order: Myth and Solidarity in the Modern World, by Timothy Stacey

Available for pre-order from Routledge: Myth and Solidarity in the Modern World: Beyond Religious and Political Division, by Timothy Stacey. In the context of the rise of reactionary politics across the globe, this book seeks new ways of developing solidarity across religious, political and economic differences. Drawing on an increasingly influential Christian theological movement, postliberalism, it […]

Now available: An Economics of Justice and Charity, by Thomas Storck

Now available from Angelico Press: An Economics of Justice and Charity: Catholic Social Teaching, Its Development and Contemporary Relevance, by Thomas Storck, with a foreword by Peter Kwasniewski. [Purchase: Amazon | Amazon.co.uk] Since Pope Leo XIII’s landmark encyclical Rerum Novarum of 1891, a significant part of Catholic social doctrine has focused on man’s economic life and the challenge of building […]

Now available: The Architectonics of Hope, by Kyle Gingerich Hiebert

Now available from Cascade Books: The Architectonics of Hope: Violence, Apocalyptic, and the Transformation of Political Theology, by Kyle Gingerich Hiebert, with a foreword by Cyril O’Regan. [Purchase: Wipf and Stock | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com] The Architectonics of Hope provides a critical excavation and reconstruction of the Schmittian seductions that continue to bedevil contemporary political theology. Despite a veritable explosion […]

Searching for a New Ontology – the Revival of Analogy and Sophiology

Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Ontologie – zur Aktualität von Analogielehre und Sophiologie / Searching for a New Ontology – the Revival of Analogy and Sophiology / A la recherche d’une nouvelle ontologie – la renaissance de l’analogie et de la sophiologie Ein Expertengespräch zur Vorbereitung einer internationalen Tagung A Study Day for preparing […]

Divine Creation & Linguistic Creations: A Conference in Celebration of Prof. Janet Soskice’s Work

1 December 2017, Cambridge UK This celebration of Prof. Janet Soskice’s theological career and work brings together scholars from Yale, Notre Dame, the University of Cambridge, and beyond. Topics drawn from her oeuvre include theological language and poetics, liturgy and symbolics of gender, creation ex nihilo, Soskician legacies, and the future of theology. To book […]

RETHINK Reformation 2017

2017 is the official 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. It is also the year in which Aarhus is to be the European Capital of Culture (EcoC), under the general theme of Rethink. These historical constellations provide a unique opportunity not only to celebrate and commemorate, but also to critically review the legacy of the Reformation, retool […]

International Summer School and Conference: Beyond Secular Faith 2017

International Summer School & Conference “Beyond Secular Faith” Economy of Desire 17-25 June 2018 Deadline to apply: 15 May 2018 The Institute of Philososphy Edith Stein (IFES), the Pontifical University John Paul II, and the International Centre for the Study of the Christian Orient welcome international students during the Summer. This prospectus [PDF] will give you […]

Now available: De-fragmenting Modernity

Does Modern Lifestyle Affect Your Health? The world never stops from evolving. Currently, Millennials are the largest active generation, with most young adults being between 19 and 36. In truth, the demographic definition of Millennials doesn’t only rely on a date of birth, but on their behavioral patterns too. In other words, there are older […]

Now available: Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness, by Peter Kwasniewski

Now available from Angelico press: Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness: Why the Modern Age Needs the Mass of Ages, by Peter Kwasniewski, with a foreword by Martin Mosebach. [Purchase: Amazon] The traditional liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church is a highly formal ritual unfolding in layers of elaborate gesture, rich symbolism, whispered Latin, and ancient plainchants. […]

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