Second Call for Papers Revista Pléyade nº8 Year iv, 2nd Semester 2011 “Sovereignty, representation And authority: Current Interpretations of Political Theology” Carl Schmitt’s claim that “all significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts,” written in 1922, has proven to be influential in contemporary political thought. On the one hand, […]
Varieties of Continental Thought and Religion June 15-16, 2012 Ryerson University Toronto, Canada We invite submissions from scholars and graduate students based in Canada and abroad on the topic of Continental Thought and Religion. The general theme of the conference is meant to reflect the variety of articulations of religion that have emerged in contemporary […]
Adrian Pabst, lecturer in politics in the University of Kent at Canterbury, has published a piece in The Guardian entitled “Blue Ed, Red Dave and the new politics of preaching.”
Reading Karl Barth: A Companion to Karl Barth’s Epistle to the Romans, by Kenneth Oakes (Wipf & Stock, 2011) Book Description: Karl Barth’s 1922 The Epistle to the Romans is one of the most famous, notorious, and influential works in twentieth-century theology and biblical studies. It is also a famously and notoriously difficult and enigmatic work, especially […]
Dr Patrick Madigan, SJ Editor of the Heythrop Journal of Philosophy and Religion ‘Jesus and Lucifer: Rival Sons of the Father’ October 26 2011 12:00pm – 1:30pm Gainesville buy authentic xanax online State College Georgia, USA CE Auditorium 108 Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, contact: Daniel Haynes Gainesville State […]
The German Philosophy Seminar at the IGRS will host a guest lecture by Laurence Hemming Monday, 31 October 16:00-18:00 ‘Beside myself with Indignation: Hegel, Marx and Heidegger on Alienation’ Marx’s understanding of alienation has increasingly become a key not only for understanding his own work, but also for certain self-presentations of the work of the […]
Every Monday at the Upper Room of the Mitre on High Street // 7pm for 7.30pm 01 | 10 Oct – Dr. Conor Cunningham: ‘Dawkins the Neanderthal, and Darwin’s Pious Idea’ (at University Church, High Street) 02 | 17 Oct – Fr. Richard Finn OP: ‘St. Augustine: Philosophical and Pastoral Theologian’ 03 | 24 Oct – Joel […]
Andrew Davison reviews Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong [UK | US] in The Church Times: ‘[This book] is nothing short of magnificent. Every now and then Providence sends a book to save the day. Darwin’s Pious Idea may be one of those books.’ Link. [Subscription required]
Going to the Gym Without Eating First? Here’s a new incentive: Eat protein before you go and you can peel off 15 pounds a year. A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport showed that women who ate a high-protein meal an hour before their workout burned more calories per minute than […]
The Trinity: An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Triune God, by Gilles Emery OP, translated by Matthew Levering [UK | US] Product Description: Representing the highest quality of scholarship, Gilles Emery offers a much-anticipated introduction to Catholic doctrine on the Trinity. His extensive research combined with lucid prose provides readers a resource to better […]
Royal Institute of Philosophy Public Lectures Autumn 2011 at Roehampton ‘Philosophy and Classics’ These will be held in the Autumn term at the University of Roehampton (see details below for location and maps). Lectures are free to attend and all are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Tuesday Oct 18th 2011, 5 – 6.30 pm: Dr […]
Leeds Trinity University College, in conjunction with the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, calls for papers for presentation at the conference Vatican II 50 Years On: The New Evangelization on 26-29 June 2012. The Second Vatican Council was a seminal event which had a profound impact on the life of the Catholic Church and […]
The 2012 St. Thomas Summer Seminar in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology Recent PhDs and current graduate students are invited to apply to participate in the 2012 St. Thomas Summer Seminar in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology, a three-week long seminar organized by Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers) and Michael Rota (University of St. Thomas). The […]
Sociology of Religion Study Group (SOCREL) Annual Conference: Religion and (In)Equalities University of Chester, UK 28 – 30 March 2012 Plenary Speakers: Professor Tariq Modood (University of Bristol) Professor Elaine Graham (University of Chester) Professor Sean McCloud (University of North Carolina) Also featuring, a roundtable discussion with… Professor Linda Woodhead and Dr Rebecca Catto (Lancaster University) Professor […]
British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference In association with the University of Dundee and the Spinoza Research Network Spinoza, the Infinite, and the Eternal 11-12 May 2012 — University of Dundee, Scotland Keynote speakers: Clare Carlisle (Kings College London) Alan Nelson (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Conference organizers: Beth Lord (University […]
Extended Deadline: 1st of December 2011 Call for papers: Kierkegaard and Human Nature (Acta Kierkegaardiana, Volume VI) One of the key charges Kierkegaard makes against “Hegel”, “Hegelians”, “objectivists”, and “speculative thinkers” is that their views are deficient with respect to our natures as human beings. Specifically, the above views are said to leave us wanting with […]
Just a reminder about the paper deadline for our upcoming conference: January 15, 2012. SCPT SOCIETY FOR CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY SCPT’s 2012 Conference Creation, Creatureliness, and Creativity: The Human Place in the Natural World April 20-22, 2012 Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles Keynote Speakers: Bruce Foltz (Eckerd College) Janet Martin Soskice (Cambridge University) Norman […]
The Department of Theology and Religious Studies and the Centre of Theology and Philosophy has moved to a new location! We have relocated to the new Humanities building located on the main University Park campus at the University of Nottingham.
Abstract paper proposals to the relevant convener (check on website) by 15 December 2011; response will be given by 15 February 2012 Theme: Rethinking Humanism Type: International Conference Institution: Institute of European Cultural Identity Studies and Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies, University of St Andrews Location: St Andrews, Scotland (United Kingdom) Date: 28.6.–1.7.2012 Deadline: 15.12.2011 The […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)