Department of Theology and Religious Studies Seminar Programme 2011-12 SPRING SEMESTER 22 February 2012 Adam Lipszyc (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Science) The Time of the Poem: Poetry as Messianic Action in Paul Celan’s Meridian Speech 4pm Staff Club Room B7 14 & 15 February 2012 Firth Lectures Terry Eagleton Culture and […]
“Dueling Dualisms”, a review of Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong by John Rose in Commonweal. [Link]
The Blackfriars Aquinas Seminar Hilary 2012 Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Culture [Cancelled] Fri 27 Jan Jean-Luc Marion (Universities of Paris and Chicago) “The Ontological Argument Again: Thomas Aquinas and Kant, Anselm and Descartes” Thurs 2 Feb David Albert Jones (Anscombe Bioethics Centre, Oxford) “Aquinas as an Advocate of Abortion? The Appeal to Thomas Aquinas in Contemporary […]
Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse (18-20 July 2012) A conference organised by the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen, Norway; funded by the Bergen Research Foundation through the ‘Modernism and Christianity’ research project. The modernist imperative ‘Make it new!’ posits a break with traditional artistic forms, but also with the entire mould of […]
Conor Cunningham delivered a lecture on ‘Darwin’s Pious Idea’ at the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion in November. The lecture was recorded and may be viewed here: Link. [Note: You will need the latest version of Adobe Flash Player to watch this webcast.] The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion conducts research […]
Teaching and Studying Religion: Choices and Challenges BSA Meeting Room, Imperial Wharf, London 15 December 2011, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Religion is not a neutral subject. As with other significant constituents of identity, such as sexuality, gender, ethnicity, or class, the subject of ‘religion’ as a topic for study is not straightforward. And yet, […]
As announced here, Patrick Madigan, SJ, editor of the Heythrop Journal of Philosophy and Religion, presented a paper entitled ‘Jesus and Lucifer: Rival Sons of the Father’ at Gainesville State College on 26 October. You may now watch a video of this presentation by following this link. [Note: click on the link to stream the […]
The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Pope Benedict XVI’s Social Encyclical and the Future of Political Economy, edited by Adrian Pabst (Wipf & Stock, 2011). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon US | Amazon UK] Publication description: This collection of essays outlines a new political economy. Twenty years after the demise of Soviet communism, the global recession into which free-market […]
Tips for Starting a Small Business: Advice from Entrepreneurs There’s a saying in several cultures that it is smart to learn from your own mistakes, and wise to learn from someone else’s. So we’ve rounded up advice from the best entrepreneurship and small business sites, with tips by and for entrepreneurs. (Share yours in the […]
A new book by Stratford Caldecott has been published entitled All Things Made New: The Mysteries of the World in Christ (Angelico Press, 2011). [Purchase: UK | US] Publication Description: All Things Made New explores the Christian mysteries in the tradition of St. John the Evangelist, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, by studying the symbolism, cosmology, and meaning […]
Durham University in conjunction with the Department of Theology and Religion will be hosting the conference ‘A celebration of living theology: Engaging with the work of Andrew Louth’ on 9-12 July 2012 at Durham University. The conference aims to celebrate the work of Prof. Andrew Louth in the areas of Patristics, both Western and Eastern, Modern Theology […]
The following volume has just been released: Turning Images in Philosophy, Science, and Religion: A New Book of Nature, eds. Charles Taliaferro and Jil Evans (Oxford Univerity Press, 2011). [UK | US] Publication description: Turning Images in Philosophy, Science, and Religion: A New Book of Nature brings together new essays addressing the role of images […]
Adrian Pabst has written an article in ABC Religion and Ethics entitled “What is to be Done? Overcoming the Capitalist Heresy“. It begins: As the leaders of the G20 met in the luxury resort of Cannes on the French Riviera, popular outrage and protest movements were spreading across the globe. From Occupy Wall Street to […]
Spaces of Capital, Moments of Struggle Eighth Annual Historical Materialism Conference Central London 10–13 November 2011 To register in advance and benefit from a reduction: Advanced booking will stop on Monday 7 November All queries: The themes discussed will include: the Aesthetics of Marxism; Alternative Histories of Marxism; Althusser; Anti-Imperialist Struggles and […]
The Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy ( invites submissions for a special issue on the practical philosophy of Michel Henry. Increasing attention is being paid to Michel Henry’s work, especially with regard to its impact in the areas of phenomenology and theology. This special issue hopes to build on that momentum by examining his important […]
Call for Papers for a proposed volume: Biblical Philosophy? Exploratory Essays Editors, Mark Cauchi and Avron Kulak We invite essay submissions for a proposed volume entitled Biblical Philosophy? Exploratory Essays to be reviewed by Continuum Books. The purpose of the volume is to explore the relationship between the Bible and philosophy. According to the traditional […]
CALL FOR PAPERS Houston Baptist University SECOND ANNUAL PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE DIVINE AND HUMAN ACTION: AGENCY AND ACTION IN PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY MARCH 30-31, 2012 Keynote Speaker: William Abraham (Southern Methodist University) The Philosophy Department at HBU invites papers addressing the topics of agency and action in philosophy and theology. We welcome papers on divine agency, […]
Registration is now open for a one-day inter-disciplinary conference on Music and Transcendence to be held in Cambridge on November 29, 2011. All papers and performances will consider the ways in which music relates to infinite and ultimate meaning as well as the ways in which music enables the creation of meaning and fulfilment within […]
Oltre l’idea moderna di lavoro: Suggestioni filosofiche e teologiche dal pensiero anglosassone, by Alessandra Gerolin, with an introduction by Evandro Botto Book Description: All’interno del panorama socio-economico contemporaneo, soprattutto in seguito alla recente crisi economica, si avverte sempre di più il bisogno di sviluppare un’educazione al lavoro che si collochi nella prospettiva di un’educazione completa della persona. […]
‘Darwin’s Idea: Dangerous or Pious’ To be held at Nottingham Contemporary [link] Presentation by Conor Cunningham Wednesday 14 December 7pm Free The Space Weber’s Shape of the Ape considers Darwin’s theory of evolution and man’s relationship to nature. In his talk Dr Conor Cunningham will trace the history of man’s humiliating relationship to nature from Copernicus […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)