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Adam Morton

Adam Morton has written 615 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

CFP: Socrel / HEA Teaching and Studying Religion, 2nd Annual Symposium

Socrel / HEA Teaching and Studying Religion, 2nd Annual Symposium Call for Papers The 2012 Socrel / HEA Teaching and Studying Religion symposium will explore the theme: Religion and Citizenship: Re-Thinking the Boundaries of Religion and the Secular. The symposium is organised by Socrel, the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, with funding from the […]

Notable: Beauty in the Word, by Stratford Caldecott

A new book by Stratford Caldecott has been released, entitled Beauty in the Word: Rethinking the Foundations of Education, with a foreword by Anthony Esolen. [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] About the book: BEAUTY IN THE WORD, published by Angelico Press, offers a new Catholic philosophy of education, completing the retrieval of the seven liberal arts […]

Notable: Modern Theology: A Critical Introduction

This book offers a fresh and up-to-date introduction to modern Christian theology. The ‘long nineteenth century’ saw enormous transformations of theology, and of thought about religion, that shaped the way both Christianity and ‘religion’ are understood today. Muers and Higton provide a lucid guide to the development of theology since 1789, giving students a critical […]

Colin Gunton Lecture and Study Day

Colin Gunton Lecture and Study Day The second in an annual series of public lectures dedicated to the memory and work of Colin Gunton. Colin held the Chair of Christian Doctrine at King’s for many years and deeply shaped its theology.The present department wants to recognise Colin’s immense contribution nationally and internationally. Our second distinguished […]

CoTP 2013 Oxford Conference: ‘The Soul’

Conference Précis: Ever since Descartes, the soul understood as immediate mental consciousness has tended to stand as a last bastion securing religious belief against naturalistic reduction. But today that bastion is under assault from the ‘new atheists’. However, the bastion is proving very hard to storm, with increasing numbers of even atheist thinkers denying that […]

The Theology of Food now out in Paperback

The Theology of Food: Eating and the Eucharist, by Angel F. Méndez Montoya, published in the Illuminations series, is now available in paperback. [Purchase US | Purchase UK] The links between religion and food have been known for centuries, and yet we rarely examine or understand the nature of the relationship between food and spirituality, […]

[UPDATED] Blue Labour Seminar Event: The Primacy of the Social and Ethical

[UPDATE: There is now a location for this event and the list of speakers has been updated.] The Primacy of the Social and Ethical How Blue Labour speaks to the social, political and economic situation in the UK The Centre of Theology and Philosophy is hosting a one-day event on Blue Labour and the future of post-liberal […]

Did Darwin Kill God? airs on Australian ABC

Conor Cunningham’s Did Darwin Kill God? airs on the Australian ABC network on ABC1 at 2pm on Saturday 30 June 2012. [Link]

Seminar: ‘Appeals to Authority in an Age of Expertise’

Science & Technology Studies Priority Group Seminar “Appeals to Authority in an Age of Expertise” Dr Catherine Hundleby Department of Philosophy University of Windsor, Ontario 1 – 2pm, Tuesday 3rd July 2012 Room A103, West Wing Law & Social Sciences Building Abstract The potential for experts to exploit their positions of authority requires attention to the role […]

TELOS in Europe: The L’Aquila Conference

The West: Its Legacy and Future September 7–9, 2012 
L’Aquila, Italy New confirmed speakers include Phillip Blond, Michael Ledeen and Gianni Vattimo Places still available (including the chance to present a paper): Please register at http://telosinstitute.net/laquilaconference/ Conference Theme: Recent developments appear to end the “end of history” and foreshadow instead the end of the West. […]

ABC Religion: “The problem of religious diversity and the dead-end of reason”

Chris Hackett has written the following article for the ABC Religion and Ethics website entitled “The problem of religious diversity and the dead-end of reason.” It begins: This week, the Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association convenes its annual conference, hosted by the Australian Catholic University, on the topic “Religious Diversity and Its Philosophical Significance.” Thinkers from both Continental and […]

Forthcoming Journal: Synesis

Synesis: Beyond Secular Faith. International Journal of the Studium Granatensis et Sacromontanum. Follow the journal on Facebook here. Editors: S. E. R. FRANCISCO JAVIER MARTÍNEZ, Archbishop of Granada, Spain AARON RICHES, Instituto de Teología ‘Lumen Gentium’ / Instituto de Filosofía ‘Edith Stein’, Granada, Spain Associate Editors: PETER M. CANDLER JR., Baylor University, Waco, USA CONOR […]

Journée d’étude: Philosophie et Inspiration Chretienne. Nouvelles perspectives.


CFP: 4th International Conference on Peace and Reconciliation

Call for papers 4th International Conference on Peace and Reconciliation (ICPR) Mediating Peace: Reconciliation through Art, Music and Film The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 6–9 November 2012 Call for workshop/seminar papers This is the fourth ICPR conference which, building on the previous three conferences, will examine how visual art, music and film, can play […]

Forthcoming Conference and Colloquium at the Woolf Institute

Please see the two announcements from the Woolf Institute: The forthcoming conference: Tradition and Transition in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Cultures And, the forthcoming colloquium: Regarding the Other in Modern Jewish Thought The Woolf Institute is delighted to announce that, together with the Center for the Study of Jews, Christians, Muslims at The Open University […]

Blue Labour Seminar Event: The Primacy of the Social and Ethical

The Primacy of the Social and Ethical How Blue Labour speaks to the social, political and economic situation in the UK The Centre of Theology and Philosophy is hosting a one-day event on Blue Labour and the future of post-liberal politics at the University of Nottingham on 6 July 2012, 09:30 – 17:00. The aim of this […]

Now Shipping from the INTERVENTIONS Series: Words of Christ and Metaphysics

Copies of the following have arrived today in the post: from Eerdmans published with the Centre of Theology and Philosophy as a part of the INTERVENTIONS series: Words of Christ by Michel Henry translated by Christina M. Gschwandtner with a foreword by Jean-Yves Lacoste and an introduction by Karl Hefty [Purchase US | Purchase UK] […]

ABC Religion: “Theology Must Save Science From Naturalism”

Conor Cunningham has written the following article for the ABC Religion and Ethics website entitled “Theology Must Save Science From Naturalism.” It begins: Let me lay my cards on the table. The conversation between science and theology has been hijacked by a restrictive naturalism, which rests on an impoverished understanding of science, one that is […]

ABC Religion: “Nostalgia, Novelty, and our Modern Bordeom”

John Milbank has written the following article for the ABC Religion & Ethics website entitled “Nostalgia, Novelty, and our Modern Boredom”. It begins: It is one of the most basic tenets of liberal belief that most people were bored out of their minds for most of human history. Before there were cinemas, art exhibitions, concerts, […]

SSCE 2012 Conference: Theological Anthropology

Society for the Study of Christian Ethics 2012 Annual Conference: Theological Anthropology 7-9 September 2012 University of Cambridge, Westcott House The 2012 SSCE Conference will be devoted to theological reflection on questions old and new about what/who human beings are, and what it means to be human. These questions will be addressed from various perspectives, […]

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