The Hobbit; an unexpected theological journey
POLITICS, VIOLENCE AND THE SACRED: Exploring René Girard’s thought in Security and International Studies University of Central Lancashire, UK 23-24 May 2013 “Order in human culture certainly does arise from an extreme of disorder, for such disorder is the disappearance of any and all contested objects in the midst of conflict, and it is at […]
The following interview with Simon Oliver is now available to watch from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham: Why Study The Theology of Creation with Simon Oliver Simon Oliver explains what is meant by the belief, common to all three Abrahamic faiths, that God creates ‘out of nothing’ – […]
The following video is now available to watch from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies: Why Study Evolution with Conor Cunningham
Two new papers by John Milbank have been posted in the ‘Working Papers’ section of the CoTP website. ‘Blue Labour, One-Nation Labour and Postliberalism: A Christian Socialist Reading’ ‘The Politics of the Soul’ Respectively, the first paper is Professor Milbank’s Christian Socialist Movement talk given in the House of Commons at a ‘hearing’ with David […]
IN SEARCH OF THE GOOD SOCIETY Lecture Series – For the full lecture series schedule, see here [PDF] The Politics of the Soul Prof John Milbank Research Professor of Religion, Politics and Ethics, University of Nottingham Author of Theology and Social Theory and The Future of Love Thursday 1 November 2012 The Lincoln Centre, 18 […]
Socrel / HEA Teaching and Studying Religion, 2nd Annual Symposium: Religion and Citizenship: Re-Thinking the Boundaries of Religion and the Secular BSA Meeting Room, Imperial Wharf, London 13 December 2012, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Religions today are implicated in a wide variety of publics. From contests over the environment and democracy to protests against […]
Liberty: the God That Failed BY CHRISTOPHER A. FERRARA [Purchase US | Purchase UK/Europe] Book description: What has gone wrong with the grand American experiment in “ordered liberty”? In Liberty, the God That Failed, Christopher A. Ferrara unmasks the order promised as a sham; the liberty guaranteed, a chimera. We think you will agree that to read […]
CALL FOR PAPERS “Intellectual Property and Religious Thought” April 5, 2013 The University of St. Thomas will hold a conference titled “Intellectual Property and Religious Thought,” on April 5, 2013, co-sponsored by the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy and The University of St. Thomas Law Journal. The conference will […]
Religion and Human Rights: Religion in Public and Private Spaces (One Day Conference) Human Rights Law Centre, Nottingham University Senate Chamber, Trent Building Religion and Human Rights Conference Poster Religion and Human Rights Programme
Why Study Atheism with Conor Cunningham Why Study Henri de Lubac with John Milbank Why Study Hans Urs von Balthasar with Karen Kilby Also from Karen Kilby: Why Study The Proslogion of St Anselm? Why Study Karl Rahner? Why Study Systematic Theology at the University of Nottingham? Why Study Systematic Theology with Simon Oliver Also […]
Religion and Human Rights: Religion in Public and Private Spaces (One Day Conference) Human Rights Law Centre, Nottingham University Senate Chamber, Trent Building Thursday 8 November 9:15 Registration; Tea & Coffee 9:45 Introduction: Professor Dominic McGoldrick (Nottingham University) 10:00: Session I MAKING SPACE FOR RELIGIOUS ARGUMENTS – THEORY AND PRACTICE Chair: Dominic McGoldrick ‘Law, Religion […]
A message from the director of the Institute of Ideas in London: Dear all, I hope that you can join us at the Battle of Ideas 2012, an annual festival of ideas, debate and discussion, organised by the Institute of Ideas, which is a must for the intellectually curious and open minded. The event, now […]
‘How do we think about identity in ways that don’t reflect anxiety, fear of the other, uncritical adulation of our past and all the other pitfalls that surround this subject? The Redcrosse project manages to negotiate these difficulties with immense imaginative energy and honesty: no sour notes, no attempt to overcompensate by desperately overapologetic rhetoric, […]
Released last week: The William Desmond Reader, edited by Christopher Ben Simpson, with a foreword by John D. Caputo [Purchase US | Purchase UK]. Book description: Known especially for his original system of metaphysics in a trilogy of books published between 1995 and 2008, and for his scholarship on Hegel, William Desmond has left his […]
Call for Papers: KIERKEGAARD IN THE WORLD Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 16-18 August 2013 The “Kierkegaard in the World” conference, proudly presented by the Centre for Philosophy and Phenomenology of Religion at Australian Catholic University and the Centre for Citizenship and Globalization at Deakin University, celebrates the 200th anniversary of Kierkegaard’s birth by examining the […]
CALL FOR PAPERS: The Seventh Annual Telos Conference February 16-17, 2013 New York City Religion and Politics in a Post-Secular World The 21st century has been marked by both events and reflections that have explicitly challenged the long-standing liberal project of maintaining a separation between religion and politics. Not only have political conflicts become inseparable […]
CALL FOR PAPERS LOGOS 2013: Theorizing about God – Realism in Theology May 9-11, 2013 at the University of Notre Dame Theological realism is a hot topic nowadays, and is interestingly related to issues about religious pluralism. These debates bear obvious connections to debates about realism and anti-realism in science, as well as to issues […]
From the NDIAS: The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) is dedicated to fostering and supporting integrative scholarship addressing major issues and questions of value in ways that transcend disciplinary boundaries. The institute is currently calling for fellows for the 2013-2014 academic year. The deadline for 2013-2014 fellowship applications is November 1, 2012. For […]
The first issue of Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics (RO:TPP) is now available as an open-access online journal (articles are in PDF format), and can be read here. The inaugural issue is a double special issue containing a special section on ‘What is Life?’ Below is the table of contents for the first issue of RO:TPP: […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)