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Adam Morton

Adam Morton has written 615 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

Webinar: Not Afraid of Darwin or Christ

Not Afraid of Darwin or Christ A Webinar on Theology, Evolution, and Human Nature Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:00 – 8:30 PM EST Now open to individuals! Overview Can science and religion coexist? Should Christians be afraid of Darwin or scientists afraid of Christ? We will tackle these and other provocative questions in a webinar […]

2nd CFP & Keynote Announcement: Kierkegaard in the World

Second Call for Papers and Announcement of Keynotes New deadline for abstracts: 1st April 2013 The conference organizers are pleased to announce that “Kierkegaard in the World” will feature keynote lectures from: C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University) Kevin Hart (University of Virginia/Australian Catholic University) Daphne Hampson (Oxford University) Charles Guignon (University of South Florida) John […]

Now available from Veritas: Covering up Luther, by Rustin E. Brian

Now available in the Centre of Theology and Philosophy’s Veritas series is Covering Up Luther: How Barth’s Christology Challenged the Deus Absconditus that Haunts Modernity, by By Rustin E. Brian. [Purchase directly from Wipf & Stock] Book description: Karl Barth’s Christology provides a key to out-narrating the Deus absconditus, which, as Rustin Brian contends, is in fact the […]

London Bonhoeffer Colloquium

The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Centre London is pleased to announce the London Bonhoeffer Colloquium. June 15th 2013 This one-day colloquium will pursue a celebration and perpetuation of Bonhoeffer’s legacy in the context of contemporary postgraduate study in the United Kingdom, where Bonhoeffer is currently being given much attention by the Academy. The colloquium will involve short-papers […]

The Oxford Handbook of Theology and Modern European Thought: A Seminar

THE OXFORD HANDBOOK of THEOLOGY AND MODERN EUROPEAN  THOUGHT: A SEMINAR   A seminar marking the publication of THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF THEOLOGY AND MODERN EUROPEAN THOUGHT edited by Nicholas Adams, George Pattison, and Graham Ward Panel Discussion ‘What is Theology and Modern European Thought’ led by Clare Carlisle (King’s College London) Jennifer Geddes (University […]

Interviews with Milbank, Oliver, Cunningham, and Riches in the latest issue of the Edification journal

Two interviews of note are available in the latest issue of Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian Psychology Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2012. The following interviews with John Milbank, Simon Oliver, Conor Cunningham, and Aaron Riches were conducted by Peter Hampson, with Zoë Lehmann Imfeld providing assistance with question planning, transcription, and editing of the interviews. ‘Interview […]

Now Available: The Perfection of Freedom, by D. C. Schindler

Now available from the Veritas series is The Perfection of Freedom: Schiller, Schelling, and Hegel Between the Ancients and the Moderns, by D. C. Schindler. [Purchase direct from Wipf & Stock for the US | Purchase Amazon.co.uk for the UK and Europe] Book description: The Perfection of Freedom seeks to respond to the impoverished conventional notion of […]

Institute of Ideas Academy: Student Scholarship Programme 2013

A letter from Claire Fox, the Director at the Institute of Ideas: Dear All, Do you have a passion for the greatest works in the classical, literary, historical and philosophical canon? Does the idea of grappling with the complexities of human nature through the works of Cicero and Plato, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Franz […]

Korean Translation of Darwin’s Pious Idea

Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong has recently been translated into Korean as 다윈의 경건한 생각 : 다윈은 정말 신을 죽였는가? Below are two reviews (in Korean) of Cunningham’s book: The Kyunghyang Newspaper Gospel and Situation (a Christian magazine) Various places for purchase: Aladin.co.kr Gangbuk Culture Information […]

2nd CFP: The Soul (abstract deadline extended)

*Please note that the deadline for paper abstracts has been extended below to the 29th of March* St Anne’s College, University of Oxford 28 June – 1 July 2013 Conference Précis: Ever since Descartes, the soul understood as immediate mental consciousness has tended to stand as a last bastion securing religious belief against naturalistic reduction. But […]

Articles on Benedict XVI’s decision to renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome

The following articles come in light of Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to step down as pope this past week: The future of love: The erotic politics of Benedict XVI, by John Milbank Pope Benedict XVI: God’s Rottweiler or the Church’s German shepherd?, by Tracey Rowland Analysis: What is the role of a modern pope?, by […]

Notable Publication

Is modern life a blessing or a curse? The advance of technology has made our life easier, yet more complicated.  Patients visit us at Eversharp every day complaining of sore joints and back pain. What most have in common? They usually work harder and longer hours to afford all modern gadgets and facilities.  Cell phones have […]

Not Afraid of Darwin or Christ: A Webinar on Theology, Evolution, and Human Nature

  Not Afraid of Darwin or Christ A Webinar on Theology, Evolution, and Human Nature Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:00 – 8:30 PM EST Overview Can science and religion coexist? Should Christians be afraid of Darwin or scientists afraid of Christ? We will tackle these and other provocative questions in a webinar with two dynamic […]

University College Dublin Conference: Between Heidegger, Levinas & Derrida

  UCD SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY     BETWEEN HEIDEGGER, LEVINAS & DERRIDA   Prof. Adriaan Peperzak Prof. Francois Raffoul Dr. Raphael Zagury-Orly   FEBRUARY 8th & 9th 2013 NEWMAN HOUSE STEPHEN’S GREEN DUBLIN 2 ~ Supported by the Irish Research Council ~ PROGRAMME: FRIDAY 8th FEBRUARY: 09:45 – 10:00    Welcoming address   10:00 – 12:00    Panel I Chair: Fergal […]

New and Recent Videos in the ‘Why Study?’ Series

New and recent videos in the ‘Why Study?’ series of videos from the University of Nottingham’s Department of Theology & Religious Studies: Why Study Nature and Grace with Conor Cunningham Previous videos with Conor Cunningham: Why Study Evolution Why Study Atheism Why Study Scripture as Prophecy with Margaret Barker Previous video with Margaret Barker: Why […]

John Templeton Foundation Spring 2013 Open Submission Cycle

As part of its spring open submission cycle, the John Templeton Foundation welcomes online funding inquiries in the areas of philosophy and theology.  The submission window is February 1 to April 1, 2013.  Proposed philosophical projects need not have religion or theology as a focus.  To submit an online funding inquiry, please visit http://www.templeton.org/what-we-fund/our-grantmaking-process. Please note […]

Study Day: ‘Death and Dying in Catholic Perspective’

The Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University in association with The Newman Association, The Departments of Spirituality, Formation, and Education of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, and The National Board of Catholic Women, are hosting: “Death and Dying in Catholic Perspective: A Study Day for Clergy, Laity, and Students of Theology” on Saturday 9 March, 9.15am-5.15pm at St Cuthbert’s Catholic […]

Radical Orthodoxy: Annual Review

The Radical Orthodoxy: Annual Review (ed. Neil Turnbull) is now available for purchase from Cascade Books /Wipf & Stock. [Purchase US | Purchase UK | Purchase from Cascade Books] Review description: The Radical Orthodoxy Annual Review examines emerging agendas in contemporary theology and philosophy. Today, in an era of biotechnology and a growing ecological consciousness, it is […]

Publications: Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction and Analogia Entis: Metaphysics: Original Structure and Universal Rhythm

Recently released: Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Karen Kilby (Interventions series, Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2012). [Purchase US | Purchase UK | Purchase at Eerdmans] Publication Description: The enormously prolific Swiss Roman Catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988) was marginalized during much of his life, but his reputation over time has only continued […]

CoTP’s 2013 Conference: ‘The Soul’ – Call For Papers & Booking Now Open

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Soul  St Anne’s College, University of Oxford 28 June – 1 July 2013 Conference Précis: Ever since Descartes, the soul understood as immediate mental consciousness has tended to stand as a last bastion securing religious belief against naturalistic reduction. But today that bastion is under assault from the ‘new atheists’. However, […]

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