Now available from Ashgate Publishing… Relating God and the Self: Dynamic Interplay, by Jan-Olav Henriksen, Norwegian School of Theology, Norway [Purchase from Ashgate Publishing] Book description: By discussing critically different ways the symbol of God functions in the formation of the self, this book develops a nuanced and original approach to the interplay between God and the […]
René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis, by Scott Cowdell Download this flyer to see how you can get this book for the sale price of $23.00: René Girard and Secular Modernity Sale Price Flyer [PDF] Book description: In René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis, Scott Cowdell provides the first systematic interpretation of René […]
Faith, The Fundamental Act of Christian Existence On November 15-16, 2013, the Washington, D.C. session of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family will sponsor a conference, “Faith, the Fundamental Act of Christian Existence.” With this conference the Institute wishes to contribute to the reflection on the nature of faith called […]
Ethics at the Beginning of Life: A Phenomenological Critique, by James Mumford (Oxford University Press) [Purchase | Pre-order] Book description: Many of the most controversial moral decisions we face hinge upon competing descriptions of life, and never is this truer than at the beginning of life. James Mumford draws upon phenomenology (a branch of continental philosophy) […]
Forthcoming in September/October 2013: The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, by David Bentley Hart (376 pages; Yale University Press). [Pre-order | Pre-order] Book description: Despite the recent ferocious public debate about belief, the concept most central to the discussion—God—frequently remains vaguely and obscurely described. Are those engaged in these arguments even talking about the […]
New from Angelico Press: The Tumbler of God: Chesterton as Mystic, by Fr Robert Wild [Purchase | Purchase] Book description: “WE NEED A NEW KIND of mystic,” writes Fr. Robert Wild; and in The Tumbler of God, he presents a spiritual portrait of G.K. Chesterton that convincingly shows why he is precisely the new […]
Over at his ‘Letters from Nottingham’ blog, University of Nottingham PhD candidate David Russell Mosley has been creating a series of posts entitled ‘Celebrating Theology and Religious Studies Faculty from the University of Nottingham’. In each post, he has been highlighting the work and contributions of each of our faculty buy soma muscle relaxer members, […]
Blue Labour Midlands Seminar – 5 July 2013 Towards the Post-Liberal Future In association with the Centre of Theology and Philosophy, University of Nottingham 5 July 2013, 9.30am to 17.00pm Seminar Room A3, New Humanities Building, University of Nottingham ‘Ever since the Thatcher era, British politics has been defined by forms of economic and social […]
The following publication (originally advertised below) is now available: —————————— No God, No Science?: Theology, Cosmology, Biology, by Michael Hanby, the latest addition to the Illuminations series [Order UK | Order US] Book description: Are creation and evolution mutually exclusive terms? Or is there instead a deep relationship between science, metaphysics, and theology that can help […]
Ecumenical readings of Aquinas Thursday 13 June 2013, 10:00 am—6 pm Seminar room B, Department of theology, Durham Anglican, Protestant And other Contemporary Theological Engagements with Aquinas With Presentations by: Revd Dr Andrew Davison (Cambridge) ‘What might an Anglican make of Thomas Aquinas – and what might Thomas Aquinas make of an Anglican?’ Dr Christopher […]
The full conference schedule for the Centre of Theology and Philosophy’s conference on The Soul is now available. This schedule contains the full list of keynote speakers and scheduled panel sessions. Click here to see the schedule [PDF]. To book your place at the conference, please do so here:
SUMMER SEMINAR AUGUST 19-23, 2013 HIGHLY QUALIFIED INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL SPEAKERS Does contemporary neuroscience support or challenge the reality of free will? Does quantum physics make it easier to believe in God? The Abraham Kuyper Center for Science and Religion at VU University Amsterdam hosts a summer seminar on science and the big questions. Well […]
Call for Proposals and Applications: The Philosophy and Theology of Intellectual Humility Project at Saint Louis University Saint Louis University announces a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation to explore the subject of intellectual humility. The project will focus on a variety of philosophical and theological issues relevant to the topic of intellectual humility, […]
The Radiance of Being: Dimensions of Cosmic Christianity, by Stratford Caldecott, with a Foreword by Adrian Walker (Angelico Press, 2013. [Purchase UK | Purchase US] Book description: The Radiance of Being offers nothing less than a portrayal of the full glory of Catholic tradition. From an initial engagement with the insights of the natural sciences emerges […]
FREE CONFERENCE ON ISLAM and HIGHER EDUCATION — Places Now Available Registration now open – Academic Conference Collaborative partnerships between universities and Muslim institutions: dismantling the roadblocks Funded by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 23rd May 2013, Senate House, London (in collaboration with Human Rights Consortium, University of London ) 27th June 2013, Birmingham […]
Now available from Wipf & Stock: The Unknown God: Sermons Responding to the New Atheism, edited by John Hughes and with a foreword by the Rt Rev & Rt Hon Richard Chartres. [Order directly from Wipf & Stock here] Contributors to this volume: Terry Eagleton David Fergusson Timothy Jenkins Conor Cunningham Alister McGrath John Hughes […]
Psychology Request for Proposals (RFP) Psychology RFP Director: Tania Lombrozo, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley This $1.2 million dollar RFP is intended to support empirical work in psychology on the nature and varieties of human understanding. We anticipate applicants from cognitive, social, and developmental psychology, but will consider additional subfields as well. […]
Available soon: No God, No Science?: Theology, Cosmology, Biology, by Michael Hanby, the latest addition to the Illuminations series [Pre-order UK | Pre-order US] Book description: Are creation and evolution mutually exclusive terms? Or is there instead a deep relationship between science, metaphysics, and theology that can help shed light into mankind’s quest for the ultimate […]
Now available: Deleuze and Theology (Philosophy and Theology series), by Christopher Ben Simpson (T & T Clark, September 2012) [Order UK | Order US] Book description: What can a theologian do with Deleuze? While using philosophy as a resource for theology is nothing new, Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) presents a kind of limit-case for such a […]
From the latest Angelico Press newsletter. Glastonbury: The Novel of Christian England (reprint) by Donna Fletcher Crow [ | | Amazon Kindle edition] Glastonbury Abbey was, according to legend, the center from which radiated a Christian presence on that island for two thousand years, a sacred site from which the Christian faith was passed down through […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)