Between the Icon and the Idol: The Human Person and the Modern State in Russian Literature and Thought—Chaadayev, Soloviev, Grossman, by Artur Mrówczynski-Van Allen, with a foreword by William T. Cavanaugh. [Purchase from Wipf & Stock] “The totalitarian state clearly intends to eliminate all those forms of organic community that rival the absolute loyalty of the […]
GRACE, GOVERNANCE AND GLOBALIZATION: THEOLOGY AND PUBLIC LIFE a theological conference in honour of Edward Schillebeeckx’ 100th birthday August 27th-30th, 2014 :: Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands Keynote speakers include: Lieven Boeve, Erik Borgman, William Cavanaugh, Christoph Hübenthal, Siobhán Garrigan, Emmanuel Katongole, Sebastian Kim, Annemarie Mayer, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Elizabeth Phillips, Anna Rowlands, Graham Ward, and […]
Available from Bloomsbury Publishing: Levinas and Theology, by Nigel Zimmermann (Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013, 208pp). [Purchase from Bloomsbury Publishing: Paperback | EPUB | PDF eBook | Hardback] Publication description: The thought of Emmanuel Levinas is of increasing importance for those working in the diverse fields of phenomenology and continental philosophy, French studies, Jewish studies, ethics, politics and […]
Aquinas Seminar – Hilary 2014 30 January – Gilles Emery, OP (Université de Fribourg) “The Relation of Creation” 6 February – Lydia Schumacher (Oriel College, Oxford) “Theological Philosophy: A Thomistic Departure from Inquiry into the Rationality of Christian Faith” 13 February – Emmanuel Durand, OP (Institut Catholique de Paris) “The Gospel of Prayer and Theologies […]
Read a blog post from Johannes Hoff on the Eerdmans EerdWord blog: “Rethinking Modernity with Nicholas of Cusa”. “Globalized, modern societies are characterized by their inability to reconcile the seemingly black and white univocity of scientific rationality with the ambiguous equivocity of post-modern pop-culture. This is not, however, despite its modern dimensions, a new development. It […]
Now available in the Veritas series, and also now available at the book stall at the AAR/SBL: Gift and the Unity of Being, by Antonio López, with a foreword by John Milbank (Wipf & Stock, 2013, 368pp). [Purchase now from Wipf & Stock | Pre-order | Pre-order] Publication description: Starting from both our originary experience of […]
The Department of Theology Heythrop College of the University of London THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD THEOLOGY AS A WAY OF LIFE Saturday, January 11th, 2014 Rowan Williams (Cambridge) Sebastian Brock (Oxford) Luigi Gioia (Rome, Italy) Martin Laird (Philadelphia, USA) Andrew Louth (Durham) Margaret R Miles (Berkley, USA) Nikolaï Sakharov (Essex) Frances Young […]
The Oxford Centre for Theology and Modern European Thought invites you to a Seminar and Book Launch for Heidegger’s Eschatology (Oxford University Press, 2013), by Judith Wolfe. Panelists: Prof. Werner Jeanrond Prof. Stephen Mulhall Prof. Thomas Sheehan Seminar followed by a book launch with refreshments St John’s College Research Centre, 45 St Giles 26 November 2013 at 4.30pm It would […]
Merleau-Ponty and Theology: An Afternoon Colloquium Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge 12th December, 12.30–5.00 On Thursday 12th December we will be joined by four plenary speakers – Rowan Williams, Spike Bucklow, Orion Edgar and Oliver Soskice – each of whom will invite discussion on a different area of Merleau-Ponty’s work, with particular reference to themes in theology […]
Johannes Hoff’s The Analogical Turn: Rethinking Modernity with Nicholas of Cusa is available for pre-order in the UK through Alban Books. To purchase, click here. To download the Alban Books flyer, click here [PDF]. Description In the face of the late modern crisis of Western science and culture, The Analogical Turn recovers Nicholas of Cusa’s alternative […]
Now available: The Analogical Turn: Rethinking Modernity with Nicholas of Cusa (Interventions), by Johannes Hoff (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., November 2013, 267pp). [Purchase | Purchase US ( | Purchase UK (] Publication description: Societies today, says Johannes Hoff, are characterized by their inability to reconcile seemingly black-and-white scientific rationality with the ambiguity of postmodern pop culture. In the […]
A discussion on Emmanuel Falque’s Passer le rubicon: Philosophie et théologie: essai sur les frontières with Paul Gilbert, S.J. and Michaël Foessel. [Purchase France ( | Purchase UK (]
Becoming Human: Meditations on Christian Anthropology in Word and Image, by John Behr (St Vladimirs Seminary Press, September 23, 2013, 136 pages). [Purchase US (] Publication description: This book reflects upon various dimensions and implications of the astounding fact that Christ shows us what it is to be God by the way he dies as […]
Now available: Repetition and Identity: The Literary Agenda, by Catherine Pickstock (Oxford University Press, 2013). [Purchase UK ( | Pre-order US (] Publication description: The Literary Agenda is a series of short polemical monographs about the importance of literature and of reading in the wider world and about the state of literary education inside schools and […]
Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity by John Behr (Oxford University Press, 2013). [Purchase Amazon UK | Purchase Amazon US] Book description: This book provides a full, contextual study of St Irenaeus of Lyons, the first great theologian of the Christian tradition. John Behr sets Irenaeus both within his own context of the second century, a […]
Now available: Métaphysiques rebelles: Genèse et structure d’une science au Moyen Âge, by Olivier Boulnois (Paris: Puf, 2013). « Au Moyen Âge, « métaphysique » cesse d’être le nom d’une série de livres d’Aristote pour devenir celui d’une science, la plus haute de toutes. Cet ouvrage explore ses origines, à travers le néoplatonisme grec et la philosophie arabe. Science théologique, […]
Christian Wisdom Meets Modernity University of Notre Dame, Dec. 12-14, 2013 This conference will present the great wrestling match between Christian thinkers and modernity. Most of the speakers will perform their lectures in the guise of a heroic Christian thinker. Together they will form a constellation of witnesses who illuminate the contest between modernism and […]
Call for Papers Logos 2014: The Atonement May 8-10, 2014 at the University of Notre Dame The focal point of the Christian religion is what is often referred to as “the Christ event”—an event that includes the incarnation of the second person of the Trinity in Jesus of Nazareth, as well as his life, death, burial, […]
Now available from Indiana University Press: A Phenomenology of Christian Life Glory and Night Felix Ó Murchadha “Ó Murchadha makes abundant and timely references to the philosophical tradition from Plato through Heidegger, but also, perhaps more so, to the post-Heideggerian developments sometimes considered together and at once as “the theological turn” in phenomenology. He is […]
Dear Philosophy enthusiast, My name is Tina Sørensen, I work for the Danish Cultural Institute in Edinburgh and I am getting in touch again to ensure you received the email below, just before the summer break. This year we are celebrating 200 years since the Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, religious author and social critic, Søren […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)