Theology and Religious Studies@Nottingham Department of Theology and Religious Studies Newsletter 2013-14 Click here to read the TRS’s Newsletter 2013-14 [PDF].
Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics Vol. 2, Number 1. January 2014 Articles Cynthia Nielsen “Foucault’s Polyphonic Genealogies and Rethinking Episteme Change via Musical Metaphors” Peter John McGregor “The ‘Spiritual Christology’ of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI: An Exposition and Analysis of its Principles” Nathan Jennings “Divine Economy, Divine Liturgy: Liturgical Theology as a Retrieval of Figural Interpretation” Paul Tyson […]
The Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, is hosting two Study Days: The Theology and Practice of Prayer in the Catholic Tradition A Study Day for Clergy, Laity and Students of Theology Saturday 15 March, 2014 Postgraduate Study Day: Catholicism and Critical Theory Monday 28 April, 2014 All are welcome to attend. Details of both […]
Apocalyptic Theology and the Construction of the Church Today’s lecture is the first of three lectures by Cyril O’Regan in the Taylor Lectures series entitled “Apocalyptic Theology and the Construction of the Church” The first lecture compares and contrasts the two forms of apocalyptic theology that have dominated Protestant theology in the last thirty years, […]
Now available: Après l’écrit : De l’achèvement liturgique de la philosophie, by Catherine Pickstock, translated by Gérard Joulié and Anne-Sophie Gache, with a preface by Jean-Yves Lacoste (Ad Solem, 2013, 347pp). Nous serions-nous trompés (nous, héritiers de la Grèce, artisans ou praticiens de la métaphysique) en accordant une centralité au phénomène de la voix et en traitant […]
Paul Tillich: Theology and Legacy A conference in Oxford engaging with Tillich’s work. 14th-15th July 2014 – Paul Tillich features on anyone’s list of most significant and influential 20th Century theologians. In an age where it is tempting to retreat into intra-theological discussion or dismiss the secular world, Tillich’s vision for a theology which […]
Conference: ‘For the Greater Glory of God and the More Universal Good’ A celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the Foundation of Heythrop College and the Jesuit Educational Tradition Thursday 19 – Friday 20 June 2014 Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU During the academic year 2013-2014, Heythrop College is celebrating […]
L’invenzione del secolare. Post-modernità e donazione in John Milbank, di Marco Salvioli (Editore: Vita e Pensiero, Anno: 2013, Pagine: 304). [Purchase directly from the Publisher, Vita e Pensiero | Purchase from] Descrizione del libro: Il volume presenta al lettore italiano il pensiero del teologo anglicano John Milbank (Londra, 1952), fondatore del movimento teologicoRadical Orthodoxy. Critico del pensiero […]
Call for Papers: The Futures of Capitalism Conference 8th-9th April 2014 The University of Winchester This conference is the culmination of a year-long series events, sponsored by Winchester Cathedral, Winchester Business Improvement District and the University of Winchester, in collaboration with the McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life, University of Oxford. The Futures […]
Pontifical John Paul II Institute For Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America January 24, 2014 You are cordially invited to a book discussion of David L. Schindler’s most recent publication, Ordering Love: Liberal Societies and the Memory of God, on Monday, February 10, at 4 p.m., in Keane Auditorium (McGivney Hall). […]
Lectures on Identity weekly series: I am monkey, I am robot, I am not — the Darwinian account of identity Conor Cunningham Department of Theology and Religious Studies 5pm, Wednesday 5 March B1, Physics Building University Park University of Nottingham This is a free event. Follow Lectures on Identity on: Facebook Twitter Official University of Nottingham […]
Throughout the Festival Monday 10 – Friday 21 March The Science Festival starts here! Welcome to the first week of events at the Science Festival: the programme is packed with talks, tours and discussions on a range of topics from healthy brains, the science of cycling and making machines that see, to exploring our Universe from its […]
Dear All, ACADEMY SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION 2014 For the third year, the Institute of Ideas will be running the Academy Scholarship Programme for full time students of ANY academic discipline. Successful applicants will be eligible to attend the annual Academy weekend for only £60. Read on for details of how to apply. WHAT IS THE ACADEMY? […]
Now available in Bloomsbury / T & T Clark’s Philosophy and Theology series: Merleau-Ponty and Theology, by Christopher Ben Simpson (January 2014, 272pp). Publication description: The philosophical contributions of French phenomenologist, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, carry great untapped potential for theologians thinking through some of the central affirmations of the Christian faith. This exploration is structured against […]
Now available from Wipf & Stock: Justice, Unity, and the Hidden Christ: The Theopolitical Complex of the Social Justice Approach to Ecumenism in Vatican II, by Matthew John Paul Tan Book description: Does social justice promote Christian unity? With reference to paragraph 12 of Unitatis Redintegratio—Vatican II’s declaration on ecumenism—this book argues that an emphasis on justice […]
Now available from Eerdmans: Analogia Entis: Metaphysics: Original Structure and Universal Rhythm, by Erich Przywara, translated by John R. Betz and David Bentley Hart (Series: Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought, 652pp). Although Erich Przywara (1889-1972) was one of the preeminent Catholic theologians of his time and a profound influence on such people as […]
Available for pre-order in the Veritas series: Hauerwas: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Nicholas M. Healy (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.). Publication description: Stanley Hauerwas is one of the most important and robustly creative theologians of our time, and his work is well known and much admired. But Nicholas Healy — himself an admirer of […]
A message from Dr Conor Cunningham: The COTP is sad to announce the death of E J Lowe, Professor of Metaphysics at the University of Durham. We here, at Nottingham, had a very fruitful relationship with his unbelievable analytical skills; indeed his generosity and patience, especially with our ignorance, was nearly unsurpassed. Speaking personally, for […]
To be released soon in the Illuminations: Theory & Religion series: Beyond Secular Order: The Representation of Being and the Representation of the People, by John Milbank (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, 304pp). Beyond Secular Order is the first of a two-volume work that expands upon renowned theologian John Milbank’s innovative attempt to understand both theology and modern […]
“The Politics of Spirit: Augustine and Hegel in Dialogue” Princeton University Keynote: Robert Pippin, University of Chicago Thursday, March 6, 2014 4:30 – 6:00 PM – McCormick 101 Friday, March, 7 2014 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM – Location TBD Coordinated by Eric Gregory and Molly Farneth, Department of Religion Sponsored by: The Princeton University […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)