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Adam Morton

Adam Morton has written 615 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

Paper: Beyond Bits, Memes and Utility Machines, by David Opderbeck

For an article in keeping with the concerns of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy, please see “Beyond Bits, Memes and Utility Machines: A Theology of Intellectual Property as Social Relations,” by David W. Opderbeck, Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law. This was originally published in University of St. Thomas Law Journal 10, no. 3 […]

LOGOS-COSMOS-EROS: Horizons & Limitations of Russian Religious Philosophy

IOCS SUMMER CONFERENCE 8-10 September 2014, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (with an optional day-trip on 11 September) Speakers include: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware Dr Clemena Antonova (Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna) Dr Ruth Coates (University of Bristol) Revd Prof Nikolaos Loudovikos (University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki) Revd Prof Andrew Louth (University of Durham) Prof Artur Mrówczynski-Van […]

New from Stratford Caldecott: Not as the World Gives: The Way of Creative Justice

Not As the World Gives: The Way of Creative Justice Stratford Caldecott Foreword by Adrian Walker Published by Angelico Press; 2014; 292pp. [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] This is the time for a new politics, a new economics. Not As the World Gives, drawing on the Church’s two millennia of reflection on the Gospel, shows us […]

2014 Duke Graduate Conference CFP: “Do Not Be Silent at My Tears”

From the Duke Divinity School: On behalf of the Duke Graduate Conference in Theology planning committee, I am pleased to announce the release of the Call for Papers for the 2014 DGCT, which will take place October 3-4 this fall. The conference theme is “Do Not Be Silent at My Tears”: Theological Perspectives on Suffering. We […]

The Freedom of a Christian Ethicist: The Future of a Reformation Legacy

The Freedom of a Christian Ethicist: The Future of a Reformation Legacy What is the significance of the Reformation and its legacy for Christian ethics? Is there a distinctly Protestant contribution to contemporary ethical debates and discussions? What is this contribution and in what ways should it be pursued today? This conference at the University […]

BioLogos: Seeking a Content Editor

From Deborah B. Haarsma, President of BioLogos: I’m writing to ask your help. BioLogos is seeking someone to join our team as a content editor at our offices in Grand buy isotretinoin in canada Rapids, Michigan. Here’s the position description: We are searching within the Editorial Freelancers Association for a qualified candidate to serve as […]

Atheists: The Origin of the Species, by Nick Spencer

Soon to be released: Atheists: The Origin of the Species, by Nick Spencer (Bloomsbury, May 2014, 320pp). [Pre-order from: Bloomsbury | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com] Publication description: The clash between atheism and religion has become the defining battle of the 21st century. Books on and about atheism retain high profile and popularity, and atheist movements on both […]

The Philosophy of E. J. Lowe: a Memorial Conference

The Philosophy of E. J. Lowe: a Memorial Conference Professor E. J. (Jonathan) Lowe (1950-2014) spent the last thirty four years of his life at Durham University, during which time he established himself as one or the world’s leading philosophers and inspired scholars all over the world. This conference will take place from Sunday 27-Tuesday […]

Firth Lectures: Charles Taylor – ‘Theological Anthropology in the 21st Century’

Firth Lectures: Professor Charles Taylor – ‘Theological Anthropology in the 21st Century’ Thursday 8 May and Friday 9 May 2014 5pm in Room A01, Highfield House, University Park, University of Nottingham Charles Taylor is one of the leading philosophical theologians of our day and his lectures will be an attempt to assess where the Christian […]

Workshop: Figural Interpretation in the Gospels — Hijacking Israel’s Scriptures?

Figural Interpretation in the Gospels – Hijacking Israel’s Scriptures? A workshop with Richard B. Hays, Dean of Duke University Divinity School, George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament Thursday 1 May, 5.00 p.m. Keble College, Oxford On this occasion Prof. Richard B. Hays, one of today’s best-known New Testament scholars and the Dean of Duke Divinity […]

Center of Theological Inquiry: Summer Young Scholar Workshops

Summer Young Scholar Workshops June 2 – 6, 2014 With support from the John Templeton Foundation Young scholars – current doctoral and post-doctoral students, and pre-tenured junior faculty in full-time or adjunct appointments – are invited to apply for one of two interdisciplinary workshops running concurrently at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ, […]

‘David Jones: Christian Modernist?’ Conference in Oxford, 10-13 September 2014

David Jones: Christian Modernist? Oxford: 10-13 September 2014 ‘Modernism’ in literature and the arts is associated with cultural and political rebellion, ‘making it new’ through formal experimentation, and a widespread drive towards a regenerated New Era of human history. For many modernists, Christianity stood for a bygone era to be overcome; the reactionary, dead hand […]

[UPDATE] Forthcoming Journal: Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences

UPDATE: The first issue of this journal will soon be released in April 2014. Forthcoming from Mohr Siebeck: Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences (PTSc) Edited by Celia Deane-Drummond (Notre Dame), Dirk Evers (Halle-Wittenberg), Niels H. Gregersen(Copenhagen), Gregory R. Peterson (Brookings) Managing Editor: Dirk Evers Associate Editors: Conor Cunningham (Nottingham), David Fergusson (Edinburgh), Agustín Fuentes (Notre Dame), Peter Harrison (Queensland), Kristian Köchy (Kassel), Nancey Murphy (Pasadena), Robert J. Russell (Berkeley), Mikael Stenmark (Uppsala), Günter Thomas (Bochum), Wesley Wildman (Boston),Gayle E. Woloschak (Chicago) Philosophy, Theology and […]

Now available from Eerdmans: Hauerwas: A (Very) Critical Introduction by Nicholas M. Healy

Now available from the Interventions series, Hauerwas: A (Very) Critical Introduction, by Nicholas M. Healy (Eerdmans; March 2014; 154pp) [Purchase: Eerdmans.com | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book description: Stanley Hauerwas is one of the most important and robustly creative theologians of our time, and his work is well known and much admired. But Nicholas Healy — himself […]

New from Cyril O’Regan: Anatomy of Misremembering: Von Balthasar’s Response to Philosophical Modernity. Volume 1: Hegel

Now available: Anatomy of Misremembering: Von Balthasar’s Response to Philosophical Modernity. Volume 1: Hegel, by Cyril O’Regan (The Crossroad Publishing Company; March  2014; 688pp). [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book Description: This compelling work is the most comprehensive and sophisticated account to date of the relationship between Hans Urs von Balthasar—a Swiss theologian and Catholic priest—and the German […]

Ratzinger Symposium 2014

Ratzinger Symposium 2014 The Christian Vision of Humanity Date: Saturday April 12th 9.00am-5.30pm Venue: Divine Word Missionaries, Moyglare Road, Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland Booking: ratzingersymposium2014@gmail.com Information: http://www.ratzingersymposium.blogspot.ie All Welcome 09.00-09.30 Arrivals and Registration Welcome: Rev Dr Vincent Twomey SVD (Professor Emeritus, Moral Theology, Maynooth) 09.30-10.00 Paper 1: Mr Philip Cremin (WIT): Being and Becoming: Speaking […]

Journal Article: “The Problem with NeuroLaw”

“The Problem with NeuroLaw,” by David W. Opderbeck, who is Professor of Law, Seton Hall University Law School, and Director, Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology; Prof Opderbeck is also currently a PhD student in the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham. This Article describes and critiques the increasingly popular program […]

New Second Edition: Desire, Dialectic, & Otherness: An Essay on Origins, by William Desmond

A new, second edition of William Desmond’s Desire, Dialectic, & Otherness: An Essay on Origins  has recently been published (Wipf & Stock, 2013, 292pp) Book description: Many philosophers since Hegel have been disturbed by the thought that philosophy inevitably favors sameness over otherness or identity over difference. Originally published at a time when the issue […]

Montefiore Lecture 2014

Montefiore Lecture 2014 You are cordially invited to the 2014 Montefiore Lecture which will be given by Reverend Dr Giles Fraser. ‘Between two worlds: A reflection on assimilation.’ The lecture will be chaired by Professor Tony Kushner Tuesday 4 March 2014 – 6pm The Montefiore Lecture is part of the Parkes Institute annual lecture series […]

New from Caitlin Smith Gilson: The Philosophical Question of Christ

Just published within the last month: The Philosophical Question of Christ, by Caitlin Smith Gilson (Bloomsbury Academic, January 2014, 256pp). Publication description: Does the figure of Christ provide philosophical reason with its ultimate philosophical challenge? What can thought as thought say about the picture of Christ in the Gospels? Gilson argues that the forgotten hermeneutic of perfection […]

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