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Adam Morton

Adam Morton has written 615 posts for CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY

Recently published: Partakers of the Divine: Contemplation and the Practice of Philosophy

Recently published: Partakers of the Divine: Contemplation and the Practice of Philosophy, by Jacob Holsinger Sherman (Fortress Press, 2014). [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Description: Exploring the meeting of mystical and philosophical theology, Partakers of the Divineshows that Christian philosophical and contemplative practices arose together and that throughout much of Christian history, philosophy, theology, and contemplation […]

Notable: A Companion to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: Her Life and Work & The People and Places In Her Story

A Companion to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux Her Life and Work & The People and Places In Her Story JOSEPH P. KOCHISS [Purchase: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] THE PRODUCT OF TWENTY YEARS of research and writing, this extraordinary new work is the most comprehensive portrait of Thérèse ever published, and the ultimate reference to her life and […]

Seminar: Intellectual Humility: Its Nature, Value, and Implications

Intellectual Humility: Its Nature, Value, and Implications May 8-11, 2015. A three-day seminar at the Fuller Guest Center (Pasadena, California) for 15 advanced graduate students or junior faculty (no more than 10 years past the PhD). Faculty speakers include: Joshua Alexander Jason Baehr Nathan Ballantyne Heather Battalay Jessica Brown Adam Green Peter Hill Thomas Hofweber […]

Philosophical Theology Reading Group at the University of Nottingham

Philosophical Theology Reading Group The theme of the Philosophical Theology Reading Group this semester (Autumn 2014) will be ‘Derrida and Malabou; Messianicity and Plasticity’. The first four sessions and readings are as follows: Session 1: Jacques Derrida, ‘The Ends of Man,’ in Margins of Philosophy, 109-136. Session 2: Jacques Derrida, ‘Faith and Knowledge,’ in Acts […]

Update on the availability of Tyson’s Returning to Reality

Paul Tyson’s Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for Our Times, is now available with the Book Depository. The advantage of this is that international orders are mailed out to on-line buyers where to buy soma medicine without the buyer paying for postage. http://www.bookdepository.com/Returning-Reality-Paul-Tyson/9781610979245 For more information on Returning to Reality, see our previous post on […]

Kinetic sculptural video from Sara Cunningham-Bell: “The Body is there to ennoble the soul”

The Body is there to ennoble the soul – Thomas Aquinas. CUNNINGHAM BELL, 4 9 14 A Cunningham-Bell video which accompanies life size, kinetic sculptures in the solo show- Evolution of our Soul, in Belfast, Thursday 4th – 27th September, 2014. A limited edition book is available for purchase from the Gallery – The Engine […]

New Book Series: Theology and Philosophy

Theology and Philosophy www.pickeringchatto.com/theophil Series Editors: Craig Bartholomew, Alan Mittleman, and Meena Sharify-Funk The aim of this new monograph series is to promote work at the interface of theology and philosophy. It attempts to both foreground and explore their inter-relationship, showcasing examples of constructive engagement between the two. The series publishes work that engages sacred […]

Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Annual Conference

The Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy and ACU’s School of Philosophy are pleased to announce the 2014 ASCP annual conference, which will be held on ACU’s Melbourne campus. The deadline for submissions of abstracts, thematic panel proposals, and book panel proposals to be considered for the 2014 ASCP annual conference has been extended. **The new […]

Second book in KALOS now available: Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for our Times

Fresh off the heels of the first book in the KALOS book series being released, the second book by Paul Tyson is also now out, entitled Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for our Times (Wipf & Stock, 2014; 218pp). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Book Depository (free world-wide shipping)] Publication description: Could it […]

First book in the KALOS Book Series: An Ocean Vast of Blessing: A Theology of Grace

The first book in the new KALOS book series has been published by Steven D. Cone entitled An Ocean Vast of Blessing: A Theology of Grace (Wipf & Stock, 2014; 241pp). [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Publication description: Humans are made in the image of God, and authentically coming to be human […]

John Templeton Foundation Funding Inqueries open

As part of its fall open submission cycle, the John Templeton Foundation welcomes online funding inquiries in the areas of philosophy and theology.  The submission window is August 1 to October 1, 2014.  Proposed philosophical projects need not have religion or theology as a focus.  To submit an online funding inquiry, please visit http://www.templeton.org/what-we-fund/our-grantmaking-process. Please note […]

Dr. John Hughes

Recent statistics indicate that over 3.5 million people is the UK use e-cigarettes or vapes. This is an increase of 500% since 2012. The use of vapes and e-cigarettes are cheaper than traditional cigarettes and vaping is widely considered to be significantly less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Over the past 5 years, CBD has also […]

CFP: Gillian Rose: A Retrospective

Gillian Rose: A Retrospective 9th January 2015 Speakers Irene Lancaster Andrew Brower Latz John Milbank Peter Osborne Marcus Pound Andrew Shanks Rowan Williams Further speakers TBC Gillian Rose’s work spans Adorno, Hegel, sociology, philosophy, jurisprudence, post-structuralism, the Frankfurt School, Marxism, anthropology, literature, Jewish and Christian theology, death, Auschwitz, Feminism, and more. This conference brings together […]

From Theology to Theological Thinking, by Jean-Yves Lacoste

Recently published: From Theology to Theological Thinking, by Jean-Yves Lacoste, translated by W. Chris Hackett, with an introduction by Jeffrey Bloechl (University of Virginia Press, 2014; 136pp). [Purchase from: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book description: “Christian philosophy” is commonly regarded as an oxymoron, philosophy being thought incompatible with the assumptions and conclusions required by religious faith. […]

Now available: Friendship as Sacred Knowing: Overcoming Isolation, by Samuel Kimbriel

Now available: Friendship as Sacred Knowing: Overcoming Isolation, by Samuel Kimbriel (Oxford University Press, 2014; 240pp). [Purchase from: Oxford University Press Global | Oxford University Press UK | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk] Book description: We are haunted, Samuel Kimbriel suggests, by a habit of isolation buried, often imperceptibly, within our practices of understanding and relating to the […]

CFP: Logos 2015: Religious Experience

Call for Papers Logos 2015: Religious Experience May 7–9, 2015 at the University of Notre Dame Religious experience is central to religious faith and practice. It often serves as evidence for belief; it contributes to the development of doctrine; and it, or the desire for it, is often a major motivator for church attendance, meditation, […]

“The Metaphysics of Money,” by Paul Tyson

Paul Tyson has written an essay entitled “The Metaphysics of Money” that explores the realm of Medieval economics in an effort to illustrate “how different metaphysical approaches to money can be, and it makes us aware that our Modern understanding of the nature and meaning of money is not a fixed and certain reality.” Excerpt: […]

Issue of Journal of Scriptural Reasoning on Phenomenology and Scripture

Just published is a special issue of the Journal of Scriptural Reasoning (13, no. 1 [June 2014]) on Phenomenology and Scripture. Amongst other contributors, there are two essays by CoTP member W. Chris Hackett (Australian Catholic University) entitled “Some Phenomenological Crumbs” and “Phenomenology of God: Two Ways“. Additionally, Hackett in the same issue has a review […]

Available now: RO:TPP Journal Vol. 2, no. 2

The latest issue of the Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics journal, Volume 2, Number 2 is now available for reading on the open-access website. Table of contents: Articles Awakening to Life: Augustine’s Admonition to (would-be) Philosophers Ian Clausen ‘Become Transfigured Forever’:?Political Transcendence in Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s V for Vendetta Mika Tapio Luoma-aho Immortality […]

Now Online: Charles Taylor Firth Lectures 2014 – Healthy diet

Although keeping to a healthy diet will not prevent you from being infected by a virus like Covid-19, it will help you maintain a good general state of health. With a healthy diet, we have a strong immune system, so your defenses can respond to attacks as effectively as possible. That is why here you […]

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