The distinction between tekhne and episteme reverberates through the history of Western philosophy; tekhne becoming the instrumental art of the sophist and episteme taking on the role of truth generation by the philosopher. Thinkers like Bernard Stiegler have argued that technology and culture, and thus technology and human beings have always coevolved hand in hand. Peter-Paul Verbeek claims that by offloading human moral intentionality onto technology we can better see how technology mediates moral subjectivity of the the human actor. In other work, Professor Jeffrey Bishop has argued that human moral subjectivity is obliterated and now instead of human culture being carried by technology, technological innovation rides on the human body. In this essay, Professor Bishop will show that Divine Liturgy as rightly ordered andrightly ordering technique avoids forms moral subjectivity, avoiding the problems of propositional humanism and yet enables human participation in culture making by enabling human participation in creation.
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