GRANADA 29 MAY – 4 JUNE 2016
“Marriage and Family – Human Relationships Facing the New Millenium”
The title of our annual summer school, Beyond Secular Faith, stems from our conviction that only a faith liberated from the conceptual restraints and ideological presuppositions imposed by secular culture – a faith centered radically on Christ – can offer a word of hope and reason to human life.
This year the seminar is dedicated to explore, in this light, the difference between the sexes, the life of the family and meaning of marriage. Is marriage primarily a religious institution? What is the right relationship between the state and the family? What is the difference between Sacrament and Contract in the context of marriage and the family? What is the meaning of the body?
For the past three years we have taken part in friendly and fruitful dialogue on freedom at the summer school, in the unique setting of Granada, a breathtakingly beautiful city that lies at the historic crossroads of modernity and Christian tradition.
Deadline: 20th April 2016
We invite graduate students and young postdoctoral researchers to take part in the Summer School.
Please send your CV and an abstract (400 words) on a topic related to the theme of the Summer School to: secretaria@institutoifes.es for the Spanish Session; and summerschool@centrumjp2.pl for the English Session.
Successful candidates will be informed by 25th April 2016.
For the full information and website, click here.
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