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Yoga for Weight Loss: Easy Asanas for Losing Weight

Yoga is one of the oldest practices in the world. Its origins date back to 1000 years. Regularly Practicing yoga has both mental and physical benefits. Additionally, it makes for a great workout! Do you want to shed those pesky kilos? Then you’re at the right place! Let’s talk about the best yoga asanas for weight loss. Read this article till the end for in-depth benefits & step by step instruction on yoga poses that you can try to get fitter and leaner! Check out these Colonbroom reviews.

Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Table of Contents

Easy Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss

Yoga stretches the body and helps with blood circulation. Furthermore, it can boost your metabolism. It also promotes flexibility and mental wellness. Yoga is also easy to practice. Therefore you can easily include it as a daily habit. It is also a great stressbuster. Thus it is a great way to have a healthier lifestyle! So, let’s look at some best yoga exercises for weight loss

1. Cobra Pose ( Bhujangasana)

The cobra pose resembles a cobra. This wonderful pose is best done by lying down. It is also known as ” Bhujangasana ” in Sanskrit. It is one of the back stretching postures that can boost your metabolism & burn fat.

Steps To Do Cobra Pose: –

  1. Lie down facing the mat. Your feet should be on the floor and palm on their respective sides.
  2. Press on the floor with both hands. Your finger should be in proportion to your shoulder blades.
  3. Now, try to bend your back with your belly facing forward
  4. Hold this position for about 10 seconds.
  5. With each exhalation, push yourself upwards.
  6. Repeat this 10 -15 times.

 Precautions:  This yoga pose is not recommended for pregnant women.

Also Read:- Yoga For PCOS

2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This asana is a standing pose. It has countless health benefits. In Sanskrit, it’s known as “Utkatasana.” It resembles the position of sitting on a chair. To perform this asana properly, you need to squat and keep your body still.

Steps To Do Chair Pose: –

  1. Stand straight and keep your legs together. Keep your arm straight above your head.
  2. Bend both your knees as much as you comfortably can.
  3. Try to hold this posture for 30 seconds
  4. Relax, and repeat this posture 10 – 15 times. Visit

 Precautions:  It is best to avoid performing this asana if you have a leg injury, back issues, or low blood pressure

3. Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

If you’re looking for easy yoga asanas for weight loss, then bridge pose is perfect for you. It is a type of back bending yoga poses that is rejuvenating. Furthermore, it is easy to perform and is very effective in weight loss. It can energize your body and make you more flexible.

Steps To Do Bridge pose: –

  1. Lay on your back. Bend your knees & place your feet flat on the floor. They should be hip-width apart
  2. Draw your feet towards your hips.
  3. Keep your feet parallel to each other.
  4. Now, try to lift yourself with your stomach facing towards the ceiling.
  5. Your chin & chest should be in the proper position.
  6. Relax, and try to repeat this pose 10 – 15 times.



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