
Workshop at the University of Nottingham: Re-reading Derrida’s Faith and Knowledge

Re-reading Derrida’s Faith and Knowledge

June 1-2nd 2015
University of Nottingham

A Northern Theory School and Department of Theology and Religious Studies Workshop at the University of Nottingham

In his enigmatic 1994 essay ‘Faith and Knowledge: The Two Sources of “Religion” within the Limits of Reason Alone’, Jacques Derrida explores the troubled place of religion in late modernity. If Derrida’s essay largely precedes the ‘post-secular turn’ in contemporary thought, it anticipates many of post-secularism’s defining concerns and questions: secularisation, ‘globalatinzation’, religious fundamentalism, the ‘religion’ of technological modernity, violence, terror.

This workshop will be the first ever event dedicated to exploring the implications of Derrida’s landmark essay 20 years after its original publication. What is the significance of Derrida’s essay? How do his reflections upon religion anticipate, deepen or question the turn to religion in figures like Habermas or Taylor? To what extent might Derrida’s essay serve as a point of departure to explore the past, present and future of philosophy of religion?

Details for call of papers available at

Please contact Agata Bielik-Robson [] for further information.



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