Book Series

Darwin’s Pious Idea On Sale at Amazon

Conor Cunningham’s Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong is currently on sale at for $7.98. Click here to purchase.

Earlier praise for Darwin’s Pious Idea:

“Despite its length, Darwin’s Pious Idea is a very readable book, engaging and often acerbically witty. It has some serious and original things to say about what always threatens to turn into a sterile debate between rather fictionalized and trivialized versions of science and religion. . . . The sheer exuberance of the presentation is a delight. . . . Certainly the most interesting and invigorating book on the science-religion frontier that I have encountered.” — Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, Times Literary Supplement

“Writing with engaging humor that betrays an extraordinary energetic intelligence, Conor Cunningham shows us why, given the Christian God, an evolutionary account of life is necessary. . . . This theological account of creation, I believe, will become a classic.” — Stanley Hauerwas

“This book attempts to connect the debate about the nature of Darwinian evolution to the Christian theology of creation. . . . Cunningham shows that the picture of God as the great Designer of artifacts, espoused by Paley and common to both ultra-Darwinians and Creationists, is profoundly at odds with Christianity.” — Charles Taylor, McGill University, author of A Secular Age

“This is an excellent book! Very well informed and written in an accessible style, it will be easily understood by lay readers, especially thanks to the beautiful, simple examples, stories, and quotations that Cunningham employs. In addition, his interpretation of genetic science is faultless. I learned a great deal from this book!” — Michel Morange, Center for the Study of the History of Science, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris

Click here to purchase.



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  1. […] I was looking over my feed reader today, I saw a post from the Center for Theology and Philosophy noting a sale on Conor Cunningham’s excellent Darwin’s Pious Idea. It can now be […]

    Posted by Darwin’s Pious Idea Goes on Sale « Letters from the Edge of Elfland | February 4, 2015, 7:43 pm | |