
Lumen Christi Institute: 2015 Summer Seminars in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition

The Lumen Christi Institute is pleased to announce the 2015 Summer Seminars in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.

Now in its seventh year, these seminars are open to Ph.D. students in the humanities, social sciences, and other relevant areas of study. Room, board, and a travel stipend will be included for those whose applications are accepted. Each seminar will include five days of intensive discussion based on close reading of the assigned texts as well as daily presentations given by the professor and student participants. A deep knowledge of the material is not required to apply. The goal of each seminar is twofold: first, to enable participants to gain mastery over the material under discussion, both for teaching and research purposes; and second, to deepen participants’ understanding and awareness of the Catholic intellectual tradition.

Metaphysics and the Soul in Thomas Aquinas
June 19-24, 2015
Hosted by the School of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
Prof. Stephen L. Brock, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

The Thought of John Henry Newman
July 12-17, 2015
Merton College, University of Oxford
Prof. Ian Ker, University of Oxford

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation
August 2-7, 2015
University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Russell Hittinger, University of Tulsa


For more information, see the Summer Seminars website here.



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