CFP: SST 64th Annual Conference – Thinking the Church Today

13 TO 15 APRIL 2015


I am writing to call for paper proposals and bursary applications for the Society for the Study of Theology’s sixty-fourth annual conference. This year’s theme is ‘Thinking the Church today’ and the questions we shall be addressing will include:

  • How should the excluded church be conceived relative to centres of institutional power?
  • What is the meaning of the priesthood of all believers?
  • How is the church incarnated culturally and socially?
  • How are the visible and invisible churches mingled?
  • What are the implications of the Second Vatican Council fifty years on?
  • What place does ecumenism have in post-Christendom Europe?

Plenary speakers will include

  • Lieven Boeve
  • Christopher Cocksworth
  • Trond Skard Dokka
  • Mary McClintock Fulkerson
  • Tom Greggs

We invite proposals for SHORT PAPERS on the conference theme to be delivered in a maximum of 20 minutes. To submit a proposal, visit

We also invite proposals for SEMINAR PAPERS on a range of ongoing topics also to be delivered in a maximum of 20 minutes. Seminars include: Christology and Trinity; Philosophy and Theology; Sacramentality, Liturgy and Theology; Theological Anthropology; Theological Ethics; Theology and Science; Theology and the Arts. To submit a proposal, visit

For the first time we invite proposals for POSTERS relating to the conference topic or other research. To submit a proposal, visit

The Society is committed to increasing its own inclusivity and diversity and that of the theological academy. We welcome paper submissions which bring the conference theme into conversation with issues such as gender, sexuality, ability and disability, ethnicity and race. We also welcome submissions from postgraduate students, early career researchers, independent scholars, and those working outside the academy. For details of our new mentoring scheme, visit

Our Society operates a generous BURSARY FUND in order to make the conference as accessible as possible. Recipients of bursaries receive a credit note which can be offset against the cost of the conference fee, accommodation, and meals, but please note that no bursaries are available to offset the cost of conference travel. To apply, visit Donations to the fund are most welcome and may be made either when booking or by increasing your annual subscription.

The deadline for receipt of all paper proposals and bursary applications is 27th January.

Bookings for the conference will open in the second week of January and I shall write again then to confirm this. Until then, options and prices may be viewed online. In case your decision to attend the conference depends on acceptance of your paper proposal and/or bursary application, you will be notified of the outcome of these by 3rd February in order to be able to book online before the early booking rate closes on 19th February.

Please forward this message to anyone who might like to submit a paper proposal, such as colleagues, postgraduate students or anybody else with graduate-level interest in theology.

We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Yours sincerely,
David Grumett

Society for the Study of Theology



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