
Research Funding at Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion

Research Funding Opportunities through Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion

Hope, Optimism, and God (Residential Fellowships)

Hope & Optimism: Conceptual and Empirical Investigations invites applications for residential fellowships as part of our “Hope, Optimism, and God” funding initiative for projects beginning Fall 2015. Winning applicants will spend AY2015-2016 in residence at Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion, and will receive a $65,000 stipend plus approximately $10,000 for research. We expect to fund projects in philosophy of religion, epistemology, ethics, moral psychology, and analytic theology, but welcome applications from people working in other fields as well.

For further details, including eligibility requirements and application instructions, please visit the project website at: Application deadline is February 15, 2015.

Hope, Optimism, and God (Non-Residential Fellowships)

Hope & Optimism: Conceptual and Empirical Investigations invites applications for non-residential fellowships as part of our “Hope, Optimism, and God” funding initiative for projects beginning Fall 2015. These awards will fund one-year projects. Funding requests up to $100,000 are allowable. We expect to fund projects in philosophy of religion, epistemology, ethics, moral psychology, and analytic theology, but welcome applications from people working in other fields as well.

For further details, including eligibility requirements and application instructions, please visit the project website at: Applications deadline is February 15, 2015.

Aspects of Religious Experience (Residential Fellowships)

The Experience Project invites applications for up to two residential fellowships as part of our “Aspects of Religious Experience” funding initiative for projects beginning Fall 2015. Winning applicants will spend AY2015-2016 in residence at Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion, and will receive a $65,000 stipend plus approximately $10,000 for research and relocation. We expect to fund projects on religious experience in philosophy of religion, theology, and/or religious studies.

For further details, including eligibility requirements and application instructions, please visit the project website at: Application deadline is February 15, 2015.

Aspects of Religious Experience (Non-Residential Fellowships)

The Experience Project invites applications for non-residential fellowships as part of our “Aspects of Religious Experience” funding initiative for projects beginning Fall 2015. These awards will fund one-year projects. Funding requests up to $100,000 are allowable. We expect to fund projects on the topic of religious experience in philosophy of religion, theology, and/or religious studies.

For further details, including eligibility requirements and application instructions, please visit the project website at: Applications deadline is February 15, 2015.

Alvin Plantinga Fellowship

Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion invites applications for the Alvin Plantinga Fellowship. This fellowship is for a senior, established philosopher whose work has important connections to philosophy of religion and/or Christian Philosophy. The Plantinga fellow will spend AY2015-2016 in residence at the Center for Philosophy of Religion, and will receive a $75,000 stipend which includes $10,000 for research and relocation.

For further details, including application instructions, please visit Application deadline is February 15, 2015.

Senior Research Fellowship in Religious Experience

Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion invites applications for a Senior Research Fellowship. This fellowship is for a senior scholar in philosophy, theology, or religious studies working on the topic of religious experience. The Senior Research fellow will spend AY2015-2016 in residence at the Center for Philosophy of Religion, and will receive a $75,000 stipend which includes $10,000 for research and relocation.

For further details, including application instructions, please visit Application deadline is December 1, 2014.

Visiting Graduate Fellowship

Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion invites applications for a Visiting Graduate Fellowship. This fellowship is for a philosophy graduate student from another institution who has serious research interests in the philosophy of religion. (Note: Applicants for this fellowship are not expected to be doing dissertation work in the philosophy of religion, nor are they expected to propose a fellowship project in that field. To be eligible, one need only express and provide evidence of serious research interest in philosophy of religion.) The Visiting Graduate fellow will spend AY2015-2016 in residence at the Center for Philosophy of Religion, and will receive a $20,000 stipend along with money for movingexpenses and research-related expenses.

For further details, including application instructions, please visit Application deadline is February 15, 2015.



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