
Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Annual Conference

ACU-Conference-FlyerThe Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy and ACU’s School of Philosophy are pleased to announce the 2014 ASCP annual conference, which will be held on ACU’s Melbourne campus.

The deadline for submissions of abstracts, thematic panel proposals, and book panel proposals to be considered for the 2014 ASCP annual conference has been extended.

**The new deadline is Friday 3 October 2014 **

The Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy aims to provide a broad intellectual forum for professional academics and postgraduates researching topics in Contemporary European philosophy, and it is the premier reference point for people working within the diverse fields of Continental/European Philosophy in the Australasian region.

Keynote addresses by:

  • Lee Braver (University of South Florida)
  • Kevin Hart (University of Virginia, and Australian Catholic University)
  • Marguerite La Caze (University of Queensland)
  • Genevieve Lloyd (Emeritus, University of New South Wales)
  • Andreas Vrahimis (University of Cyprus)

Call for Papers
We invite proposals for papers for the 2014 ASCP annual conference at ACU in the broadly-defined field of Continental Philosophy. Proposals from postgraduate students are very welcome.

All non-plenary papers will be allocated 45-minute sessions (25-30 minute presentation, allowing 15-20 minutes for discussion).

Papers that are linked thematically (e.g., devoted to the work of a particular thinker or a particular philosophical problem/issue) will be scheduled within a conference stream.

Submissions are especially encouraged in the following potential streams:

  • Continental Philosophy of Religion
  • European Philosophy and the Legacy of the Great War (The Analytic-Continental divide in historical perspective)
  • Naturalism and the Transcendental
  • Phenomenology, the Real, and Thinking the Unthinkable
  • Philosophical Moods and their Metaphilosophical Significance
  • The Metaphysics of the Event

The deadline for the submission of conference abstracts has been extended to Friday 3 October 2014. Confirmation of selection will follow shortly.

Abstracts should be 200 words in length, and submitted to

Call for Panels
We also invite proposals for thematic and book panels:

  • Proposals for thematic panels should include: a panel title; a 200 word outline of the theme to be addressed; two or three proposed speakers; and preferably, a chair.
  • Proposals for book panels are also welcome. Books must have been published within the last two years. Proposals should include the author; two or three commentators on the book; and preferably a chair.

To submit a proposal for a thematic or book panel, please email The deadline for the submission of panel proposals has been extended to Friday 3 October 2014. Confirmation of selection will follow shortly. (NB: even if your paper is part of a panel, you still need to submit your paper proposal as above, indicating the panel title in the relevant field.)

Conference Website
Please visit the conference website ( for:

  • Conference Registration: The registration portal is now open. (NB: acceptance of a paper for the conference is conditional upon the payment of registration fees in a timely manner prior to the conference.)
  • Campus Maps and Orientation, and transport information
  • Accommodation options close to ACU’s Melbourne campus

After the conference there will be a call for submissions for a special ASCP conference issue of Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy.

For further information, please email


On behalf of the ASCP Conference Organising Committee:
Richard Colledge (Chair)
Fatih Erol Tuncer (Project Officer)
Chris Hackett
Jeff Hanson
Wojciech Kaftanski (postgrad rep)


To download the conference flyer, click here [PDF].



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