The latest issue of the Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics journal, Volume 2, Number 2 is now available for reading on the open-access website.
Table of contents:
Awakening to Life: Augustine’s Admonition to (would-be) Philosophers
Ian Clausen
‘Become Transfigured Forever’:?Political Transcendence in Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s V for Vendetta
Mika Tapio Luoma-aho
Immortality or Eternal Life? The Religious Significance of Atheist Living
Joseph M Spencer
The Recovery of Contestation and the Apophatic Body of Christ: Engaging Graham Ward’s The Politics of Discipleship
Kyle Gingerich Hiebert
A Review of Steven Jungkeit’s Spaces of Modern Theology, Geography and Power in Schleiermacher’s World
Ruth Elizabeth Jackson
Fiction and Poetry
Stations: A Poem
Simone Kotva
Read the full issue here.
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