
2014 Duke Graduate Conference CFP: “Do Not Be Silent at My Tears”

Duke-logo-subFooterFrom the Duke Divinity School:

On behalf of the Duke Graduate Conference in Theology planning committee, I am pleased to announce the release of the Call for Papers for the 2014 DGCT, which will take place October 3-4 this fall. The conference theme is “Do Not Be Silent at My Tears”: Theological Perspectives on Suffering. We are also delighted to announce that Dr. M. Shawn Copeland has agreed to serve as the keynote speaker for the conference.

In addition to inviting you all to submit paper proposals, please forward this Call for Papers to friends and colleagues from other institutions who might be interested in attending or presenting a paper at the conference.

For more information, you can visit the conference website at

Download the event flyer here.



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