Figural Interpretation in the Gospels – Hijacking Israel’s Scriptures?
A workshop with Richard B. Hays, Dean of Duke University Divinity School, George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament
Thursday 1 May, 5.00 p.m.
Keble College, Oxford
On this occasion Prof. Richard B. Hays, one of today’s best-known New Testament scholars and the Dean of Duke Divinity School, will lead a workshop on ‘Figural Interpretation in the Gospels’. The presentation will synthesize and bring to a point Prof. Hays’ recent series of Hulsean lectures in Cambridge on the Gospels’ Old Testament interpretation – drawing on material included in his forthcoming book on Scripture in the Gospels (Baylor University Press, 2014).
Our aim, as always, is to set out theology’s ‘shop window’ in order especially to attract present and potential graduate students, and to demonstrate that engagement with theology’s subject matter is both interesting and important.
While we are not in a position to subsidise transport or accommodation costs for the participants, we hope some may be able to receive assistance from their home departments. At the same time, anyone deterred solely by the cost of attending should please feel free to contact me. We may also be in a position to assist in suggesting affordable accommodation.
Please note the usual limit of 60 places; early booking is advisable. As before, to register please send a one-line email to (
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