
Center of Theological Inquiry: Summer Young Scholar Workshops


Summer Young Scholar Workshops
June 2 – 6, 2014

With support from the John Templeton Foundation

Young scholars – current doctoral and post-doctoral students, and pre-tenured junior faculty in full-time or adjunct appointments – are invited to apply for one of two interdisciplinary workshops running concurrently at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ, in the first week of June 2014.
These advanced research workshops will be led by leading scholars in the Center’s program and offer young scholars the opportunity to engage with cutting edge inquiries across disciplinary boundaries.

CTI-Flyer-screenshotWorkshop on Evolution & Human Nature
In Honor of Wentzel van Huyssteen

Theologians Wentzel van Huyssteen and Celia Deane-Drummond, and anthropologist Agustín Fuentes will offer intensive teaching sessions on the science of human evolution and its dialogue with theology, the topic of the Center’s yearlong interdisciplinary Inquiry in 2012-2013. Participants will also present and discuss their own papers on this topic.

Workshop on Religious Experience & Moral Identity
In Memory of Don S. Browning

Theologian Stephen Pope, philosopher Robert Roberts, and psychologist Michael Spezio will offer intensive teaching sessions on the interaction of psychology, theology, and philosophy in understanding religious experience and moral behavior, the topic of the Center’s current Inquiry. Participants will also present and discuss their own papers on this topic.


These two five-day residential workshops at CTI in Princeton are for doctoral and postdoctoral students, and pre-tenured junior faculty who are conducting their own research in one of the above fields of interdisciplinary theological inquiry.

The ten successful applicants for each workshop will receive financial assistance towards travel and lodging, based on need and support from home institutions.

Applications accepted to April 25, 2014.

Please visit for more details and to apply online.

Download the Summer Workshop Flyer [PDF]

The CTI News announcement may be found here.



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