
[UPDATE] Forthcoming Journal: Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences


UPDATE: The first issue of this journal will soon be released in April 2014.

Forthcoming from Mohr Siebeck:

Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences (PTSc)

Edited by Celia Deane-Drummond (Notre Dame), Dirk Evers (Halle-Wittenberg), Niels H. Gregersen(Copenhagen), Gregory R. Peterson (Brookings)

Managing Editor: Dirk Evers

Associate Editors: Conor Cunningham (Nottingham), David Fergusson (Edinburgh), Agustín Fuentes (Notre Dame), Peter Harrison (Queensland), Kristian Köchy (Kassel), Nancey Murphy (Pasadena), Robert J. Russell (Berkeley), Mikael Stenmark (Uppsala), Günter Thomas (Bochum), Wesley Wildman (Boston),Gayle E. Woloschak (Chicago)

Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences (PTSc) is a new peer-reviewed biannual journal which provides a platform for constructive and critical interactions between the natural sciences in all their varieties (from physics and biology to psychology, anthropology and social science) and the fields of contemporary philosophy and theology. It invites scholars, religious or non-religious, to participate in that endeavor. The journal provides the rare opportunity to examine together the truth claims found in theology, philosophy, and the sciences, as well as the methods found in each disciplines and the meanings derived from them.  Each issue will have a topical focus. The first four issues will be on “Naturalism”, “Human Nature and Evolution”, “Neuroscience and Morality”, and “Contingency”.

For more information about this journal, and how to subscribe, click here.



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