
Conference: ‘For the Greater Glory of God and the More Universal Good’

Conference: ‘For the Greater Glory of God and the More Universal Good’

A celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the Foundation of Heythrop College and the Jesuit Educational Tradition

Thursday 19 – Friday 20 June 2014

Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

During the academic year 2013-2014, Heythrop College is celebrating the 400th anniversary of its foundation by the English Jesuits in Louvain in 1614.To commemorate this notable anniversary, Heythrop College and the Institute of English Studies of the University of London are organising a conference, involving leading scholars from Britain and overseas. The conference will explore the history of the College and the impact of Jesuit education on philosophy, theology, science, literature and the arts, with the following speakers:

Professor Michael Barnes SJ (Heythrop College):
The Jesuits and Interreligious Dialogue: The Case of Fr Thomas Stephens

Professor Kathleen Comerford (Georgia Southern University):
The Jesuits and Their Libraries

Dr Guy Consolmagno SJ (Papal Observatory):
The Jesuits and Science

Dr Philip Endean SJ (Centre Sèvres, Paris):
The Reception of Ignatian Spirituality in Britain

Professor John Haldane (University of St Andrews and University of Notre Dame, USA):
The Jesuit Contribution to Philosophy

Professor Dayton Haskin (Boston College):
The Jesuits and English Literature – John Donne and Ignatian Spirituality

Professor Karen Kilby (University of Durham):
Is There a Jesuit Tradition in Theology?

Dr Robert A. Maryks (Jesuit Institute, Boston College):
Jesuit Education and Classical Literature

Professor Nicholas Sagovsky (Roehampton University):
Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ: The Poet as Theologian

Mr Michael Walsh (Heythrop College):
The History of the College: From the Move to Stonyhurst to the Present Day

Professor Maurice Whitehead (University of Swansea):
The History of the College: Until the Move to Stonyhurst in 1794

Dr Rowan Williams (Magdalene College, Cambridge):
Liberal Education: the Jesuit Response to a Theological Imperative

The cost for the two-day conference is £50. Concessions are £35.

Early booking is essential at



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