Throughout the Festival
Monday 10 – Friday 21 March
The Science Festival starts here!
Welcome to the first week of events at the Science Festival: the programme is packed with talks, tours and discussions on a range of topics from healthy brains, the science of cycling and making machines that see, to exploring our Universe from its beginnings.
Events in these pages […], are listed chronologically by time and date and show the type of activity, the appropriate age and whether you need to pre book. Access information for all venues is provided at the end of this programme alongside a map of the city centre events to help you navigate your way around Cambridge. We have over 250 events on offer at the Science Festival this year, with something for everyone, whatever your age and interests.
Isaac Newton’s camera
Looking at the last twenty years of the Science Festival in an exhibition that plays with the colour spectrum.
Talking science: what next?
Join the Vice Chancellor and guests as we discuss science and its impact on society.
Icarus at the edge of time
A musical re-imagining of the Greek myth as we ask what if Icarus travelled into a black hole?
Click here to download the programme [7.6 MB PDF].
For more information and updates, visit the official website for the University of Cambridge Science Festival here.
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